Public-Private School › Grammatical Person › Octopus › Eatable › Categorical › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Public-Private School
  2. Grammatical person
  3. octopus
  4. eatable
  5. categorical

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Public-Private School › Definition and Meaning

We begin by explaining the School Public. In this regard, we must come to mind the concept of public service automatically. Thus, the public school is a public service as long as it is a service offered by the state for free and universal character (for all children of school age). Gratuitousness of this service is made possible by taxes collected by the state for the support of community service.
Most states offer the chance to go to any school child in relation to a common basic principle many states: the equality of opportunity. This implies that any child of any social stratum of any region of a country, will have the same opportunities to have a prosperous future, another child in another situation.
Schools are raised in different ways as is done for example in the US and Europe, however most public schools have common characteristics such as teaching the values of a nation : liberty, equality, fraternity...
Because of its public service provided these schools have to offer a teaching directly stipulated by the state, thus states create lesson plans or laws of education to which all public schools will have to stick and follow the predetermined rules.

Private School
In contrast to public schools are private schools, these schools are not part of public services from state and become part of an education provided by a private entity profit

Unlike public schools, private schools are not free by the mere fact that the main objective of a business is to make money; private schools do not have a universal character, because that group that does not want to have public school and not have to represent values specifically target, because from the point of view of a private company have the right to impart values religious, military, elitists...
Although private schools can somehow choose the type of education impart to their students, the state provides few standards of quality education to the private school must obey, then for example at the end of the school years, all students without distinction between private or public school pass a test that will allow you to go to college, so it is guaranteed that in private schools common margins respect to public school.
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[ 2 ]

Grammatical person › Definition and Meaning

The verbs we use in communication written or oral may be used in singular or plural. In Spanish there are three people for the singular and three plural. Thus the grammatical singular people are I, you, he or she, and we, you, they or them for the plural. Therefore, grammatical persons are recognized through personal pronouns.
The first person is one who speaks or acts. So, if I say "I speak", "we sing" I'm referring to the first person singular and the first person plural. In reference to a second person different from one same individual, which may be one or more persons, such as "you dance" or "you you work" it is done. Third - person pronoun he or she singular and plural they or them, such as "draw them" or "it is fun" is used.

personal forms of verbs

There are verbs that are not related to a grammatical person and are non - personal forms of the verb, which are the infinitive, the gerund and participle. The infinitive in Spanish has three possible endings in ar, er or go into, like the verb to love, the verb or verb bring out. The gerund incorporates termination or iendo ando, as loving, coming or leaving.
Participle ends damaged or gone, as beloved or out, but keep in mind that some participles are irregular, as position or seen. These three forms are called because they carry no personal pronouns in front.

The use of first and third person in literary texts

When written in first person, the narrator tells something from his personal perspective. So, if I say "I saw the thief out of the establishment and I could not help staring at his face, " I'm telling you a fact that has happened to me and I write in the first person, because I am the witness something has happened. The first - person narrator describes the reality from the first person singular or I or from the first person plural or we-as.

Writing in the third person, the narrator becomes omniscient, that is, she knows the whole reality of a matter

An omniscient narrator would say "a young man down the stairs and suddenly slipped and fell." The third - person narrator describes something from him or her in singular or plural they or them.
It is noted that the figure of the omniscient narrator knows even the feelings of the characters you are describing. The narration in the third person may also arise from the perspective of an objective narrator, that is, one who observes what he sees from outside history in an objective manner, but does not know what they think or feel the characters he describes.
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[ 3 ]

octopus › Definition and Meaning

This animal, whose scientific name is octopus vulgaris, belongs to the realm of cephalopods. It can measure more than one meter long, weighing 15 kg and come to have a span greater than a meter and a half. Normally live up to two years for their reproduction is sexual type and female dies after the expulsion of eggs.
It is one of the animals best adapted to their environment and this uniqueness makes changing the color of your body or changing the texture and shape of your skin in seconds. This capacity for transformation is possible because of its chromatophores organs.
Octopus moves slowly along the seabed using its characteristic tentacles, with which you can catch small crustaceans for food. In his mouth he has a strong peak of chitin, with which they can break the shell of a crustacean.
Its powerful senses allow him to hunt in complete darkness or remotely detect the movements of other predators. These invertebrates have a relatively large brain, similar to that of birds or reptiles. Their ability to learn is remarkable in this sense is one of the few animals that can learn new patterns of behavior.

