Narcissistic › Collective Unconscious › Dreamcatcher › Lotus Flower › Midwinter › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. narcissistic
  2. Collective Unconscious
  3. dreamcatcher
  4. Lotus flower
  5. Midwinter

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

narcissistic | Definition and Meaning
Collective Unconscious | Definition and Meaning
dreamcatcher | Definition and Meaning
Lotus flower | Definition and Meaning
Midwinter | Definition and Meaning
› What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

    narcissistic | Definition and Meaning Collective Unconscious | Definition and Meaning dreamcatcher | Definition and Meaning Lotus flower | Definition and Meaning Midwinter | Definition and Meaning

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

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narcissistic › Definition and Meaning

The word narcissist we use in our language to refer to everything itself or associated with narcissism, and also to refer to that individual who has a huge and excessive admiration for himself and therefore is constantly talking about it, how well does this, how excellent he is such a thing, etc.
Then, the narcissist suffers from narcissism. Narcissism is a special behavior, rather psychology sees it as a hobby that is that the sufferer feels beautiful, divine, loves and cares for it inordinately.
To the narcissist there is hardly one or more other beings around as it is considered only him almost exclusively around. So, everything that generates or about him will be considered as most important. Also, the narcissist needs all the time are saying how beautiful it is, how well does everything, that is, demand constant adulation.
Obviously the narcissist has a market share of selfishness considerably against other individuals who do not have this hobby, since for him all that matters, most importantly it, meet their needs and worrying only about what makes you feel and well.
As a result of this state of things the narcissist usually surround themselves with individuals who do not counteract, but on the contrary, extolling him even more than he does. It does not support in any way that there is someone who does not stand for valuing and conditions and qualities that have supposed.
Psychology, from different angles, of course, has been busy to address this behavior. He also defined and determined that it is a behavior that normally generates those who suffer from certain problems to develop and live in society.
And as his name was not casual but causal because it is inspired by a recognized myth of Greek mythology, the myth of Narcissus.
Greek legend tells that Narcissus was a young beautiful, there was one girl who did not fall rendered to its beauty, while after despise a nymph who declared his love, the goddess of vengeance, Nemesis, punished him by making fall in love with your physical self to be reflected in a fountain of water.
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Collective Unconscious › Definition and Meaning

The company not only can be analyzed from the perspective individually while every human being is unique and unrepeatable but the sum of each person, makes up the social substratum. Sigmon psychologist Freud gave a high value on personal unconscious while in this part of the mind, there are experiences that have profound meaning but remain in the realm of the unconscious.

Thoughts that go beyond the individual, each part of a society

As opposed to unconscious individually, also the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung speaks of the collective unconscious, ie a common substrate that transcends the individual part. This common substrate further has a thin line value as information includes all beings of all time as primitive symbols through which expresses a human information itself beyond the plane rational.

Collective Unconscious based on archetypes

Such unconscious collective is not acquired from the experience but something innate based on typical archetypes. Different archetypes can represent basic human experiences such as birth act, the act of death, love... What is the most important archetype? Being the supreme essence of the collective unconscious.
Being the plane unconscious : At what point human beings perceive these universal archetypes? Through dreams, in fact, Jung devoted much of his attention to the study of the interpretation of dreams. Through own dream visions that emerge archetypes of the unconscious collective.

A universe that becomes world and then be a country, a society, a home... and since its inception is present in one

This unconscious group includes not only the company itself but also to the Universe as a center. The collective unconscious refers in some way to that memory universal humanity built from the sum of many archetypes.
For example, it is included in this collective unconscious experience of dreams that are personal and not transferable character. Dreams that emerge memories of the past that had been forgotten moments with deep sharpness arise during dreams.
Other wildest dreams that are not the result of experienced staff, for example, dreams that have to do with the mythological show the experience of the collective value of symbols through archetypes. Through the collective unconscious, which transcends the individual substrate to achieve a dimension social.
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dreamcatcher › Definition and Meaning

