Posse › Wealthy › Sketch › Casta › What Is Deceased › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. posse
  2. wealthy
  3. sketch
  4. Casta
  5. What is deceased

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

posse › Definition and Meaning

A group of people who maintain some kind of link is known as gang affective and who meet regularly to carry out leisure activities, without further aim than to enjoy together. This type of clustering is more common to occur during adolescence, although in some cases their stay can go beyond this period.
The term is also used to name other groups whose relationship among its members is also intense and narrow but in this case have the specific purpose of committing crimes.
This concept is the gang that has spread in Latin America leading to criminal gangs that carry out their crimes either on the street or in prisons. In the first case they are called street gangs, while in the second are known as prison gangs.

The social problem of gangs

Gangs or street gangs often have their origin in marginal environments, and be composed of young people with problems of integration and substance addiction. They usually consist of teenagers seeking membership in a group or a certain feeling of power or protection, and they need to meet certain initiatory rituals to enter them.
In gang is a scale of authority well defined. As organizations are extremely rigid and at all times the instructions of the leaders must be met. In some cases they have transcended their geographical origin and have spread to other places, such as the case of the "Latin Kings" or the "Net"

Figure legal Gang

In the legislation Mexican Gang is contemplated as a legal, differentiating it from other known conspiracy.
From the judicial point of view, a significant difference between the two, in the case of gang, it is understood that although the group members meet regularly and not do with criminal intent is established, although in the course of any of these meetings have carried out the commission of a crime.
The conspiracy is closer to the concept of gang generally understood as a street gang. That is, it is a collective of individuals who know and accept the criminal nature of the actions for which they meet and that is organized and hierarchical.
In this regard it should be noted that the commission of an offense under the legal gang is considered as an aggravating it.
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[ 2 ]

wealthy › Definition and Meaning

When the term is used wealthy referred to someone who has a powerful economic position, which is often associated with an elevated position on the scale social. In fact, your job is valid for both private individuals who have such characteristics as to refer to the higher social classes.
Specifically, wealthy individuals and wealthy classes who have riches in such quantity as to amply meet your needs, whims and unnecessary spending on things and still have a surplus with which to save are considered.

Subjectivity concept

The term does not set well off, however, you have to have a minimum number of resources to be included in that category, so it remains a concept with a strong element of subjectivity.
For a worker who can barely cover their expenses, a person who has sufficient resources to have a good house, a good car, and travel can be considered wealthy. However, this person may consider himself only middle - class and wealthy understand that someone is who has several houses and cars, belonging to elite social clubs and has a bank account with many zeros.
Therefore it follows that the classification of wealthy is somehow related to subjects that we take as a reference.


What can be seen as a sign identifying the upper classes in general it is a kind of classism. The practice of some sports, like polo or sailing, which require financial resources beyond the reach of the middle class, working together to create this kind of segregation between elites and those who are not part of them.
This same pattern is repeated in areas such as education, since it is very common that only they can afford to educate their children in private colleges and universities high cost, fueling the gap between the upper classes and the rest of society.
Somehow can be considered for these social classes money is a central element in the classification of people, so they tend to associate only with people of a status similar to yours.
As a result, links and affinities between individuals of the same social strata that give rise to the creation of oligarchies and power structures that pass from one generation to occur.
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[ 3 ]

sketch › Definition and Meaning

A sketch is a representation of a place, so that through a series of strokes a particular space is drawn. Usually this type of drawings are intended to provide an approximate picture of something, for example a house or an urban space. Note that the sketch becomes a simplified version of a plane, so it 's not about drawing every detail of a space but to provide a rough picture.
In Spanish there are a number of terms that are used synonymously, such as sketch, draft or outline.

Clarification of its etymological origin

As to its etymology, the term comes from the French and is an onomatopoeic word which, in turn, comes from the verb croquer, which means creak or eating (croquer derived from croc, a word that expresses the noise is performed eating, fast action whose immediacy seems to speed the development of a sketch).

What is a sketch?

