Retrospective › Iberia › Inconsistency › Illustrator › Irascible › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. retrospective
  2. Iberia
  3. inconsistency
  4. illustrator
  5. irascible

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

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retrospective › Definition and Meaning

Man lives in time. A level of existence, lives in the present, ie, there is no more reality than now. However, from the mental point of view, a person can analyze what has happened through memory and bring to the present times of yesterday through memory. It is very positive to live centered on this but it is important to pause at some point to take stock.

Time to stop and do analysis

There are stages where it is particularly common to take stock, for example, at the end of the year. A moment in which the person makes a retrospective, ie, lists the most important moments that have occurred throughout the year. This retrospective can be applied to a specific context, for example, work, personal sphere or family.

Retrospective linked to the couple and the family

It is very positive to this retrospective also about the relationship to take stock of progress made in common and to give value to the happy moments. That is, it is possible to make a retrospective of all the good that has been shared in common. Today 's society is marked by haste, however, it is very important to find time to think and pause in order to put reality into perspective and take awareness of what is truly important.

Retrospective in the media

A journalistic level, is also performed retrospective on the news end of the year, at which time as a summary reviews the major political, social and economic developments that have occurred throughout the year is right when closes a cycle begins and another stage in the calendar. Similarly, it is also possible to perform a retrospective of the career professional of an artist with the aim of presenting his most memorable successes.

From a cognitive view

From a cognitive standpoint, one retrospective is a recapitulation that allows sorting and classifying different elements with consistent internal. It is important to analyze the path because that path is the one that adds value to the present.
People who truly reflect on their experiences are those that draw large life lessons from life itself. There is a simple way to make a retrospective manner. For example, writing in a journal experiences and frequent thoughts of everyday life.
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[ 2 ]

Iberia › Definition and Meaning

Iberia concept has been extended so used in ancient Greece to refer generally to the territory now occupied by countries such as Spain, Andorra and Portugal and the territorial divisions of Gibraltar and the Pyrenees Orientales. In the actualidadtambién usually designate this part of the planet as Iberian Peninsula in relation precisely who knew how to hold that name in the past.
The Greeks later civilizations knew it was called that way through the written documents and books in which this territory appears called as Iberia.
Assumptions that exist about the origin of the name are varied and point to the current river Ebro found in the area as a possible cause, since probably the Greeks would have called Iber, meanwhile, others speak of the existence of a town at that time called Iberians and there would have been born the idea of calling the area as Iberia.
It should be noted that the civilization, after the Greek Roman would have taken note of that name and adopted it as well.
At a time when the Greeks were the most important human civilization the planet there were not so many advances in transport that just allowed travel along Iberia and many others, was what was known by few who had actually reached there and brought some news as mentioned the Ibero people.
The Romans by a geographical issue were more likely to approach her.
On the other hand, the concept is used to refer to an airline of Spanish origin, one of the most important and used in the world, to fly back and forth from the mainland. Iberia is considered the most important flag carrier of Spain, though, since the nineties of the last century was privatized. And recently, in 2011 he made effective a merger with another airline as well known British Airway Britain.
In Spain and also from Latin America to Europe it is the most engaged online.
It was founded in June 1927.
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inconsistency › Definition and Meaning

The human being is one who may experience contradictions constant. For example, a person in love may have an inner conflict between heart and reason. Similarly, anyone can also display opposition between what he says thinking about theory and what he does about it in practice.

Moments that put one into situations difficult decision

A person may also have doubts regarding important decisions of your life. The inner struggles are very human like showing inconsistencies in a way, a lack of clarity of ideas from one who has the inner strength enough to be consistent at the level of thought, feeling and action.

Consistency based on truth, logic and rationality

Something is consistent when set to a criterion logical and rational. In the case of human behavior, a person is consistent when it is true to your personal values and your actions are a reflection of his own words. The greater consistency vital is that which is reached from the truth, that is, from the sincerity with oneself. When something is incoherent incomprehensible in its raison d'etre. An inconsistency lacks therefore a reason logic.

Inconsistency in couples and relationships

There are inconsistencies that may have negative consequences in terms of personal relationships. A person who is not consistent in their relationship with each other and have behaviors that break each other's expectations can lead to a rift. An inconsistency shows an opposition of ideas, a contradiction between two terms. Two ideas that have a harmony and do not form a whole way of a logical system as occurs with a logical reasoning as a cause and effect.
An inconsistency shows a reality that is not predictable. In terms of personal relationships, a person can pretend to hide an inconsistency through a lie.
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illustrator › Definition and Meaning

Of illustrator is a professional activity that is associated with the expression artistic as the illustrator is someone who is dedicated to illustrate texts, literature of any kind, cartoons, comics, and also materials graphic of all kinds, as in the case of greeting cards, flyers and posters, among others.
Basically what Illustrator does is accompanied by images of his own creation the message is transmitted through a book or any text. This combination is often very effective because it helps not only to better understand the message in question but also because it helps reinforce what is intended to convey.
Some people tend to better capture the images that the written word, and then it is in this sense that the activity of the illustrator is key because it can help through their drawings to clarify concepts and discharges which are difficult to understand. You can also assist in understanding the operation of a machine, since sometimes see clarifier operation is to read it.
But also and beyond the functions of teaching and understanding that we attribute, illustrator, his graphic work, make it more interesting literary product or book in question, because without doubt the images are much more attractive than words for most people. Not to mention the children who tend to be more attracted to products illustrated than by those who only contain text.
So in this sense, the task illustrator certainly also be related to providing entertainment as well as knowledge.
Paper and pencil have been the traditional, classic, illustrators allies in their task, however, the emergence of new technologies has changed a bit this long relationship and inevitably computers gained ground in activity. Now this does not imply that there are still many illustrators who continue to work as before, with paper and pencil and doing it with the same quality as always.
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irascible › Definition and Meaning

Say someone is irascible when angry very easily, that is, someone suggests a minimal negative issue about it or something that is not in agreement and then will soon show their anger, their anger. Probably for someone who does not have this feature these issues are not triggers of anger but for the irascible and yes it will manifest with shouts, blows, insults, among other ways to express themselves.
Anger is basically the feeling, the emotion that dominates the person shown irascible. Even anger, it 's really easy to recognize someone because physically consistent changes occurring in their expression facial and body. So, who he feels anger keep her frown, clenched teeth, no smile, and even in the most severe cases may develop violent anger other individuals or property, depending on the attacks motivation of anger.
No doubt anger is one of the emotions more typically human and almost all without exceptions, we usually experience it once in life, with greater or lesser intensity, but everyone we travel.
Anger is one of the many ways through which people express something we do not like or we fell really bad.
However, it is important that we emphasize that there are people who are irascible because that feature is already rooted in his personality, while there are others who may become irascible before suffering a medical condition orillness, or experience irascibility with certain people certainly they will arouse anger.
The hardest thing about anger is given to those who are irascible by nature and then the slightest thing happens to them or someone causes them bring out, and in some cases, certainly extreme and violent ways.
Experts in the field say that is good for the body and soul download anger but always to the extent that no harm is done to anyone. For instance, in situations where it is positively known that dominates not performing to attenuate some psychotherapy is recommended.
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