Modern Art › Maturity › Opaqueness › Deprivation › Flattery › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Modern Art
  2. maturity
  3. opaqueness
  4. deprivation
  5. flattery

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Modern Art › Definition and Meaning

Art, artistic productions of various kinds always had, since the first human beings appeared in the world artistically manifested itself in different disciplines of art: painting, sculpture, among others. In every period of history that art was influenced by joints of each other and also experienced developments and changes regarding motivations and functions.
Meanwhile, the specific producciónartística that develops in the late nineteenth century is generally referred to as the Modern Art. The modern concept is casual and has a clear mission to indicate that artistic production belongs to a recent, close to us and that differed from that classic chronological age. In the arts classical concept is strongly associated with the Greek and Roman antiquity.
So somehow the proposal is contrary to modern art because it counteracts classic traditional and classic by nature. Excel in modern art avant - garde and experimental in its highest expressions. Putting it in simpler terms, at the request of modern art, is no longer a purpose to represent nature as it is seen in reality they propose and accept new ways of doing so.
No doubt all agree that this type of art has been the most prolific of the history of art and this reached such an extent that during the same many trends and movements that even transcended the limits of boundaries were developed their country of origin.
And also as it noted it is the period of greatest innovation in history as their main exponents were encouraged to break basic schemes and more.
Impressionism, Post - Impressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Surrealism, by art, minimalism, expressionism and abstract expressionism are some of its main manifestations. Meanwhile, with regard to the names enrolled him stand out in particular: Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, Salvador Dalí and Paul Cezanne.
Consideration of most studies and experts in art, modern art extends to the seventies of the last century.
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[ 2 ]

maturity › Definition and Meaning

Living is a learning constant over the years adds maturity to a human being who thanks to his experience is also wiser, he himself better known, has the clearest ideas, knows what he wants and what to do to achieve it. The maturity is reached this treasure that is lost as youth.
In a society in which values of a disproportionate way youth and physical appearance, anyone discovers according to their experience that feels better about herself when she has forty years in adolescence, for example.
A step towards wisdom
The maturity brings a certain serenity and a certain inner calm. The ability to enjoy the present moment more without the nonconformity and that so characteristic impatience of early youth.
Maturity reflects the law of the passage of time is not wasted whenever a person reflects on his experiences, ie the capacity for introspection is what makes the difference between a thoughtful person and another is not.
Maturity is not a reflection of the age
However, age is not the factor that determines how cause and effect the degree of maturity of a person as shown in the Peter Pan syndrome of one who aspires to be eternally young and commitment have a lifestyle free from bondage.
One of the lessons most important of whom is mature is to have the ability to accept reality as it is, unadorned or artifice. A mature person is able to accept your situation and focus on finding a plan of action to change that reality.
Knowing based on their own experiences does not stronger
Maturity brings fortalezaemocional because through the suffering of life, the experiences of heartbreak, personal disappointments and internal wounds anyone has more resources to face life without sinking to each step at the slightest adversity. By contrast, a child or adolescent is more vulnerable because it has so many defenses to protect themselves, simply because by law of life has not had enough time to learn.
Sometimes it can happen that a person matures before time. This happens when a child will play tough family situations, for example, the death of the father or mother.
A person is really ripe when it knows itself in an objective manner. Maturity is shown in consistency between words and deeds.
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[ 3 ]

opaqueness › Definition and Meaning

Opacity is the quality, the opaque feature having some objects and materials.
When a body or object is opaque, that is, has opacity as salient feature is that the same does not pass the light, being largely blocking the same.
There are specific issues affecting the determination of the opacity of an object or material, on the one hand, the frequency of the light and moreover the temperature presented by the object.
Opacity is plausible to be studied via infrared radiation, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays and the famous X - ray This is because in reality the opacity of something can not be measured in terms of light seen leaving a glance and therefore it is necessary to use various methods and elements to measure tightly.
The opposite situation is that of a translucent body or object, another case where the same is characterized by easily let light pass, while the transparent objects are able to pass light completely.
Then in the opacity there is a blockage of almost total light, in the case of translucent elements there is a passage of light quite important but not absolute and transparent light passes one hundred percent.
Moreover, the concept of opacity is used extended manner in industry paper, since through it is called one of the qualities of this material as used in our culture for writing, printing...
At the request of paper there will be a part of the light that is reflected in it, so it crosses another and the other will be absorbed by it. A light that pierces the paper it will be called in this context transparency and opacity does not.
Fillers and pigments affect increase paper opacity.
Whenever we have in the paper image you will need to increase its opacity to prevent the passage of light through it.
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[ 4 ]

