Retro › Feng Shui › Minimalist › Vintage › Abs Brakes And Brake › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. retro
  2. Feng Shui
  3. minimalist
  4. vintage
  5. ABS brakes and brake

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

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retro › Definition and Meaning

The term retro used extended mode in our language intended to evoke a past time or something that belonged or is reminiscent of a time that has already happened.
It should also be noted that it is often used as a prefix and then added to another term permits indicate precisely backward. One of the most common examples we can give in this regard is the concept of hindsight, used commonly to indicate that event or act through which an overview of the past work or work of an artist or a person becomes Dadaist. Therefore it is very common in the world art when reviewing and honor the work of an artist who has since died, and of course were created several years ago about the time that takes place hindsight.
Similarly, the term setback, as used in our language, is another clear example of what we were discussing. When someone or something is said to have made a recoil just want to indicate that it has been a step back, he has regressed about what they were doing or behavior. And he always assign one connotation negative, ie, a decline is taken as something that is anything but positive.
Moreover, the concept is also closely associated with the fields of fashion and design to refer just a trend, estiloque evokes the past through an aesthetic that brings the present styles or fads used that were a milestone in others times and after.
Not necessarily have to be old or past designs but mostly retro style involves creating today but is inspired by features typical of another era. This situation we see much in fashion, for example, where the project designers creations that boast characteristic elements that were used in past decades.
Meanwhile, in the case of interior decoration, style or retro trend it ranks among the preferences of lovers past and that those furniture or own pieces of it encompasses decades of 50, 60 and 70. Among its distinctive sign we must mention upholstered in colorful stripes, geometric designs, furniture typical American light wood, and the combination of strong colors, varieties of yellow, orange and red.
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[ 2 ]

Feng Shui › Definition and Meaning

Historically Eastern philosophies have it occupied especially to develop various proposals to improve the quality of life of people and one of them has undoubtedly been the famous and popular Feng Shui, a Chinese ancient system, based on the Daoist current proposed help people in that sense, using the elements around us that are around us to end up favoring energy stocks and benefiting our stays we are.
It is noteworthy that the running time transcended the limits of China and the Western world today has fully adopted the Feng Shui, it is applied especially in areas such as gardening, architecture and interior decoration.
Such is the influence it has achieved this art Chinese ancient that many Western architects Eastern summon experts in the field to participate in the projection of its buildings.
Because Feng Shui proposes that the place where is located our house, our office or any other place of importance also as objects circulating we are able to seriously affect our lives, for better or worse, of course.
Most people who know the subject of Feng Shui decide to place objects and furniture according to your tastes, your comfort or according to what the trends in this regard indicate, however, Feng Shui does not move with it, but it is intuition which occupy an important place in the organization and arrangement of elements in any space.
So all areas of the house can be adapted to the proposals of Feng Shui that are specially handled with use of colors, textures and also emphasizes on disposal of furniture and objects.
The entrance of the house is the first contact when we walked home after a day working and therefore have to charge it good energies according to Feng Shui. The first tip is then free it from anything that has been part of our day: do not leave purses, bags, or anything else that has accompanied us, lying there.
And most importantly: it prime order, because that chaos is the first contact with no home will bring nothing positive.
Items such as flowers, fountains with water, candles, pictures of saints or protection are ideal to incorporate into this space.
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[ 3 ]

minimalist › Definition and Meaning

The concept of minimalist is used so inclusive in our language to designate all that is itself or is linked to the artistic movement called minimalism and likewise also the term used to denote an individual who is a follower or represents said stream.
Less is more, it is the famously enunciated by the architect and designer of German origin, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, one of the most important exponents of the movement minimalist.
And the grip, consistency and coherence of this popular claim that has already been in the annals of the history of design is precisely in the fact that minimalism proposed as leitmotif just the use of basic and minimum elements, ie, minimalism proposes to set aside the accessory, any remaining element considered should break that dynamic minimalist right and necessary. It comes down to the essentials.
A use of the minimum elements that are necessary and it accompanies the use of pure colors and simple lines. Consider the interior atmosphere of a living room with minimalist trend in the same, we will find a couch, a coffee table, a lamp and furniture with simple lines where electronic devices are accommodated.
Like any trend, current, he has raised and raises fanatical fans and detractors.
Of course his followers strictly comply with each of its premises, meanwhile, who profess against him especially criticize, following in the field of decoration and design, the absence of personality that recurrently suffer minimalist spaces.
Also they attributed the lack of details and accessories that are often necessary to add to the home comfort.
However, we must also note that minimalism is not only restricted to decoration and architecture, it has also extended its maximum to other areas such as the philosophy, music, sculpture, painting and even with regard to the form of living. In this aspect we can say that those who choose a way of life minimalist boast of having minimized their material belongings and also the needs.
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[ 4 ]

vintage › Definition and Meaning

The concept of vintage designates the process consisting of the harvest and subsequent picking grapes. The grape is the main raw material when manufacturing products so consumed worldwide as in the case of wine and vinegar.
The grapes come from the genus of plant known as vine and that is undoubtedly one of the most important economically in the world, because as we said, after subjecting to a special process the wine is obtained. Although, we must also emphasize that it is a fruit popular hyper that everyone likes to consume natural. Its uniqueness is that it is achieved in clusters, are formatted round, rather small, and very sweet.
Their coloration also deserves a paragraph apart since we can find yellow, green grapes, black, gold, purple, brown, among others.
Vintage is an old procedure certainly already well practiced primitive civilizations like Egyptian was there for silo II AC
At present there are basically two methods of harvest. Manual proposes a rather selective collection and used for the production of wines of the highest quality. Now, we should mention that this method is much more expensive compared to the mechanic.
The mechanical process is being imposed fairly by low costs and complications that exist in finding skilled labor for manual process.
The term also designates that time of year in which the said crop harvest is collected. In the southern hemisphere this period is between February and April and in the north between July and October. Obviously it strongly influences the degree of maturity that is waiting.
And the concept is extendedly used to designate the festival celebrated in most of the places in the world where grape cultivation is carried out. This celebration has been imposed for thousands of years to celebrate the harvest just come true.
One of the most recognized is one that is celebrated in Argentina's Mendoza province, an area par excellence is carried out grape cultivation to produce wines.
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ABS brakes and brake › Definition and Meaning

The brakes are present in all automobiles mechanism whose basic function is to stop the march thereof, or otherwise slow it down slowly. But it is not only present in vehicles but also elements are basic and essential in other means of locomotion, as in the case of bicycles and motorcycles, among others.
Then, as a result of the mission that met in the vehicles mentioned we say that they are certainly fundamental part, that in case of failure or no room, could cause tremendous accidents since the vehicle in question would be unable to stop their march when necessary.
The foregoing is that the brakes are being essential parts in car safety or other vehicle and is therefore is important that the motorist frequently check the system to prevent failure that suddenly complicate their use.
Putting him in clear and forceful terms, brakes allow us to stop or slow down the car as stated above and therefore if these do not work, do not respond properly, it can not be stopped and this can generate a tremendous accident, either against another automobile or a pedestrian against flowing.
We only have to check in history when someone plans to attack a person through your car what you usually do is disable the braking system to thereby ensure their inability to brake and thus is will result in a collision safe. We have seen in many films but boy is a certain reality...
In the quest for greater safety for occupants of cars and also traffic in general is that has been incorporated into cars braking system ABS, started to aircraft and consisting of an anti-lock of the wheels of cars. Basically ABS brakes make braking when the tires achieve greater adhesion and braking is immediate and safe. A technology fairly new and the service of the safety of motorists and people who are driving them.
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