Satiation › Sucrose › Bloodhound › Sabotage › Flavoring › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. satiation
  2. sucrose
  3. bloodhound
  4. sabotage
  5. flavoring

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

satiation › Definition and Meaning

The word satiety allows account in our language of unbridled satisfaction we experience after having satisfied a desire or a physiological need, such as eating.
When a person has eaten that meal and met him and if he is the feeling in your body not to want to keep eating, that's satiety.
It is a response that can be described as homeostatic generated by our body naturally when satisfactorily covers the demand for food. Satiety that produced me your lunch is huge.
It noted that in the language slang is common that when someone experiences satiety in food stuff to talk about panzada or binging, the panzada or eating binge that occurred, if ingested a large amount of food.
The concepts that are opposed to satiety are on the one hand, of hunger and on the other hand, need. Hunger naturally implies the need experienced people and animals bring them food to our body.
While the need refers to the lack or shortage of something you need or want, either to live or be happy.
It is in our brain through the vagus nerve and called from the digestive system, where certain mechanisms act and send information from hunger, or failing satiety. Hunger usually occurs every four hours so we could say satiety that lasts more or less that time.
Eye do not confuse hunger with timely desire to eat a thing, basically because hunger is restoring balance psychophysical through food intake.
For its part, the expression ad nauseam allowed to express that until we can more or being full of something not stop.
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[ 2 ]

sucrose › Definition and Meaning

The sucrose, popularly known by everyone as table sugar, is a disaccharide which is formed by the combination of glucose and fructose. The first is a type of sugar found in fruits and honey in while fructose is another type that is also found in fruits and honey but also in in plants. Meanwhile, the disaccharides are type glucide formed as a result of the condensation of two identical or different sugars.
It should be noted that the sucrose crystal is physically characterized as transparent and white coloration. This situation is caused by the diffraction of light on the array of crystals. It is obtained from the sugar cane, the corn or beet is then purified and finally crystallized.
Undoubtedly, sugar, is the most popular sweetener in the world because it is the most commonly used when bring you a sweet or sweeter flavor food or product, and it is that sucrose. In cases in which it is used to add sweetness it because that product or food in question originally has a bitter taste.
It is worth mentioning that sugar has a significant caloric value and for that matter is that those conscious silhouette instead use some substitutes that have an origin mostly artificial.
While there are countless negative beliefs about sucrose truth it is that per se is not at all harmful to health but it is a very good nutrient for our body, is easily digested and does not generate toxic during their metabolization Now the problem arises when sucrose is consumed in large quantities by people and there they may be directly responsible for a high rate of glucose in the blood.
When the latter situation occurs it rises the production of insulin and over time, in some cases, can cause serious health problems, as in the case of diabetes.
Other diseases that are associated with the consumption excessive sucrose are tooth decay and obesity.
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[ 3 ]

bloodhound › Definition and Meaning

It is termed as bloodhound to that type of dog that is especially guided by its smell and has a tremendous skill at hunting.
Among its salient physical features include: large - sized, long ears and short hair. It should be noted that the word sleuth, in this sense, is often used as a synonym dog.
The FCI (FCI), which is the body that globally deals with promoting and monitoring the breeding of domestic dogs, established that there are a variety of types of bloodhounds among which are the Bloodhound and Bloodhound, such is its name in English.
The San Huberto hails from Belgium and the FCI excels by its fine sense of smell, being the most prominent in this regard throughout the world. Proof of this enormous sense of smell is that they can keep track of someone or something after fifteen days of their presence in a place x. The enormous sensitivity of their noses is physically determined by the inner folds available right in their nostrils.
Given this arrangement special it is that the Bloodhound is widely used by the forces of security in a nation in which to work tracking is concerned, because they are hardly escape some of these wonderful smell copies.
Even, this race has a long history that involves the very same English monarchy, as the King William the Conqueror, who became popular as William the Conqueror, and who reigned between 1066 and 1087, knew how to use these dogs for their gestas.
Moreover, in language colloquial and derived from the aforementioned reference another common use of this word, which allows us to refer to a person who turns out to be very clever and suitable when the Surge research or having to follow the steps of any fact or someone. Worth mentioning that this sense may also be referred to the following synonyms: detective and investigator. By case investigators in the jargon they are called bloodhounds.
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[ 4 ]

sabotage › Definition and Meaning

The word sabotage allows us to relate the performance of acts of sabotage. Meanwhile, the sabotage realizes the destruction or deliberate deterioration that someone or a group he proffers a product, a place, or a machine, with the mission to leave a message contrary to existing power either proferirle one serious injury to someone or something. That is, sabotage would somehow an instrument of struggle that a person or group can deploy within its confrontation with another to weaken its position.
In wars, armed conflicts between factions or nations, as applicable, is a recurring action that opposing sides perpetrate acts of sabotage against its enemies with a clear mission to weaken in some way.
On the other hand, in the field work it has also been a regular practice of sabotage in cases where workers want to hurt for some reason your employer. That is, sabotaging some of the practices or work done in the company to display the negligence or incompetence of this and so discredit it.
It is worth mentioning that in any of the cases mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, sabotage may involve serious physical both for those who made it as for facilities and persons to whom it is addressed, even in the most serious cases consequences can lead to the death of individuals.
Then, taking into consideration set forth in the paragraph above, the action of sabotage, may involve for the person or group that runs a legal punishment, if it is conclusively prove their incursion and responsibility in the damage to something or someone.
Among the most used synonyms for this term to count the damage, harm and damage.
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[ 5 ]

flavoring › Definition and Meaning

It is called flavorant to those prepared special substances have sapid aromatic principles, which are recruited from nature or artificial substances come from and are authorized legal matters use.
The main feature that possess these preparations is that they act directly on the senses of taste and smell with a mission to enhance the taste or smell you already have the food in question, or failing that will convey a flavor and aroma given to the thus make it much more attractive and tasty.
Meanwhile, the flavor refers to the sense that a certain food awakens our taste buds once inside our mouth. The feeling that we feel will be in close liaison with the chemical sensations that our sense of taste discover in that food. Humans will attach great appreciation to the taste and aroma have the food and often that determines their preference and acceptance. By fact it is that when some foods do not naturally have that assessment will be provide through flavorings.
It should be noted that these substances are present in various states: liquid, powder or paste and not necessarily all flavors are intended exclusively to food, but also many flavors are attributed to some products passing through the mouth of the people but they are not swallowed, among the most common are: toothpaste, gum, pens and toys.
Various types of flavorings will list below: natural (as us anticipates its name comes from nature itself and has an exclusive manner alimentary use, being obtained from physical methods such as: concentration, extraction and distillation), synthetic (such flavor resulting from a chemical process of preparation and their task to represent the features of some natural products), artificial (they are achieved through chemical processes that do not have similes or equivalent in nature yet. worth mentioning that are harmless to the health so there is no fear of ingesting) anddyes, sugars and flavorings (is chemical additives with the mission that the colors, smells and tastes of foods are much stronger and tastier than they would be in state natural, ie without the inclusion of these; they have a nutritious mission in almost every cases).
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