Puzzlement › Wisecracking › Friendship Contract › Pasarela › Atlantic Front Venezuela › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. puzzlement
  2. wisecracking
  3. Friendship contract
  4. Pasarela
  5. Atlantic front Venezuela

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

puzzlement › Definition and Meaning

It is not often have a strong impression or something that leaves us especially amazed. When it happens, we say we are perplexed. Thus, the perplexity is an idea that manifest before an event unexpected.
Through reason we are able to foresee what will happen. We have a very clear idea about the phenomena of nature and understand its regularity. If clouds appear with a dark color, we have a mental image that it will rain expected. We anticipate events through the experience we have accumulated. Similarly, the daily life of each person is subject to a routine; work, leisure and rest are basically scheduled. Roughly know, therefore, what will happen.
However, unexpectedly and without warning or signal events or news shows they provoke in us a feeling of great impact. When this occurs, for a few seconds confusion it occurs. At the moment of receiving information we express puzzlement. We do it with some interjection: Oh, oh, oh... are manifestations of language that communicate precisely a degree of puzzlement. In addition to interjections, language body starts and opened his mouth as a sign of astonishment, we raise eyebrows, we took hands to the head or open arms. Words and gestures are joined at the time of perplexity.
The sense of surprise that we live to what perplexing not by definition a positive or negative character. Both options are possible. It can be said that the stupefaction (synonymous with perplexity) carries a degree of paralysis, as if time had stopped. It needs to take a few seconds to assimilate the idea of perplexity. In the language colloquial it is said not leave my amazement when we struggle to understand what has caused surprise.
For there to be a feeling that makes us feel perplexed you must have some special features. It has to be something different, unusual, illogical, outrageous, unbelievable. In short, something that alters normal.
It is not enough that there is a rare event for us to express perplexity, we must have a certain sense of wonder. People with a high sensitivity or susceptibility, are prone to perplexity as easily impressed. Instead, an individual with a temperament cold and cerebral, probably more difficult to surprise and consequently manifest perplexity lesser extent.
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[ 2 ]

wisecracking › Definition and Meaning

The wisecracking adjective applies to those who have the quality of being witty use of language. It also says something is occurring when you have an original meaning, usually in a humorous way.
When we communicate, we not simply express ideas through language, also express our personality and temperament. If an individual is occurring in their social relationships has a habit of saying things with a certain degree of originality. It is a way to liven up the conversation and not so boring. The wisecracking often tell jokes, punning, unexpected comparisons... There 's a surprise component in occurrence. It says something with a special grace and the interlocutor captures the curious or striking message.
One way to say witty things is to use the double meaning. There are claims that can be understood in various ways and combine them intelligently is a strategy characteristic of witty phrases.
Professionals communication, especially in showbiz, they use humor and attitude unabashed public address. If they are also occurring, the degree of acceptance will be higher, since it is a quality socially valued.
In Spain, the Andalusians have a reputation for funny people. They like to joke about anything. They have a special sparkle when speaking. They are agile verbally and humor is part of her personality. They are known for their occurrences.
In the comedy genre this resource is used to entertain the viewer. They are interspersed all types of interventions in which the characters say sharp, funny, witty things. Humor has several channels of expression : the humor, the monologue, the jokes. etc. In all, witty phrases are used constantly. The viewer recognizes them and starts laughing. In this way, the actor knows what is funny.
Occurrences have a common context in communication. They are not used between strangers or with a formal relationship people. It needs to be a climate of confidence among people to say these occurrences. It is what happens between friends and colleagues in a festive atmosphere, entertainment situations.
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[ 3 ]

