Responsibility › Superstition › Age › Condescendingly › Halago › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. responsibility
  2. superstition
  3. age
  4. condescendingly
  5. Halago

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

responsibility › Definition and Meaning

The responsibility is the human ability to take our own decisions. We have multiple responsibilities both at work and in our daily lives. Responsibility individually and very personally lives, so that we assume responsibility as if it were an element of self - consciousness. If we consider that we must fulfill our commitments, the responsibility will become a kind of vigilante judge.
Responsibility involves taking a decision on how to act. However, there may be a law a rule or regulation that requires us to take responsibility, whether we agree or disagree compliance.
And we use the term responsibility when responsibility is not individual but it is shared with another or others. The most obvious example is the role of man and woman as parents, as both their commitment to the children spread. It is an obligation moral shared. Each of them is jointly responsible with respect to the child they have in common.
When there is a relationship of responsibility between two individuals or entities, both have the same obligations. Although sometimes it happens that one of the parties evades its responsibility and aims to disassociate the existing agreement or agreement between the two components. In these cases there is a conflict of interpretation may be that the conflict had to be clarified in the courts, where a judge should evaluate whether the covenant of shared responsibility has been fulfilled or not.
The responsibility can refer to a global commitment by a set of individuals. In a small town there are some people who deal with cleaning the streets, but all the people who is jointly responsible for cleaning. The same applies to a higher level. It is all of humanity that shares its responsibility for caring for the planet and, therefore, there is a responsibility on this idea.
The general notion of responsibility provokes an inevitable controversy among some individuals. It is what happens when a person believes that you should not share with others a certain commitment, that is, when an individual seeks to dissociate itself from the responsibility it shares with others. This happens within a group where some of its members do not meet agreed jointly. It would be a case of breakdown of responsibility and probably some conflict.
It shared responsibility as a general idea and agrees to all mankind as a whole is increasingly accepted. And it is logical that because human relationships and have a global character. It is the phenomenon of globalization, a kind of large network of responsibilities.
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[ 2 ]

superstition › Definition and Meaning

Superstition is the belief or interpretation that a person performs something or has, an event for example, and that in no way can be explained via the reason, basically because it is attributed to it a source linked to the supernatural, magic or a parallel reality, among so many alternatives proposed at the time to believe in the origin of superstitions.
From the above it is clear and we also affirm in case, that superstition is a certainty you have and that there can never be explained by reason or find him a evidence scientific. In other words, it is because the supernatural weaved their networks to succeed and be and there is no proof of that process that triggered a spirit, fate or planets that suddenly lined up like never and allowed the event to occur.
A superstitious person will believe that came home in the middle of a time of very strong rain only because his leg has lucky rabbit in the portfolio. Meanwhile, if the opposite occurred, he washed up one day and could not return home due to heavy rains, occurred because just that day did not carry the leg appreciated.
As well as with an object to which someone holds and attributes an absolute and complete power, too superstitious deploy various actions which also assign them an incredible power, as in the case of uttering a phrase, a sentence or make a spell, among others.
Western culture and other cultures have a significant share beliefs in various superstitions that were transmitted through the generations, even people who are not so affected to believe them, just in case, respect some by the fear that if fails to do so immediately you fall on your life a curse that will make everything you do will go wrong. That is, there is a strong conviction that if something superstition is not respected bad will and this fear of being punished, is something that was also learned install the pair of superstition.
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[ 3 ]

age › Definition and Meaning

Age is the period in which life of a living being. Every living being has, approximately, a maximum age that can reach. When referring to humans, the average age of men is higher or lower depending on the level of development of a nation. In an advanced country like Japan, will average age is approaching 85 years. Instead, individuals who live in less developed countries, the average age may be less than 60 years.
Humans and other living beings, has its own biological clock. The concept of designating biological clock rhythms and intensity of development of an organism and therefore determines approximate age that can reach each individual, which in turn belongs to a species.
The notion of age is present in all spheres of life. We have identification documents that specify our date of birth, access to sites depending on age, legal prohibitions on the number of years, etc. The same behavior can be admitted to a 6 year old and unacceptable to 16. Each age has its own characteristics. There is general agreement in classifying the different periods of life in four main areas : childhood, youth, maturity and old age. The delimitation of each of them is debatable, depending on the customs of each people. In the case of a remote tribe of civilization youth at an early age (approximately 20 years) is abandoned. If we refer to a citizen of a European capital it will be considered young until 30 or 35 years. These cultural differences show that the concept of age is relative and subjective. In fact, it often happens that a person says he feels young.
Age is a fact and as such provides a lot of information. So much so that many studies and analysis of society are made by reference to age. Would be the case of demography, electoral surveys and all kinds of statistics of population in that age it has a significant meaning.
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[ 4 ]

