Mesopotamia › Bitter Foods › Livestock › Tropical Forest › Authorization › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Mesopotamia
  2. Bitter foods
  3. livestock
  4. Tropical forest
  5. authorization

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Mesopotamia › Definition and Meaning

Archeology allows us to know the great civilizations of antiquity. There is a common agreement on what can be considered the first civilization: Mesopotamia.
By the year 6000. C, specifically in the area of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (now occupy Syria, Iran and Iraq) were the first cities. For the first time in history, man abandoned the nomadic, settling in nuclei population. The area of Mesopotamia, which in Greek means between two rivers, had some favorable conditions: plenty of water, wide plains and climate warm. These conditions facilitated that humans could have an agriculture and livestock to start a sedentary lifestyle.
This kind of life allowed the construction of adobe houses, temples and walls of protection. Cities begin to develop. The best known are Ur, Uruk and Lagash. Society began to organize in trades. The technique especially advanced by the invention of the wheel, the carriage, the domain of metals and ceramics. Ceramics precisely the first written information basically administrative data related to crop appears. There is also evidence of the first regulation, the code of Hammurabi, considered the first law.
Mesopotamia is a vast expanse and each city it was independent, therefore we speak of city-states. There is no people that dominate the area, but there were several: Assyrians, Babylonians, adacios, Sumerians...
Study the Mesopotamian civilization is not interested simply a matter of history, but its importance is that it was the first social organization of humanity. Its urban model and its scheme social is the germ of civilizations that developed later, uniquely Greek. One of the elements governing the life of different peoples is the belief in the gods, deities inspired by the phenomena of nature.
In the study of this civilization it has a special meaning ceramics. On the one hand, it is an art form, a support for writing and a key element for the economy, since in the vessels could keep food and drinks. Thus, it was possible to create a production surplus, settling among its inhabitants more diverse and complex relationships.
Mesopotamia as civilization disappeared after the invasion of Babylon by the Persians in century VI a. C. Subsequently, in 331 a. C Alejandro Magno incorporates this region the dominion of the Greeks. And from century VII d. C Arabs settled in the lands washed by the Tigris and Euphrates.
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[ 2 ]

Bitter foods › Definition and Meaning

There are many types of foods and are classified depending on their function. Foods with a high degree of protein (chicken, lentils, fish, liver...) have a protective function. Carbohydrates are found in potatoes, rice, pasta or honey and provide the energy needed for activities. There are foods like oil and butter fat that provide the body.
Specialists nutrition agree on the desirability of feeding in a balanced manner, with the proper ratio according to the type of food.
Other classifications of food can be made from the flavors. There are four types: bitter, salty, sweet and sour. Foods that are especially bitter vegetables (artichokes, squash, beets, asparagus, tomatoes, cucumbers...). There are also drinks with this flavor: coffee, beer or lemon juice. It is a taste that is not accepted by part of the population and the proof is that it is often mixed with sugar. The reason is that the taste buds of the tongue have a certain rejection of certain plant substances of these foods and is believed to be a mechanism of evolution to detect the bitter taste of poisons. This would explain why children are not very fond of eating vegetables.
The pleasure of the bitter taste is acquired slowly and depends on factors cultural, as the sweet and salty are initially more pleasant.
Bitter tastes are sometimes used in the ice cream parlor and cocktelería to combine with the sweet taste and offer a special taste.
Overall bitter foods and beverages have little acceptance. Unsweetened chocolate or milk is bitter and not very popular. Peel oranges because their skin is bitter. Apparently lettuce was bitter in ancient times and today has achieved its original flavor disappears. The tonic has a characteristic bitter taste because it contains quinine, a substance used to combat malaria. And a curiosity about the bitter taste is what happens with the shampoo, which has this flavor to prevent children from swallowing it.
The word bitter expresses an unpleasant thought (we speak of a defeat or a bitter love). This idea is present in foods called bitter. For this reason this flavor vegetables are boiled previously, as well its characteristic bitterness is reduced.
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livestock › Definition and Meaning

