Rectify › Report › Last › Mother Language › Modification › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. rectify
  2. report
  3. last
  4. Mother Language
  5. modification

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

rectify › Definition and Meaning

Of grinding is an extremely common action between people and that is the correction or modification that someone made about an act, an opinion, or behavior.
When someone realizes he was wrong course he took, or said something about someone that does not belong because it is a lie, then, ideally, most honest, it is appropriate to rectify the path taken and to recognize who has committed a wrong with what he said, respectively.
Also rectification on what was said or thought might result as it was decided to adopt another thought or posture.
Basically, then, the concept extended way we use our language to refer the need for correction of faults or errors spontaneous or provoked.
The fact rectificándose someone about something is something we usually see much in the mass media mass, such as radio, newspapers, and TV stations.
This is because we live in a time when almost everything is settled in the media, therefore, that generates all want to leave for them to express their views, and often in that effort falls into improprieties and also inaccurate comments. Given these scenarios it is that those parties affected by misunderstandings or unwelcome comments asking to be rectified.
When the other half no side rectification, usually bring the case before the justice to be this person who compels, whom he refuses to do so to present publicly their rectifications.
It is a fact that when someone says something that is not accurate or true about someone it usually generate you the person many complications, personally, but also in professional, ie, both areas are often affected by liars comments.
There are individuals who were cut short his career professional to be the subject of inaccurate comments not rectified under.
But we also find very specific references for this word in disciplines such as chemistry and geometry. Liquid purification and determination along a curve, respectively line.
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[ 2 ]

report › Definition and Meaning

The report is a written document in which all data inherent turn to an investigation or study was conducted on an issue or theme; The report is always preceded by a iunvestigativa task. Meanwhile, the mission of a report is to inform someone, a superior, a company that hired us, among others, about the fact studied.
Most notable of such text is the versatility that characterizes since its structure and format is plausible to be used in the most diverse areas, that is, the report is not an exclusive work of an area much less but can it is used in many fields and situations whenever necessary to transmit the information, findings, among others, obtained after a study.
Medicine, politics, justice, economics, the media, among the fields that interact more are some of the most used reports in their daily work.
The doctor who consulted for abdominal pain, to confirm the diagnosis, can send to perform an ultrasound of abdomen. Meanwhile, this kind of practice in medicine always accompanied by a report that explains everything you see in the pictures.
Both ultrasound images as the report should lead the doctor to interpret the results we obtained.
Science also often used to report after the completion of some experimentation on a subject for just dump the details of a discovery phase followed to achieve the finding and conclusions.
Justice is another area where the report is widely used by advocates and tax attorneys to expose an issue linked to the prosecution or the defense before the courts or the judge have the responsibility to rule on the case below.
As with other documents or texts, the report, usually consists of the following parts: cover-index-introduction-development-conclusions-bibliography used.
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[ 3 ]

last › Definition and Meaning

The concept endure is used in our language when something or someone you want to show that they have been able to last and survive fantastically through the passage of time, or failing that, when that maintenance and durability is given in relation to its state, it ie the state of something or someone that knew how to remain unchanged or change very well.
As mentioned in the paragraph above, this concept can be applied to both people and things that have that ability conservation and permanence, either in time or with respect to its subject matter.
Meanwhile, when the word we use in relation to an individual normally do to show that person has been by x circumstances remain very present through the passage of time, even though his physical disappearance could remain in the memory of all and be never forgotten, nor the generation of time in which lived and acted and even by later, recalling that followed and thus keeping this in memory.
Normally artists, actors, actresses, musicians, singers and writers who made a great contribution in artistic matters tend to last over time and in the public memory even after his death. Now, only one race strong, full of successes and recognitions is able to endure an artist.
Often, those in the middle artistic often say that transcend itself known and is rather simple but what is Yes not simple is to be able to endure and remain in the public interest and preference for years and years.
On the other hand, when the concept is applied to something generally be indicating that it is able to be stored under the same conditions, for example even if they have spent several days of preparation, such is the case of a meal.
There are some foods that have the ability to be kept in good condition for a long time, even if their packages were opened or were cooked.
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[ 4 ]

Mother Language › Definition and Meaning

The human being is a communicator, ie a being who uses the word to express themselves with others. Even when the child still does not utter a word, it is immersed in a context of learning. We live in a society in which knowledge of several languages opens doors to level professional, in fact, is highly valued knowledge of English at a professional level.

Mother tongue is the first identification of a child on around

Although a person has the ability to learn a language at any time of life, there is a first language mother is fundamental for the development of every human being: the mother tongue is the first language learning the child and who Listen to their immediate environment.
The mother tongue is the language native to the baby learns to say their first words. The mother tongue as the first learning a person is your reference point level communication, the language he knows best and understands not just spoken level but also, written level.

Teach a second language in childhood phase, when knowledge is absorbed

At the stage of infants and children, the human being is very receptive to learning the knowledge of a language. So also it committed to bilingualism to train children in the knowledge of more than one language at an early age to receive academic training in a foreign language.
Knowing more than one language is important not only professionally but also personally as speaking a second language regardless of the mother tongue it provides autonomy and independence.

The influence of parents with different origins, increasingly common in the global world

In some cases, children have the opportunity of learning two mother tongues. So in the event that the parent speaks one language and another mother and child both they decide to speak in both languages to begin to interact in this way from an early age.
Mother tongue also connects with the first memories that a person retains his childhood as the word describes the world and personal memories. Language teaching is one of the most important level of training that apply in schools points. Knowing more than one language provides facilities for travel abroad without communication problems and sense of autonomy.
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[ 5 ]

modification › Definition and Meaning

Of the amendment is an action that we often use humans and consisting transform, reform, change, alter certain conditions or characteristics of things but without thereby undermining the soul, the essence that distinguishes this thing.
Intentionality to change something may occur as a result of wanting to remedy an error, correct something, or simply apply an innovation on the amended matter.
People had us changing things, personal, having to do with our behavior with our physical, among others, and also materials, such as the house in which we live.
Individuals who have a character irascible suffer much by this condition, it will cost them to link with others and not be obnoxious by the anger that dominates constantly. In these limits and severe cases, changing the way of being it is recommended to avoid just that the others will be left alone by the constant moodiness and anger.
The behavior, the behavior of a person, especially when it comes from someone mature, it is not easy to change but it is impossible. With a little willingness and recognition of what does not add up in our way of being is a good start to get it.
So it does habits, people usually have bad habits, in speech, in the eating, and that also must be changed when certainly affects the normal development of our lives.
But people we like change those material things around us, the clothes we wear, the car we drive or the house in which we live.
Who ever will be not added to that sweater from last season some detail that renovates to continue using it.
At home it is also common to have to make changes as a result of a building complex problem or simply to improve the appearance or size of a space.
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