Prototype › Persecution › Option › Accumulation › Regret › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. prototype
  2. persecution
  3. option
  4. accumulation
  5. regret

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

prototype › Definition and Meaning

The concept of prototype designated in our language the model mold or something newly created or manufactured and to be used as a guide, model for many others, in cases of mass production, for example.
It is very important then, in situations like the above, have the prototype because it is to perform a copy equal to the creation, otherwise, lack similarity and then it can happen that the consumer end do not want that product because it does not seem nothing like the traditional or classic.
It also mentioned that the prototype may have a mission demonstration, test. Moreover, most prototypes are created are used for this purpose, and then, once you have been shown and experts or users the they test compliant and give their approval is that unleashes production is cast into series which we spoke.
Putting into practice the famous trial and error, because the prototype allows just that, try and warn failures prior to making massive.
Undoubtedly this use companies that produce prototypes give helps not to lose money on expensive productions then are not because the product has a fault which does not conform to the user.
Allowing your testing through a product prototype that will avoid this loss of benefits.
On the other hand, the word is also used to refer to the person who presents unique qualities that will end up becoming a role model in certain physical appearance or field whatsoever.
Your cousin is the prototype of woman of our time: attractive, young, active, independent hyper.
Diego Maradona is the prototype of skilled football player.
Anyway, the concept, whether applied sobvre a thing or person, is used to express what is a model, a pattern, a copy, or a mold of something.
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[ 2 ]

persecution › Definition and Meaning

The concept of persecution has widespread use in our language and we use when we mean that someone is next to another or others not in a normal way but does so persistently and continues in some good extreme cases atosigándolos and generándoles a particular annoyance at the insistence of following in his footsteps every place they go.
Jealous, very possessive, people usually develop this type of action when presented with a question about the loyalty of your partner or someone in particular.
Also, the above action is displayed by the press, more precisely by the paparazzi or those reporters who touches them to cover shocking news, because in the development of their profession and to get the scoop, the picture of the protagonists in flagrante, They should literally follow on each side that go even stand guard at the door of his house until they leave.
Celebrities often complain about this situation repeatedly because they consider that monitoring often transgresses the barrier of privacy.
Worth to remember a sadly famous episode linked to a paparazzi chase in which died the Princess Lady Di.
The former wife of heir to the British Crown was in her car along with her boyfriend, Dodi Al Fayed magnate, and started being chased by reporters who wanted to get a snapshot of the couple.
Intending to escape this ambush the driver made an abrupt maneuver that ended in an accident and the death of the famous couple.
Moreover, the concept of persecution is used in the field of politics when someone wishes to state that feels the subject of harassment and mistreatment by the governing authorities or by another source of power as a result of not thinking of Just as they do.
Who historically have manifested in different ways against the power shift they have been persecuted.
This persecution is often a close monitoring everything they do, say and who meet also obstaculizándoles their public demonstrations.
But in more extreme cases that persecution may consist of violence physics.
And finally, the concept is widely used also to account for monitoring the police or authority of security made against those who have just committed an illegal, with the mission to stop them. On foot, by car or motorbike, often chasing criminals.
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[ 3 ]

option › Definition and Meaning

The concept in question in this review has reason to be at the request of a choice situation where several alternatives are offered something, because just the option is one thing that can be selected from a varied range of proposals.
There are times that we find very simple to choose an option, because for example, from among the available options easily recognize that best suits us or benefit us. But then it may happen that the choice between options is not as simple and then we demande of an analysis time or ask the council to another in order to choose the best option.
Always aim is to choose the most auspicious choice, but of course, as we said, is not always something happening one.
It also noted that the concept of choice is linked to another extremely important as is that of freedom, because without the provision of this would be impossible for us to make choices but directly force us to do something, opt for one and done, there would option to choose one or the other proposal.
One option also can be understood as the right of a person to make a profit under certain conditions or circumstances.
Moreover, the concept of option is very present in those television programs of questions and answers, as the pair of the question, it is offered to the contestant a number of options from which you can choose the one you think is the correct answer or answers the question posed.
And also in the academic field turns out to be frequent when evaluating the knowledge of pupils, the exams Consten of questions that accompanied several options. Multiple Choice or Multiple Choice, as is designated in the Castilian language, is the formal name for this type of evaluation.
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[ 4 ]

accumulation › Definition and Meaning

The word accumulation can express the arrangement, in large quantities, something. This accumulation is something that usually results from your meeting, gathering or grouping sustained over time and that just makes you were able to gather a significant flow.
People have a tendency to accumulate things, some prized by the value affective presenting and many others by simply not let go thinking that probably we need them later. And so it is possible that with running of the years we are able to accumulate and accumulate many possessions, objects, elements, among others, and we do it for different purposes.
When the accumulation is excessive and is oriented exclusively to the desire to accumulate material wealth to save and not discard them, the religion Christian, considered a cardinal sin, meanwhile, that provision popularly know as greed.
It should be noted that in the most extreme of that desire to accumulate and accumulate assets cases it is possible to transgress the limits of the law, for example, stealing, cheating, and even bribing to access more material goods.
People who act with this profile they are called misers and it is common not find another happiness or pleasure in their lives than make the meeting more and more wealth.
Moreover and as corriéndonos of this negative and ill actions we deal with greed, we can also find people who hoard, accumulate objects, items such as hobbie and end up becoming collectors.
The fan of antiques will take its time to collect all kinds of old items and arrange pleasure to bring all these objects, furniture, special and for that purpose physical location, or at home.
As well as with other terms, accumulation, receives a symbolic reference and we use when we mean that someone or ourselves grouped or collect problems, to cite one of the most common situations that are used at a level symbolic.
In geology, the word has a precise use to indicate the result of the union of sedimented materials, a weather phenomenon.
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regret › Definition and Meaning

People make decisions constantly. Every decision is taken in a particular context, that is, from the maturity of the time, personal circumstances and personal point of view. As every human being changes throughout his life and evolves also at risk to change their point of view on a particular issue.
And there are people who are punished harshly when they repent for something they did in the past without realizing that this issue is no longer real and it is just a memory that is in the mind. Do not waste your time trying to change something that this happened because it's impossible. It is more important to focus on the present and be happy really thanking yesterday.

An opportunity to strengthen the heart and friendship

The repentance is healthy because it shows the capacity for reflection that exists in the heart human. In addition, repentance also fosters personal encounters. For example, when a person has offended another can take the step of apologizing to realize that was wrong. When you regret something has happened think about what you can do today to repair that error. If you can not do anything, then, follow your path taking the error as an opportunity of learning a lesson that the style of the moral of a story teaches you what you do not want to repeat.
The repentance is linked to the inside who recreates suffering through thought something happened in the past. It is also linked with guilt which is a form of inner punishment.

The problem of feeling regret for what was not done

Often people repent easier not for what we did but for what they did. For example, people regret having let slip a great love not having taken the initiative to declare feelings.

valuable advice

There is no manual for instructions on how to live. The best way to have peace inside is to act in a manner consistent with personal values and beliefs. But certainly, it is also very important to be honest with yourself to apologize before a mistake that has hurt someone else.
Make a gesture of repentance is a lesson in humility that shows the best of the human heart through love and respect for self and others.
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