Pre-Military Training › Ojo Turco › What Is Chido, Neta And Naco › School Year › Triphthong › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Pre-military training
  2. Ojo Turco
  3. What is Chido, Neta and Naco
  4. School Year
  5. Triphthong

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Pre-military training › Definition and Meaning

The military profession is associated with discipline, values and culture in general. To make the transition from civilian life to military satisfactory to future soldiers, in some countries it has incorporated a material, pre - military training. As its name suggests, it is a process of teaching and learning (hence the term instruction) through which future members of the military are familiar with the characteristics of the military tasks.
Integrated pre - military training in the education system is twofold: to learn basic knowledge about the armed forces and, in parallel, raise public awareness about the importance of defending a territory against any threat internal or external.

Essential knowledge

A pre - military training program includes military, but also social values issues, cultural training and physical education. Some of the skills that are transmitted are the following:
- legislation, regulations and ordinances related to the armed forces.
- Values and attitudes, such as discipline, loyalty, comradeship, respect or love of country.
- From the point of view of education physical, future soldiers exercise to get a good physical fitness and healthy habits.
- Learning military tasks is, of course, a fundamental issue in education and related content with the hierarchical organization, marches, songs and hymns, types of training, control commands and, ultimately, the daily life of a soldier learning.

The controversy over pre-military training

This type of program does not exist in the majority of countries, only a small number, such as Venezuela, Cuba or Israel (Israel's schoolchildren carry out training activities in military bases). Each of these nations has a reason to launch a pre - military training model.
On paper, the rationale may seem legitimate and reasonable these programs. However, some believe that pre - military training linked to the education system is actually a mechanism of indoctrination of the population civil. Opponents of the pre - military training in schools consider military education and civil education should be completely separate in the educational system in a nation.
Photo: Fotolia - lulu
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[ 2 ]

Ojo Turco › Definition and Meaning

In the world of esotericism and amulets there is an object that stands out among the others, the so-called Turkish eye or nazar. The purpose of this symbol is to take somewhere in the body (eg, neck hung as an ornament) to combat the evil eye. In this regard, it is noted that the evil eye is the negative effect the look of a person can produce another and produced from a feeling of envy or hatred.

The origin of the amulet

Turkish eye is a drop or circle plane made of glass and in the center has an eye. As for its origin, it dates back to the civilization of ancient Egypt and Babylon, where it was believed that the bad feelings of human beings projected through the eyes. Subsequently, the use of Turkish eye spread throughout Europe, especially in Turkey and Greece.

Purpose, use and meaning

In addition to protecting against the evil eye, also it helps fight bad energies of others. It can be used as a bracelet or a necklace worn on. It presents various colors and each has different properties. Thus, if the Turkish eye is blue you are representing the positive karma, good energy and protection in general. If the Turkish eye is light blue it is related to truth and also offers protection against the evil eye.
The amulet red is associated with power, passion and used in connection with love. If it is yellow (this color represents energy ) use is intended for the maintenance of health. Green is being symbolizing nature and take it one can achieve personal growth. Turkish eye white symbolizes the idea of perfection, innocence and goodness. The purple in this amulet represents the ideal of wisdom, creativity and magic and bring it helps to enhance these qualities.

The consecration of the Turkish eye

For any amulet be useful it must be consecrated. This means it must be cleaned and activated, otherwise it would be a simple object.
Turkish eye of a certain color, four candles eye color you want to wear, incense, a bowl of glass with water: to clean and activate the Turkish eye a number of elements are needed rain, rock salt, ground, holy water, essence of rue, matches of wood and finally enshrines the eye who says a prayer for consecration.
Once you meet all elements must perform a ritual on a full moon night. When the amulet was consecrated already it has its protective properties.
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[ 3 ]

What is Chido, Neta and Naco › Definition and Meaning

Chido, net and Naco are words commonly used in Mexico and are not part of the vocabulary of other Spanish - speaking countries. The three words we analyzed have something in common: they have emerged from the ingenuity and creativity of the Mexican people.

It is said that something is or is chido when it's good, beautiful or interesting in some sense

A type of music, a meal, a video or a car can be qualified as chidos. Therefore, if a Chilango (Mexico dweller D. F) says something is chido-a it indicates that it is pleasant for some reason, usually for aesthetics. In the Spanish of Mexico "it is chido" is "is really cool." While this term is used to describe something positively, also used to express conformity with someone, that is equivalent to "agree".
With regard to its origin, there are several versions. Some argue that comes from the language Nahuatl. For others its origin is in Caló, the language of the ethnic Roma. Others claim it comes from the word "chundo" a kind of triangular basket used to carry things a certain weight.

