Yugo › Mentefacto › Nomenclature › Real Numbers › What Is Rhapsody › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Yugo
  2. Mentefacto
  3. nomenclature
  4. Real numbers
  5. What is rhapsody

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Yugo › Definition and Meaning

The origin of the word yoke comes from one of the oldest languages in which records are kept Sanskrit. Specifically it comes from the word Yug, meaning union. This term was incorporated into Latin, forming the iugulus word, meaning throat.
A yoke is an ancient utensil own livestock. It is an artifact usually wood that serves to unite the neck, two oxen, two mules and other animals matched so that they can carry out loading or plowing.

The use of the term figurative

This tool livestock has, in turn, meaning symbolic. Thus the yoke of oppression represents the idea of human beings. This way, someone is subjected to a yoke when a power over him that prevents free will is exercised.
In the field of politics, the yoke matches any government tyrannical acts by use of force and exercises power of despotic and totalitarian manner. In everyday language this term is used to express situations of exploitation and subjugation. Consequently, anything that restricts freedom can be seen as a yoke.

The face of oppression symbolized by oppression, human beings have two choices: submit or rebel

Submission means the renunciation of freedom due to fear of retaliation, but is a way to survive. Instead, opt for rebellion supposes the exaltation of the free spirit, but also rebel positions are risky and involve great sacrifices.

The yoke and arrows in the history of Spain

The symbol of the yoke and arrows is part of the Spanish symbols from the times of the Catholic Monarchs. Then the national emblem incorporated these two elements, so that the yoke represented the union of the Kingdom of Castile and Aragon, ie Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand and, moreover, the arrows representing the fight against Muslims for centuries of occupation.

The symbol of the yoke and arrows was built in the 1930s by the Spanish Falangist movement

The founders of the Spanish Falange were inspired by the traditional heraldry of the Catholic Monarchs and created their own symbols: a red and black flag in the center had a yoke crossed by a bundle of arrows.
After the triumph of the national side in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), the Franco government adopted the Falangist symbols of the yoke and arrows as representing the unity of Spain. From the death of Francisco Franco in 1975, the symbols of the dictatorship were slowly disappearing and today the yoke and arrows have been left as a reminder of the historical past of Spain.
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[ 2 ]

Mentefacto › Definition and Meaning

The mentefacto is a tool graphic that aims to summarize specific issues. In other words, the mentefacto used to know what is known about a topic or to share knowledge with others. Thus, the menfacto equivalent to an outline conceptual ideas to order.
With regard to the word, it consists facto concepts and the mind. So, we could say that the thinking human (mental) is translatable to facts (the factual) and both can communicate ideas graphically in a diagram, the mentefacto.
The idea of mentefacto equivalent to others, such as ideogram, summary table or concept map.

How to Make a mentefacto

The mentefacto consists of a number of elements. In the central part of a page or a blank screen or general subject title specified. At the top it is indicated what exactly the overall theme, ie what kind of idea is.
On the right side of the central section includes everything that is outside of the case, ie, the excluded items (to express this idea can incorporate a symbol that expresses inequality ).
On the left side of the central section the causes that determine the main proceedings are incorporated. From this graphical representation it is already possible to make an explanation on a given topic.

The usefulness of a mentefacto

As to its usefulness, this conceptual tool used to visualize ideas and follow an order when exposing some content. Thus, both the exposing and the listener mentefacto explanations thereof have a carrier material that helps to understand the concepts and implications.

As a teaching tool, the mentefacto is considered very effective to reinforce the argumentative thinking

In fact, within academic he has coined the idea of plot mentefacto. It should be noted, moreover, that there are different ways to understand this tool and therefore speaks of conceptual mentefactos, the notional or propositional.
In any of its forms, these graphic schemes are designed to optimize communication and ideas have a coherent internal. As for their applications, these words graphics are part of both the academic and the business world.
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[ 3 ]

nomenclature › Definition and Meaning

A nomenclature is the set of terms comprising an area of knowledge. This word derives from the Latin, namely the union of words and calare nomen (nomen meaning name and call calare means). Thus, if we look at its etymological meaning nomenclature it is the naming of things and usually refers to the vocabulary of a subject. Thus, any material has a defined terminology, with specific terms, formulas, particular meanings, etc.
As a coherent system of words within a field of knowledge, the nomenclature allows systematization of such knowledge and the establishment of a logical order.

