Miserable › Groundnuts › Pepino › Talisman › Mediocre › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Miserable
  2. groundnuts
  3. Pepino
  4. talisman
  5. Mediocre

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Miserable › Definition and Meaning

Wretched concept is widely used in our language and holds different meanings. One of the uses we give you is to appoint the unfortunate and unhappy person. Typically, this sense of the word we use to account for the bad luck that we have in something or in a situation, in personal, economic, labor level, among others. "We kicked out of office by a series of miserable attitudes."

Something that has no value

On the other hand, when something has no value, or it is very small, we often speak in terms of miserable. "The reward we got was miserable and did not reach us at all."

Synonymous with covetous of evil and perversion

Another sense allows use as synonymous and mean miser. The miser is someone who accumulates and accumulates money and not spend on anything, even, nor moved by the need for someone who needs it. Greed is considered the excessive desire to accumulate material goods beyond need them to live. This attitude is absolutely doomed from the plane moral and also from religion.
And the word is used synonymously wretched wrong and perverse. People with these characteristics like to intentionally cause damage and will stop at on that aim to harm. Loosely constructed will always be some action to disturb and harm others.
From the above it follows that this concept has a connotation absolutely negative, that is attributed to a fact, situation or person, always imply something bad and not good.
Who leads a miserable life must endure hardships, shortcomings and other sufferings that embitter his existence.
When the miserable quality is caused by lack of financial resources often wake up in the other a feeling of compassion and sometimes is the subject of assistance and support for those who have more.
We can not ignore that the word also refers us to one of the most renowned novels in the history of literature : Les Misérables, written by French author Víctor Hugo in the second half of the nineteenth century and since its release was a bestseller and versioned for tevé, the cinema and the theater.
Photo: iStock - Mixmike
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[ 2 ]

groundnuts › Definition and Meaning

The peanut, also known as peanut is a nut from the Arachis plant hypogaea native to the tropical region of South America, widely used in confectionery, usually eaten toasted with some salt but also can occur praline in sweet varieties or even as part of main meals in stews, sauces and salads.
The primary component of peanut are lipids specifically the fatty acid type, these are 40 to 55% of its composition and explain why its high caloric content which is estimated at about 560 calories per 100 grams.
Peanuts are a major source of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, also it contains proteins, vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus and zinc.

peanut beneficial effects for health

Its high content of omega 3 fatty acids makes peanuts have the property of reducing the numbers of LDL or bad cholesterol by increasing HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol, which has a protective effect on cardiovascular level related to the decrease in development atherosclerosis which leads to lower the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke.
The presence of minerals like zinc promotes healing processes, growth of hair and nails and fertility, in fact many cultures have considered an aphrodisiac.
Another benefit is its high antioxidant power that is conferred by a substance found in the shell that is resveratrol, this contributes to cardiovascular and anti - aging protective effect.
Peanuts has also been shown to have anti - cancer effect by its content of phytosterols, which are also beneficial in men affected by benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Some people should avoid eating peanuts

Peanuts while it has a lot of beneficial properties should be used with caution in two conditions, food allergies and fibromyalgia sufferers.

Food allergies. One of the foods most frequently associated with the development of food allergies are peanuts, this disorder may present with abdominal pain, diarrhea and bloating, in the most severe cases rashes may appear on the skin, itching, swelling of the eyes and lips.

Fibromyalgia. It has described an association between the onset of fibromyalgia crisis with food allergies, so it is not recommended that people with this disease rheumatic ingest peanuts or foods containing it.

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[ 3 ]

Pepino › Definition and Meaning

The cucumber is the fruit of Cucumis sativus, originating in India, plant has an elongated shape and is green on the outside, its flesh is whitish and has a lot of ovoid seeds throughout the interior. Since cucumber develops from a flower and contains seeds it is actually a fruit and not a vegetable.
This fruit is usually eaten raw or as part of the ingredients in a salad or juice, small cucumbers can be prepared as a pickled gherkin receiving the name generally used in the preparation of burgers, sandwiches, sauces and antipasti. It is an ingredient widely used in Greek, Arabic and Mediterranean cuisine, it has recently gained popularity as a fundamental ingredient of juices used as tonics and to lose weight.

The cucumber is mainly water

This plant consists of 97% by water, the nutrients it provides include potassium, phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, vitamins A, B and C. It also provides plant fiber and silicon.
Another substance present in the cucumber is the curcubitacina, this is responsible for its slightly bitter while relates to several of its benefits for the body flavor.