condescendingly › Definition and Meaning

A person is condescending when willingly accepts the judgment of others. Condescension is a virtue or human quality that, in principle, express kindness on the part of the practice. All human behavior that has a connotation referring to good or evil is within ethics, study and analysis of the values and conduct moral of individuals from the point of view of rationality.
And ethics is done very often an analysis of the terms used to describe what is good and what is. This is what we present below in relation to the condescension. Wanting to please people around us is positive. Evidences a willingness to understand, opposite to the dispute or confrontation message. In appearance, the condescending person is someone who respects the other, value their ideas and readily accepted. This term analysis is correct, but it is still incomplete and superficial. Condescension has a component of weakness, to manifest submission as usual pattern. When the person is respectful systematically and desires or intentions of others fits, actually manifest lack of personality, an individual who says yes knowing that say it can not cause conflict.
Condescension may be real or feigned. In the first case, it is clearly a virtue and if feigned behavior we are talking about a falsehood. Consequently, we can ask the question: when condescension is true and authentic. To answer correctly, the authority of Aristotle is a reference of great value. The Greek philosopher presents an interesting to evaluate the appropriateness or inappropriateness of behavior idea. And in this regard it says that virtue is in the middle. We apply this formula to patronize. There is talk of average because there are two extremes. One end of the condescension happen if systematically say yes to others ( it would be an exaggeration and stuff of pusillanimous people). At the other extreme would be non - condescending person, one who tends to say no to others because it does not want to please them. Well, the average between the two actions would be the true sense of condescension.
In everyday life we often hear the idea that an individual has the problem that can not say no. A good example of patronizing behavior and undoubtedly also an example of the problem is in the nature of the term.
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[ 5 ]

Halago › Definition and Meaning

Human behavior is really complex. Proof of this is the large amount of knowledge from different viewpoints, are used to meet him. Consider the psychology, the anthropology and pedagogy, sciences that analyze the behavior from their own methodological approaches.
If human behavior is complex, it is logical that the language describing such behavior is equally complex. And if we refer to interpersonal relationships there are many terms that explain some nuance or tendency in relation to how we behave. If a person tries to please others and please them will use flattery. Thus, flattery is the word or set of words we use to be nice to other people.
The appeal of flattery is very common, we use it constantly, and it is good to be friendly and polite, please individuals around us. However, flattery incorporates an idea that goes beyond the simple kindness, because cajole someone to say that we want to please but with some intention on our part. It is appreciated, therefore, that flattery is a hidden way of ensuring our interests. In fact, recognizing that our partner does something very well done're seducing him and it is very likely that this action pretend something in return.
Flattery is not disinterested. If it were we would be talking about a simple right or kind comment.
The words we use to recognize or emphasize the qualities of others are really useful in the exchange of information. Use flattery to win over someone in loving land or to make you believe that we are satisfied even if not true. This attitude can be seen as hypocritical. And certainly, if the flattery is totally false or we're lying to mention we would be hypocrites.
Flatter can also manifest weakness is our personality. If an individual uses the compliment very often because it accepts the proposals of others, certainly we would be talking about a person without own judgment and use flattery to not defend their ideas and their own opinion.
Use words that flatter does not show that we do right or wrong. It is actually a matter of quantity and sincerity. If the use of flattery is permanent and false, it is clear that it is not virtuous behavior. However, if the flattery is used moderately without exaggeration, we would be gregarious and communicative people, who can empathize in personal relationships.
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