deprivation › Definition and Meaning

Deprivation is one of the most used words in our language when we mean the following: a shortage of something that turns out to be basic to our lives, the loss of freedom in any sense or what was available.
When a person and his family live in extreme poverty it is common to refer to this state of affairs through the concept at hand: Mario and his family are living many hardships since he lost his job.
A situation like this will surely involve the difficulty of buying all those essential products for subsistence, as in the case of food, clothing, some remedies for diseases.
Deprivation can also be caused by income insufficient someone perceives. If a couple has many children and only the father works for an average salary low, that family is very likely to suffer deprivation of some kind, that is, they should give up the purchase of certain products or to certain recreational activities because money certainly will not reach them to cover the basics.
Normally deprivation in the sense newly exposed usually shoot in those who suffer resentment toward those who have this problem or also often trigger the commission of crimes such as theft, to get quick cash and meet needs.
By fact it is that such situations should be met on time by governments through policies to offset to some extent this and allow greater inclusion of people who have been in these conditions.
On the other hand, when a person to whom he is committing an illegal check is sentenced to serve a sentence for it will go to prison, then, from this situation inevitably be the person deprived of liberty.
Also, when someone is held against his will on the other, does not let you go outside or move the place where he is, he will say that he has been deprived of his liberty. Kidnappings are one of the most common ways to deprive someone of liberty.
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flattery › Definition and Meaning

Flattery is a manifestation quite usual that people use and is overly praise someone because it is believed that a benefit, an advantage is obtained and of course his favor. Say they are cute, successful, unique, smart and incomparable are some typical adulation.
Meanwhile, and for the indicated purposes, to praise precedes a detailed study of the person to discover precisely its weaknesses, strengths, what he likes and what not. Then, based on these data will provide us with a profile set individual is that it may rise to where, what aspect leading worship, because it is known to be in where best act in order to produce the response we expect.
Adular action to another person shows the constant praise that a person can give to another through positive reinforcement of a compliment or a nice message. Sincere flattery is accompanied by sincere admiration that one person feels for another.
Although fawning mean to say a nice word to another showing sincere admiration, the truth is that there are people who feel very uncomfortable when they are praised because they tend to detract from the positive comments the other. Flatter a person is a sign of generosity emotional by one who recognizes the virtues of the other.

sincere praise

And in turn, receive an assertively external Flattery is also a sign of self - esteem own who gratefully receive these words of affection. Flattery can be honest when the person who flatters another is consistent with its inner truth, however, a person can also feign a particular praise simply because he wants to get along with that person.
Flattery is only constructive when it is completely sincere and often, language body Deleta deception of anyone who says he does not feel a compliment really.
There are people who have special difficulties to flatter another. Presumptuous people tend to establish a relationship of superiority to others seeking excellence own. A presumptuous people love you feel flattered but not fawning.
Similarly, people envious tamibén have many difficulties to flatter others because they tend to compare themselves much with others. People who suffer envy compared with friends and suffer from their own lack.

Adular with measure

Sincere flattery strengthens personal relationships in the private sphere and the bonds of fellowship at work. However, it is positive to find the extent adulation and praise that too much can also be artificial even when trying to pass naturally. In any virtue, the true measure lies in the balance.
Constantly flatter another person produces sense of realism as little beyond the virtues of any person also has weaknesses and areas for improvement. Nobody is perfect.
The main problem of flattery, when it is not genuine, when he lies basically is helping to develop in whom a liar reality that can lead to not being able to see reality as it is, even when it is not functional to it flatters.
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