Namesake › Bavarian Cream › Taper › Bath › Falafel › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. namesake
  2. Bavarian cream
  3. Taper
  4. Bath
  5. falafel

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

namesake › Definition and Meaning

The word literally means self - titled the same name as the prefix homo means same and onoma name suggests. Thus, the namesake adjective used in reference to the name they share two things or two people. When this occurs the phenomenon of homonymy occurs.
If two people have the same name are said to be tocayos and, therefore, namesake and namesake are synonymous terms. When two entities share the same name are said to be homonymous, as happens with the geographical name in some countries (eg, Mexico is the name of the capital of Mexico as a country).

Types of homonyms

Homonymity can be of several types: 1) Two homographs words, ie those that are pronounced and spelled the same, as with word on (can be a preposition or letter) oy 2) two homophones, ie those that sound the same but are written in a different way (for example, sear and embrace, roasting and random, etc.).

Difference between homonymy and polysemy and between homonyms and paronymy

The homonyms are often confused with ambiguous words. To clarify the difference must be remembered that the polysemy occurs when a word has several meanings, while homonymy occurs when two words have the same shape even though its etymological origin is very different.
Two words are parónimas when they have a certain similarity in their writing (eg, attitude and aptitude, affection and affection, etc.). Instead, two words are homonyms or when written as pronounced by identical or very similar.

Confusions and legal problems caused by homonyms

When two words are homonyms occur occasionally some confusion when interpreting information (eg, Alicante is a Spanish city and also a snake or word alpaca, which may refer to a metal blank or animal).
Quite often in the mass media discussing cases of homonyms, ie those circumstances where there is a legal problem when two people are confused because they both have the same full name.
If this kind of confusion occurs between a criminal and a citizen power, the consequences can be very serious (there have been cases in which an innocent man in prison has ended because of homonyms).
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[ 2 ]

Bavarian cream › Definition and Meaning

There are several recipes that will delight lovers of good food. And the desserts are really delicious dishes that put the finishing touch to a good menu. The Bavarian cream, a cold dessert made with the combination of ingredients of custard, whipped cream and gelatin. This cream can be a complement to accompany some fruits. This is a mousse of Swiss origin. In addition, this Bavarian cream can have specific features, for example, can produce a cream strawberry or lemon.
This sauce can also be enjoyed alone, ie without accompanying other fruits. On the other hand, can also be stuffed inside a cake or a biscuit. This recipe is specifically recommended to be served cold, so it is a very refreshing dessert in the warmer seasons. This recipe does not require use of oven for preparation.

A type of custard

This dessert is known since the nineteenth century. Through cookbooks, videos from youtube and cooking blogs you can find different variations of this recipe. This recipe is a type of custard widely used in pastries.
A recipe that is very successful since it supports different combinations, for example, is a good basis for developing other creams, or can be the perfect filling for a pie, a cake or a homemade cake. The added value of baked goods at home as an alternative to pastry preparation industry is that it is much healthier. You can use this type of cream Genoese cakes, pies multistory, strudel... This cream can also be used to fill donuts.

A sweet and smooth texture taste

The effect of this custard inside a cake is to give a much more delicious flavor to the recipe. One of the keys to its success is not only the irresistible taste but also its pleasant texture.
In this type of recipes it is especially advisable to choose a nice crockery to present the dish attractively. Since the food also enters the eye through an attractive presentation aesthetics. This recipe is not suitable for diabetics because it contains sugar.
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[ 3 ]

Taper › Definition and Meaning

The bias verb has two meanings: diagonally cut something or twisting in one direction. Similarly, the substantive bias has several meanings. It may be a type of diagonal cut that is made in some garments (in the manufacture of a skirt or a dress). If we refer to the orientation of a matter we say that has a certain bias (for example, a discussion with a controversial bias).
At the same time, bias may indicate an attitude biased by a person, as does the adjective biased (for example, when someone who should be objective in their assessments adopts an interested position, ie, biased).
In the different meanings indicated above the word bias has something in common: there is a deviation in some sense, a cut in the turn takes on a subject or lack of objectivity.