Data call attention

The octopus is an animal that draws attention for several reasons:
1) has three hearts, so that one pumps blood with oxygen and the other two carry blood to their respiratory organs, gills, 2) your blood is blue, for use molecule of hemocyanin and not hemoglobin to carry oxygen, 3) as a defensive weapon using a potent toxin, the cefalotoxina (this substance causes paralysis prey), 4) in each of its suckers there are about 10,000 sensory cells, 5) has a vision perfectly adapted to its environment due to the quadrangular structure of the pupil, 6) females have longer tentacles males and
7) if no food for a long period of time you can get to eat their own tentacles.

Octopuses in cephalopods

If a man has a habit of groping women as a form of sexual conquest it is likely to be called octopus. Thus, the cephalopod tentacles serve as a metaphor for human behavior. This game is very ordinary language, because not forget that popularly say someone has seen lynx, leads a dog 's life, talks like a parrot, has a memory like an elephant or a weirdo.
The animal world is a constant to describe the qualities or defects of people inspiration.
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[ 4 ]

eatable › Definition and Meaning

Those foods that can be consumed without risk to health are known as edible. Humans are omnivores, which means that we have no power specialist, because we can eat all kinds of food, such as meat, fish, vegetables, legumes and fruits.

Hygiene measures for food consumption

For a food is edible is necessary that two conditions: that is compatible with human health and is in adequate sanitary conditions. In this regard, a number of measures to ensure proper hygiene in food: the conservation of certain products at a suitable temperature, washing vegetables and fruit with water, pasteurization of dairy products, correctly conservation perishable goods, etc.
If hygiene measures are not applied correctly, edible food can stop being and become a danger to health.

It's not the same comestible eatable

The edible and eatable terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but really are not. Thus, any food that can be consumed without risk to health is edible and everything that is not unpleasant is edible. Therefore, food is edible but not necessarily edible for some people.

Food has changed over time

Certain foods currently consumed normally, in the past were considered poisonous or harmful to health. Thus, tomato, tuna, garlic or chicken wings were products that used to be discarded for some reason (for example, garlic is despised by their smell and the chicken wings that were valued as a spare part).
This rejection of certain foods was not due to their negative health properties, but the scientific ignorance about them.

We are omnivorous animals

Experts in nutrition say that we are omnivores for several reasons:
1) we need minimum levels of protein and meat is one of the most suitable food for it (the plant proteins have fewer amino acids than animal), 2) need to consume vegetables their vitamin intake, 3) our physiological characteristics make that we are not herbivores or carnivores or pure, but we eat all kinds of food.
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[ 5 ]

categorical › Definition and Meaning

This word is used in language slang to indicate that something is resounding positive or negative sense ( "he told me categorically that no" or "I am categorically in favor of the proposal"). Moreover, this term has a philosophical dimension.

What categorical syllogism

When we affirm or deny anything about a class, we use categorical propositions. So, if I say "all athletes are young" I'm saying something according to category universal and if I say "some are romantic poets" It is a statement with a particular category.
Moreover, the l categorical syllogism is a form of affirmation constructed from two premises and a conclusion. For example, the following argument is an example of a categorical syllogism: All dogs are animals, some dogs are black and, therefore, some animals are dogs.
Categorical propositions depend on a number of rules (one of them would be that if the two premises of the syllogism are affirmative, it is not possible that the conclusion is negative).

Kant's categorical imperative

In the field of moral obligations we employ hypothetical judgments or conditioned type. So, if I say "brush your teeth if you do not want to go to the dentist, " she affirms something that is conditional (if you want to have to do B).
However, there are other judgments that are not hypothetical but categorical. These judgments must arise from our own conviction moral, that is, a law that we ourselves set ourselves as a standard of conduct. Consequently, the categorical imperative does not say what you have to do but how to do it.

In other words, the moral law that we use is individually acceptable as long as everyone can accept as valid

The categorical imperative classic example would say the following: it acts as a moral rule that is valid for everyone. If my moral rule is "I do what I please, " it is not desirable that this rule fits all.
But if I say "I behave with the intention of doing good to others" this statement is a categorical imperative, because it is a moral rule that self-imposed and, in turn, becomes a universal principle.
The categorical imperative formulated by Kant intended to be a general moral principle. Under this approach, moral issues must not be based on proposals "do not steal because it is sin" or "do not tell lies because it 's not right, " but that moral principles must be based on a rational approach: act according to rules that can be accepted by any human being.
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