In conversations of everyday life in Mexico it is very common to use the word net

It is commonly used in the form of exclamation or question and amounts to expressions like "Really!" or "really?". So, if someone says something surprising, your partner could respond "net". Net is a word very colloquial and true meaning depends on the context of language. If someone says "I assure you that is the net" this statement is equivalent to "I assure you that is the truth."
As for its origin, it is believed to come from the French net, which means pure and which in turn is an abbreviation of the Latin nitidus, in Spanish crisp.

Naco is a word used in a derogatory manner and in contexts very colloquial

It refers to an individual with little education, a little rude and proper attire (in Spain by Naco would be a tacky). Regarding its origin is believed that the term comes from the ópata Naco language (in this language one Naco is a cactus and this plant does not have just a positive connotations).
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[ 4 ]

School Year › Definition and Meaning

Different education systems are organized from some academic content and methodology pedagogical and both issues are structured school years. Thus, the school year is an educational stage that is related to the physical and mental development of students. Thus, each course academic is within a school year and the whole cycle forms the formative period of a student.
The concept of school year includes two ideas: a certain time and approach education. Thus, the organization of any school year must take into account a number of educational criteria such as the age of the students, the rhythms of learning, work areas, more convenient schedules, etc. As a rule general, each new school year is expanding the number of teaching hours.

If we consider the Spanish educational system, in it various school cycles

The first cycle is covered from 0 to 3 years and is not compulsory. At the next level the cycle between 3 and 6 years, which is not compulsory starts. The primary cycle itself has a mandatory and begins at age 6 and ends at 12 and consists of 6 academic courses.
The secondary cycle ranges from 12 to 16 and is known as the ESO ( Secondary Education Mandatory) and this period is composed of four school.
At the end of ESO, students can opt for the bachelor in various forms or by training professional or vocational training. Once this stage it is possible to start college.

Understood as the school year academic year

The organization of a course or cycle is performed to establish a school calendar, which regulates school days and vacation days for each educational stage.
In the case of Spain the school year starts in mid-September and ends in June the following year. Argentina begins in the last week of February and ends in November. In Mexico the course begins in August and ends in July. In Venezuela the school year begins in late September and ends in late June. In any case, in most countries the school year consists of 200 days of learning activity and the rest are vacation days.
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[ 5 ]

Triphthong › Definition and Meaning

one triptongo occurs in a word when three consecutive vowels appear and are pronounced in the same stroke voice. This means that being part of the same unified sound make one syllable.

How are formed and some examples

Triphthongs are formed by a weak vowel (u io) over a strong voice (which may be a, the eo o) over another vowel weak. This combination of vowels can have different combinations. Thus, the most frequent triptongos in Spanish are: iai (eg riáis), IEI (acariciéis), IAU (for example, you act), UEI (eg insinuéis) and IOI (eg, bioengineering).
Note that not all combinations of three vowels are triptongo, because if any of the weak vowels is tonic, there is no triptongo, as happens with viviríais words or were eating, because in both the three vowels form one syllable.

Accentuation of triptongos and some examples

The rules of accentuation of triptongos logically based on conventional rules of accentuation.
You study the word three syllables (en-tu-diais) and the tonic syllable is the last, so it is a sharp word that must incorporate a tittle. Fiais the word appears again a triptongo and is a word with a single syllable (monosyllabic) and therefore not emphasized.

Other cases of concurrence of vowels

Triphthongs represent a form of concurrency of vowels, but not the only case. Thus, hiatuses and diphthongs also refer to the combination of vowels.

a gap is given in three different circumstances

1) when two strong vowels come together (eg words mahogany, teacher or poet), 2) when a strong voice and other weak with tilde (eg duo words, barbershop or meet country ) and
3) when the same word is repeated consecutively a strong vowel (eg Aaron or vehemence and last word interleaved h represents no sound and does not affect their pronunciation).
With respect to diphthong occurs when the union of two weak vowels in one word (eg given city or care). Another case of diphthong is one in which there is competition between strong and weak voice or vice versa, and as long as the weak vowel take tilde (eg price, louse or bus).
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