The dreamcatcher is a native object Américadel North as it emerged from the creation of a native people of the United States, the Ojibwa, which eventually adopted in addition to its meaning symbolic one decorative.
Because this object consisting of a woven basket, simile a spider web, the hanging feathers or beads, has the symbolic mission to filter the dreams of a person and thus retain neutralize bad dreams, nightmares, allowing passing only those pleasant and cute. Therefore also often called as Dreamcatcher.
The design mentioned is not casual, but the fabric of the hoop is in charge of intercepting those bad dreams and allow good and positive follow their normal course. Meanwhile, pens or hanging object accounts have the mission to be the channel through which the good dreams fall into the sleeper.
These original settlers they used to put on cots or beds of smaller to avoid suffering from nightmares. But with the running time, as with many ancient objects and elements, they were attributed a wider meaning in their action, and the dreamcatcher was not the margin of this situation and also began to be used as a symbol of the culture of these native American peoples beyond its protective function with the dream of children.
But undoubtedly the dreamcatcher circumvented the limits of time and our time is common to see them hang in a room as purely decorative piece and no longer any need to act when stopping nightmares.
Today, it is possible to meet atrapasueños manufactured in different materials, wool, feathers, fabric, among others.
Also, the dreamcatcher, one turned image recurring in the world of tatoo, then those who want to be marked forever the concept of protection, often choose to catcher to do so.
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Lotus flower › Definition and Meaning

La Flor de Loto is a plant water very popular which has also become popular as Rosa Nile or Sacred Lotus and know whose flowers float above the water surface. The great attraction proposing this species besides the beauty presenting their pink or white and the various uses given to it in everyday life among the flowers cuisine and decor are its seeds, extremely long - lived and therefore are able to germinate after thirty centuries.

In China and India, it is a sacred flower

He is originally from Russia, East and Oceania and other countries, like the United States, was incorporated as a result of interest reporting. At present, in China and India is considered the most sacred flower, while in the past was Egypt his great promoter.
Precisely mentioned cultures, Indian, Chinese and Egyptian, is where most symbolic and holds boasted. The fact come endowed water, the Lotus Flower, meaning a huge symbolic not extinguished even with the passage of time.

Lotus flower and the influence of Buddhism

But if we have to make some point we must say that it is in Buddhism where this flower is credited with enormous influence because it represents one of the symbols of luck for those who profess this belief and is strongly associated with concepts such as purity and virtue. Even the Buddha always is depicted sitting on a lotus or admiring a flower like this, especially when instances of meditation, so important in this current practice.
One of the main proposals of Buddhism is selflessness that aims to sow about the material issues, as the lotus flower has a mission to symbolize that selflessness and purity of mind.
It 's just that flourish from the water which uses Buddhism as a symbol of material detachment.
Its flowering season occurs in the summer and is nationally and India and Vietnam flower.
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Midwinter › Definition and Meaning

The solstice is an event of astronomical nature and designating seasonal changes that mark the arrival of winter and summer. It is especially characterized because either the summer or for the winter, it will be noted a marked difference between day and night respectively.
So there are two solstices that occur during the year, which corresponds to winter occurs between 21 and 22 December and marks the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere, while the solstice summer starts on 21 or June 22 and sends the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere.
As a result, the winter solstice, it turns out l longest of the entire year and the shortest day night and in return the summer solstice is characterized by bringing us the longest shortest day of the year and night.
This happens because the Earth revolves around the sun and its own axis, meanwhile, should imagine that axis which straight line from the North Pole to the South Pole and is not perpendicular but at an angle of 23.5 degrees make that from March to September to tilt toward the sun that is what will be marking the different seasons.
It should be noted that since ancient times, civilization human has been aware of these events called solstices even have even led to the development of rituals and special celebrations in their names.
In the case of Europe there are many countries that celebrate the winter solstice because it marks the rebirth of the sun, because from that day will go by the days getting longer. One of the most widespread practices was a log burning, the ashes were kept and in this way was intended to ward off evil spirits present. This is also used practice to produce more crop fields.
And in the western part of the land the winter solstice is also celebrated, however, it proposes another activity that is to stay awake long night proposing this solstice thus ward off evil spirits.
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