Friendship contract › Definition and Meaning

Friendship is a close emotional relationship between two people. It is a mutual feeling of empathy, affection and respect. The concept of friendship is universal and all cultures use it. In every age, friendship has its peculiarities, but the general concept remains unchanged.
For the Greeks of the ancient world, the friendship among men was only because there was a feeling of togetherness between them in the battle moments before. Every era has added some nuance to this concept. For example, in the Middle Ages no friendship between two people of a different contemplated class. Even today there is still a discussion : the friendship between a man and a woman possible?
Being a feeling, friendship itself does not have a document certifying that (as happens with the relationship of ownership, for example). And precisely because of the absence of this document, some friends believe it as a covenant. It is a document that is not intended to have legal validity, is simply a way of expressing affection and commitment. Friends who agree to a contract, develop a set of shared agreements and finally signed the document to reinforce their good intentions.
It is a contract related to the world teenager, period in which the passions are more intense and everything is lived with great emotion. The main idea of a friendship agreement is to express the loyalty of two friends, implying that it is a deep and genuine feeling.
There is another sense of Friendship Agreement is used in the strategy trade of some brands for customer loyalty. Through it, a brand tries to link the potential client, so that it enjoys a number of advantages. This mode is typical of the entities engaged in promoting romantic relationships, expand the circle of friends and create links between them.
Friendship contracts in all its forms can be renewed by a certain date, and demonstrating that the original will is to be maintained.
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Pasarela › Definition and Meaning

The word gateway designates that rather small bridge, which is usually located in cities on a river or water body and whose mission is to connect two parts of the city in question, for example two districts or localities. In Spain and France, to name a few cases, we can find this kind of connective structure.
However, although derived from the newly exposed sense, it is anything but the most recurrent much less use, but the most widespread use that is given to the word gateway in our language is found in the field of fashion where so is called the long narrow corridor through which the models parading clothing, shoes, hairstyles and accessories, among other issues.
Footbridge in the field of fashion is as important as are the models and collections that parade because it is thanks to it that you can appreciate everything satisfactorily is the subject of the parade.
So to ensure this issue is that the walkways were erected at strategic and central locations commissioning scene of a parade and where you can by the design of the place, with an elevation with respect to the location of the auditorium so that models, and that parading, is captured exclusively of sight.
Generally, the public is willing to both sides of the walkway and places in the front rows are reserved for renowned celebrities who are invited to the parade.
And although as we said gateway events fashion is the reference that most associated with the concept in question, it is common in other events or situations gateways also emplacen, whether to display any question or also to connect places.
For example, military parades often have gateways which will parade the soldiers.
On the other hand, at airports or ports, the gateways are a common element, since it consists of moving structures that are placed at the gates of a plane or a boat for so passengers can scroll through them and thus enter to ships.
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Atlantic front Venezuela › Definition and Meaning

The geographical location, climate and natural conditions of a country are crucial for economic development. In the case at issue here, Atlantic Front refers to the geographical location of Venezuela, the resulting strategic plans and their relevance to the economy of this country.
Geographically Venezuela has unique characteristics. It is located north of the continent Sudamericano, limiting the south with Colombia and Brazil, Guyana to the east and north with the Ocean Atlantic. This coastal strip is precisely what gives the name Frente Atlantic.
The Atlantic front is a strip of over 1000 km in length. Its relevance is geopolitical, since it projects to Venezuela with other parts of the world. On the one hand, with the Caribbean countries, with the US as well as with the countries of the Atlantic both Europe and Africa.
This large area also has some sources of wealth of great value. They include oil wells of their territoriales.Por waters elsewhere in this territory coastal Venezuela has the sovereignty of some 300 islands, these being one of its main tourist attractions. In this Caribbean area there is also a craft and fishing industry. Its ecological value is particularly striking because it is a coastal strip with seabeds of great natural wealth. Nor should we forget that it is in the Atlantic where it empties the Orinoco River. Precisely the Orinoco delta is such that at the time of its discovery in the early sixteenth century it was thought that it was a sea.
All features of the Atlantic off it a key area in the South American context. In fact, Venezuela is part of Mercosur, the common market of this continent. What are Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. These nations add their economic interests and are the backbone of the three watersheds of the continent: the Rio de la Plata, the Amazon and Orinoco.
The geopolitics is the study of the interaction of the factors geographical and political a nation. In the case of Venezuela, the Atlantic front has a greater economic weight than other areas of the country (the Andes or the Amazon). Despite the political turmoil, this nation has a projection and economic potential of great importance and is the Atlantic off the most unique element of Venezuela.
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