Cognitive bias

In the process of assimilating information can intervene factors that alter the objective knowledge. One of these factors is precisely the cognitive bias. Psychologists refer to cognitive biases in reference to the prejudices that we face reality. Thus, a sexist, racist or classist person has an obvious cognitive bias, as its on women valuation, people of other races or individuals belonging to a social class different start from some preconceived ideas and, therefore, their valuations they are biased.
Psychologists have studied some of the most common types of cognitive biases (judge others based on our own values or tend to analyze things from others by the standards of our profession, among many other deviations or bias).

The idea of bias in the media or media bias

The means of communication make their information activity basis of objective, rigorous and theoretically avoiding any bias or biased attitude criteria. However, in various media frequently appear certain biases that question the information objetivad.
Some examples might be: information that favors one social group determined (eg entrepreneurs who make advertising in media ), information that benefits the members of a community or an ethnic group or any informative approach that expresses a prejudice in some sense.
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[ 4 ]

Bath › Definition and Meaning

The bath is a technique very simple cuisine consisting of the following. Fire place it in a pan of water and within said pan put another vessel containing a particular ingredient. Thus, this ingredient is cooked evenly by contact with hot water. It should be pointed out that this method of cooking is one of the instructions described in many recipes in cookbooks.
In that case you have to leave the container with boiling water the required time. It is advisable that the water does not exceed more than three - quarters of the height that has the perola. This point is very important because when the water starts boiling can splash out of the perola.

Traditional cooking method

To practice the bath is recommended to use adequate perola. Recommended are those that are made of a material that transmits heat. For example, glass is more advisable that the steel stainless. Why is it important this factor?
Because the temperature of the water varies depending on the material in which the container is made. This type of cooking process is particularly suitable for melting chocolate.
While the microwave is a modern medium that offers great comfort for your fast to heat specific recipes or, for example, a glass of milk. By contrast, the bath is a form of cooking traditional. In this case, heat is applied indirectly on the product to be heated. That is, the product does not take its temperature from the oven heat but by contact with water.

Recommendations for bath

So that the final result is expected is recommended that you add water if necessary during the time when, simmered, baked the recipe you are preparing.
Should choose a suitable jar to enter into the saucepan. It is also important to discard those glass jars have any cracks or are impaired at some point as they can break during the heating process.
A desirable spot for the recipe is perfect for cooking add hot water bath water.
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[ 5 ]

falafel › Definition and Meaning

The falafel is a typical dish of Lebanese cuisine, although it is thought to have originated in India where I spend the Middle East and Egypt. It consists of small fried chickpea croquettes in oil olive.
This preparation can be eaten alone as a starter or main dish, accompanied by pita bread, cream of chickpeas (hummus), eggplant cream, yogurt and tabbouleh salad. The falafel is also used to prepare other foods like shawarma, sandwiches made from pita bread stuffed with tabouleh, sesame cream and roast lamb.

Preparation technique falafel

To prepare the falafel must raw chickpeas, which have been used soaking in water at least overnight before. These washings were washed well drained and dried by removing excess moisture and then grind in a grinder or blender. Beans or a blend of beans and peas may also be used.
The crushed chickpeas mixed with onion, garlic, parsley and finely chopped cilantro, can be added a little water to form a kind of pasta. It is seasoned with cumin, salt and pepper, the mixture is worked to make it as homogeneous aspossible, is covered and left to stand for at least 30 minutes to an hour before cooking.
Then small portions are made and are shaped kibble or a pellet using the hands directly placed in abundant hot oil and leave sofreír turning until well browned.
Are removed from the oil, they drained and served hot.
Some variants of the recipe Original incorporate chickpea flour or breadcrumbs to allow more homogeneous paste which allows the falafel does not crumble to put it to fry.

Other options for preparing falafel

There are variations of the original recipe by substituting chickpea lentils or soy. Some preparations can include vegetables like peppers or less conventional proposals such as ground beef which significantly changes the taste of the falafel.
There are also variants that add sesame seeds or chia on the surface to provide flavor and give a nicer look to the croquettes. Lovers of healthy cooking change l technique of cooking, preparing baked and not sofritos which reduces the amount of calories in each kibble, but also has an effect on its flavor and texture.
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