When we think of great advances of humanity us comes to mind the idea of technological objects or scientific transformations: radio, television, internet, printing, penicillin... However, about 10000 years ago mankind launched another great advance, the revolution of the neolithic. In some areas of the planet, humans began to develop agriculture and livestock. Both sectors meant that the man needed no longer seek food through nomadism, but he could settle in one place because it was able to control production provided by the land and animals.
Specifically, livestock appears when man has enough knowledge to get domesticate a number of animals: pigs, cows, goats, sheep... In this sense speaks of bovine, ovine, porcine, caprine or equine livestock. They are docile animals, which provide basic food (meat and milk) and also other complementary goods such as leather and wool.
Livestock and agriculture are two economic activities, the so - called first sector. Livestock is widespread throughout the world and in some places is more than a simple economic activity. For example, the Masai people is a Kenyan community living cattle and their customs and traditions revolve around their animals.
There are several methods of farming. Intensive is that develops in farms, in one type of enclosure in which there is a lot of animals, detailed control of the temperature, light and humidity. All this, to achieve high production at a good price. This breeding has, however, the drawback of high contamination and lower quality. Extensive livestock farming is based on the occupation of large areas where livestock itself finds its food. Their profitability is lower, but provides a higher quality product. An example is the ham, which is obtained from a pig living on the air free and feed on acorns. Another variant of livestock transhumance is where a pastor moved along several territories with their livestock, taking advantage of the geographical and climatic variables in many different areas.
The science of livestock husbandry is. Currently the livestock sector is related to others: research, veterinary, playful competitions won control by sheepdogs and there are even livestock enclosures that are used to teach children goods that facilitate pets.
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[ 4 ]

Tropical forest › Definition and Meaning

If we on planet Earth is possible to imagine a dividing line in the middle. That line is Ecuador and turning the planet has slightly more than 40000 km.
Tropical regions have a climate with very precise characteristics: very hot throughout the year, high humidity and it rains almost every day. The Ecuador is a central strip between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. This area is a circle through countries in Africa, America, Asia and Oceania.
The tropical forest is the result of the geographical location and climate. Nature that forms in this area is kind of jungle. It is a habitat of great variety and richness, both animals and plants. The forest of tropical forest is very lush and exuberant. One of the particularities of this ecosystem is the large number of insects, amphibians, reptiles and birds.
Tropical forests are especially known for their beauty and uniqueness, so naturalists and specialists studying biology influence: climate, preservation of environment, rich soil, the balance between species, etc.
The nature of these forests has several threats. The principal is deforestation, because the timber industry is cutting down a significant portion of this forest. Increase: as a result, carbon, in turn, causes the greenhouse dioxide is released temperature Earth and subsequent thaw.
It is an area with low population density, as it is not easy to live in this environment: diseases such as malaria, dangerous species, poor communications, etc. An important part of the population is formed by indigenous peoples. Their culture is disappearing because of the threat of a series of commercial interests. For this reason, there are groups that collaborate with the Indians, who have a harmonious relationship with tropical forests. They know their plants and natural remedies get them. Hunting is limited to survival and have an attitude that respects the natural environment, since it supplies them and have to keep it and cherish it. When acting economic interests in tropical forests, they do not recover their natural state until they pass a hundred years.
The tropical forest has a strategic value in relation to the sustainability of the planet. There are groups that protect and fight for their maintenance. Others try to exploit the resources.
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authorization › Definition and Meaning

Authorization is nothing but a permit that authorizes someone so you can deploy a particular action, ie it allows an individual to do something that although is prohibited or forbidden to ordinary people or x situation may do it because it has such a permit which is always issued by a competent authority in the matter that concerned.
Also the term is used to refer to the written document containing that permission we indicated.
There are laws prohibit actions in certain frames or situations, meanwhile, to carry out some of these activities that the law in effect ban will need to apply to the person concerned authorization. Some approvals require the intervention of justice and other only by a competent authority.
Thus, if a worker must retire before their working hours for an appointment with the doctor, beyond the reasonendorses it, you should ask in advance of their immediate boss relevant authorization to be absent from the office.Otherwise, it does and goes straight without that permission could recaerle one penalty.
In another vein, if a parent is separated from the mother of his son wants to travel abroad with him will need to arrange to whom it may concern an authorization to take the child out of the country in which shall settle the mother agrees with it.
If a separate parent does not have this authorization shall not remove your child from his country since you can consider you are doing against the will of the mother or hidden from it.
Moreover, authorizations are also common when entering places that hold restricted access to the general public, either because they are unique or because they important tasks that require secrecy are carried out.
In these cases the authorizations leave the paper and can take electronic forms, ie, for example, it gives a numerical key someone so you can access an office which shall mark on a keyboard.
If the password is entered is correct doors will open and if it is not be denied entry.
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