For certain everyday activities such representation graphic can be very useful. So, if we again decorate our home the sketch can submit an initial sketch. Moreover, traffic accidents should be played on a support and sketches are essential to know what happened and determine responsibilities. If a person lives in a remote place you are very likely have to draw a sketch to indicate to other access to their home. In short, the sketch is a drawing guidance that provides relevant information.

It is not the same a sketch plane

While both terms have an obvious similarity, it is advisable not to confuse them. The plane is a detailed drawing and is performed on a scale determined. The sketch is much simpler and it is not relevant scale or accuracy of the information. The sketch can be a first step to subsequently make a plane. In this way, one could say that the sketch is an initial sketch of a possible plane.

Alternatives to traditional sketch

New technologies are affecting all areas of life. A few years ago I make a sketch was an everyday and necessary for a road route or to find a specific address in a city. With GPS navigators and other similar technological tools it is no longer necessary to have a piece of paper with a sketch, as new technologies are much more accurate and allow to have flat accurate.
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[ 4 ]

Casta › Definition and Meaning

The word caste has several meanings. First, it indicates the race or breed of animal. Also expresses a social class determined. It can be used as a synonym for social group in a derogatory sense. Finally, caste is an adjective that corresponds to the concept of chastity.

Regarding animals

If we think of an animal, you must take into account its classification as a living being. Each animal belongs to a species, subspecies and to a certain race. To refer to the lineage of a particular animal breed used the word. The physical characteristics of an animal's ancestors will condition the qualities of their descendants.
Regarding the crosses that are made to obtain breeds quality of some pets you encaste the term is used very common in the techniques of reproduction in livestock.

Castes in India

The social organization in India is based on a caste system. This system is based on a classification of individuals in closed social groups. This form of social organization is inspired by Hinduism, a religious doctrine in which it is considered that each caste or group has a particular role in society as a whole.
The main castes are: the priests or Brahmins, Kshatriyas or leaders, merchants or vaishias and finally, most humble people or Sudras. The margin of the caste system is another social class, the untouchables or outcasts, known as Dalits. In traditional Indian culture people belonging to lower castes they are considered impure.

The qualifier term as derogatory caste

Quite often the word caste is used in a derogatory sense to refer to a closed group and endogamous you normally enjoy certain privileges. Class politics is sometimes classified as a breed.

Caste woman

It is said that a person is chaste when considered pure. This adjective has been used in relation to women because a chaste woman is that she is a virgin, that is, practicing chastity, a feature that has historically been highly valued but today no longer has the same meaning.
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[ 5 ]

What is deceased › Definition and Meaning

Deceased is a term that comes from Latin, namely the occisus Vocable meaning killed and which in turn comes from occedere verb, meaning to cut, kill or kill. A deceased is therefore a dead person because of some tragic reasons such as an accident or murder.
This is a fairly rare cultism in language colloquial. Thus, in the sentence "occisas Three people in a car accident, " the word occisas could be replaced by dead.

The term

While decedent not part of the usual vocabulary, if used in certain contexts of language. In this regard it appears with some frequency in the field of criminology, in forensics or in the field of law. It should be borne in mind that a dead man is not dead but any one who has died from unnatural causes, a circumstance that should be approached with rigor and subject it to research detailed.

Different ways of referring to the dead

Someone is killed when his vitals stop working. However, we refer to the dead in different ways and each one adds some nuance singular. The deceased is a corpse, a term that refers only to the human body. The same applies to the word deceased or even the colloquial term fiambre. Instead, a deceased victim is a victim but the word refers to the cause of death.
A murder is also a lifeless body and in this case refers to a violent act is done. A deceased is a unique way to mention a lifeless body and through this word emphasizes the violent death.

The deceased today

Deaths from violent causes can occur at any place or social context. However, many studies certify that the number of deceased is directly related to marginality, overcrowding and insecurity citizen. For this reason they tend to focus on particular countries and cities, especially in large cities where ghettos linked to violent phenomena are created.
In any case, the number of deceased per thousand inhabitants is a very relevant when assessing the statistic quality of life and safety citizen of a locality. Statistics relating to the deceased show that cities like Baltimore, Caracas, San Salvador and Acapulco are at the head of such events.
Photo: iStock - chokmoso
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