Cucumbers have several properties in addition to its diuretic effect

The effect for the most recognized health of cucumber is its ability to stimulate the production of urine, which gives it its diuretic property, this relates to its high content of water and potassium. This effect is enhanced when combined with fruits like pineapple.
Its content of vitamin C helps increase collagen production which helps to improve the appearance of the skin, heal wounds and contribute to the growth of structures such as nails and hair. This effect is enhanced by its silicon content.
Cucumber is often used cold sliced directly on inflamed skin to relieve congestion, especially on burns or directly on the eyelids. It also helps relieve discomfort such as itching of the skin.
The curcibitacina present in cucumber contributes to their diuretic and also contributes to increase the intestinal peristalsis, which accelerates digestion and stimulate defecation what some people may have a laxative effect. This substance has recently been linked with anti - tumor properties, especially against brain tumors, kidney and malignant melanoma.
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[ 4 ]

talisman › Definition and Meaning

An object, image or figure full of supernatural power that helps counteract the evil spirits and desires

The talisman is an object, a figure or image to which they are responsible both virtues and some supernatural power. Of course those who attribute this power to them talismans believe in superstition, that is, there are people who are able to make us a bad or damage and to counter their actions need the talisman.
It is common for people to use talismans with the idea to ward off evil spirits or bad vibes posed by lurking and with them effectively protect themselves from these.
Since ancient times the mankind uses the talisman to just bring good luck and ward off from his environment evil spirits.

The Talisman works if it has been invested as such by its creator

Talismans are typically gemstones materials such as gold and silver and can have a form singular, however, not talismans other discarded such as four - leaf clover, the horseshoe or rabbit 's foot.
It should be noted that the operation of talisman will only from its consecration to be invested with the supernatural power by someone with authority in this regard.
While there are some fine differences between them, the concept of talisman is often used interchangeably with the amulet.
Anyway by talismans and amulets they are often associated with good luck and that is why people who are superstitious always carry one in your purse or wallet to ward off any evil or danger.
Without Superstition this little work will be done talismans, but of course, if there will be very important for that person and any loss or unpleasant situation they believe very bad omen.

The most renowned talismans: elephants, horseshoes, rabbit's foot, four-leaf clover...

We have already mentioned lines up some talismans popular use: rabbit's foot, horseshoe and four-leaf clover but many more also widely used, such is the case elephant is believed attracts success and good fortune and should be placed trunk pointing to the entrance to the house. The bells also have the same and they should be doing grinds to ward off bad vibes place.
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Mediocre › Definition and Meaning

Something is considered a mediocre thing when it is normal, current and heap. In other words, mediocrity does not stand out in a set of similar things, because it is not the best things and the worst.
Mediocrity is always a comparative issue and can only be understood in certain circumstances. And so it is with mediocrity when referring to people. Consider the dimension relative mediocrity with a simple footballing example, a front can be mediocre to play for Real Madrid but a great player to join another team.
A relevant question is the evolution of the concept analyzed here, because we must not forget that the exceptional can end up being lackluster in many cases (in the fashion world the initiators of a new style are rare, but by winning the new trend and it becomes generalized normal and therefore mediocre). Moreover, the use of this term has a meaning or another depending on the context, so it can be used as an insult or as something positive.

Vindication of the mediocre man

The Roman poet Horace coined a concept that still employ the golden mediocritas, which comes to satisfaction current or mediocre man; who finds his happiness in a simple way and without any pretensions. Previously, Aristotle pondered the mesotes or average, which is the virtuous path based on avoiding extremes of behavior and, therefore, is a defense of moderation, something that connects with mediocrity. Following historical references, it is worth remembering the praise of Jesus Christ of humble men and the poor in spirit in the Sermon on the Mountain. These examples highlight that the ideal average, ordinary and mediocre man has been defended throughout history. In this regard, we must not forget that communism was headed to the great mass of individuals, the proletariat, that they were the protagonists of a revolution through the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Against mediocrity

There are other ways to assess the mediocre. In fact, the defense of the common man means to some not understand that humanity has evolved thanks to the ingenuity and effort of great men, exceptional people who broke molds because they moved away from the mediocre life.
Only different, individual atypical and unusual is able to bring something different. Who have changed the course of history have been figures like Jesus, Mohammed, Newton or Plato, only individuals who have nothing to do with gray and ordinary man.
Photo: iStock - Giulio Fornasar
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