The chemical nomenclature

While the term nomenclature is applicable to any science or knowledge in the field of chemistry has a special significance, as chemical elements have a defined order. The nomenclature of chemical compounds is merely the way a write substance chemical or compound. If we speak of dioxide carbon, its chemical name is expressed by the formula CO2. This is due to a number of international rules which chemists refer to different substances.
In the chemical formulas positive ions and negative are used and both are expressed as numbers, deriving the number of oxidation of the various chemical elements (oxidation numbers are also known as valences). Thus, the chemical name of an element is the inverse of the formula (if the formula is written first ion positive and then negative ion, the chemical name is written negative then positive ion first).

The nomenclature in the context of the Soviet Union

During the period in which Communism was in power in the Soviet Union, the term nomenklatura to refer to the country's leaders and all those who were part of the administrative and bureaucratic system he was coined.
Originally, the Soviet nomenclature used the term in a descriptive way, because with him the various offices of state alluded. However, with the passage of time, the term was used in a derogatory sense, implying that those who were on the list of nomenclature were part of an elite and, therefore, were privileged members of society.
Naturally, members of the nomenclature belonged to the Communist Party. This circumstance expressed an obvious contradiction, since Soviet communism advocated equality among people but in practice few elites (party members who formed the nomenclature) had a privileged position.
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[ 4 ]

Real numbers › Definition and Meaning

Real numbers are those that can be represented on a number line, therefore, like numbers -5, - 6/2, 0, 1, 2 or 3.5 are considered real because they can capture a representation successive number in a imaginary straight. Uppercase letter R is the symbol representing the set of real numbers.

Examples of real numbers

The real numbers are a set of numbers and among them there are several subgroups. Thus - 6/3 is a number rational because it expresses a serving of something and, in turn, is a real number that can be displayed on a number line. If we take the number 4, we are facing a natural number, which is also part of the real numbers.
Following the example of No. 4, not only natural number, but also a positive integer while a rational number (4 is the result of the fraction 4/1) and all while being a number real.
In the case of the square root of 9, we are also facing a real number, because the result is 3, ie a positive integer that is rational at the same time, as can be expressed in form 3/1.

A classification of real numbers

Mathematically real numbers can be classified as follows. The first section could include the set of natural numbers, represented by a capital N and are 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., as well as primes and compounds, as both are equally natural.
Moreover, we have the integers represented by a capital Z and which in turn are divided into positive integers, negative integers and 0. Thus, both natural numbers as integers are included within the set of rational numbers represented by the letter Q capital.
As irrational numbers, normally represented by the letters ll, are those which satisfy two characteristics: can not be represented as a fraction and are decimal numbers infinitive periodically, for example pi or the golden ratio ( these numbers are equally real numbers as may translate into an imaginary straight).
In conclusion, the set of rational numbers and the set of irrational turn make the entire set of real numbers.
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[ 5 ]

What is rhapsody › Definition and Meaning

It is understood by this concept to the mythical part of a poem, which expressed orally exclusive and particular. While its origins allow us to travel to Greece, today the term rhapsody is closely linked to music, being the name that is known to play a single movement where the structure flows freely, linking different episodes where intertwine one wide range of colors and moods.

A brief history

The association between rhapsody and music originated in the eighteenth century, being one of the first examples of Christian Schubart work entitled "Musicalische Rhapsodien". In any case, the first author who referred to his work only with the word rhapsody was composed by Vaclav Tomasek up to 15 of these works, the first one in 1810. It
is also possible to find references to the rhapsody between the work of some of the greatest composers of all time such as Brahms and his "Rhapsody for Alto" 1869 elaborate as a wedding gift for the daughter of Clara Schumann.
During the nineteenth century the rhapsody became essentially a collection of instrumentals, first piano and then in the second half of the century, as large orchestral compositions marked character epic and nationalist following a fashion imposed by Franz Liszt.

In the early twentieth century various composers began to adapt rhapsodies to the tastes of the most popular classes, extending and making popular the use of this term for certain works

This is the case of "Rhapsody in Blue" by George Gershwin composed in 1924 by combining the influence classical with the then modern jazz tones. Thanks to this work Gershwin became one of the composers most valued by the American public as well as one of the most influential.
Currently many people associate this word to the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" (Bohemian Rhapsody), launched by the British band Queen in 1975 and has become one of the most famous titles in the history of rock. The song, loaded with a strong operatic touch but played with the usual instruments of rock music, follows a structure suite in four parts, and some people refer to it as a rock cantata seven minutes divided into three movements.
Photo: iStock - Alvaro Arroyo
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