Regularity › Titanium › Carpentry › Curfew › Médium › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. regularity
  2. titanium
  3. carpentry
  4. Curfew
  5. Médium

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

regularity › Definition and Meaning

Consistency is everything that is presented in an order paper, ie, it has a regular succession. This is a feature that can be seen in the events in a numerical sequence or in any temporal sequence in which is noticeable a certain order of things.
Otherwise regularity is logically irregularity, a circumstance indicating disorder and instability.

Regularity in nature

Own events of nature occur regularly. Climate change, the movement of the planets, the day-night succession or biological rhythms are some examples of permanent change. In all these processes a systematic and measurable change occurs and, therefore, humans have observed regularity in each. In fact, the various scientific disciplines try to establish regularities affecting the contents studying.

In the scenario of human aging

Consider the human aging process. In this process of permanent change biologists they have determined a regular patterns that rely on a rhythm, which is activated by the biological clock that is located in our brain. Continuing with the same example, it could be the case that a person has a disease that altered biochemical regularity in its development and in this situation the regularity would be altered and, therefore, it would be exceptional.

A brief reflection

There is hardly a reality the margin of some kind of regularity. The reason is clear: everything takes place in a certain time and time is, by definition, a regular occurrence. So we need to sort and explain what surrounds us, otherwise we would be facing an absolute mess.
The concept of regularity is in all areas. Scientific research and create formulas and systems to describe events that have a certain periodicity. And in everyday life we do things from established guidelines (we dance with a series of regular steps and the same goes for work or any kind of routines). You can say we seek and need an order because our mind is able to set all kinds of regularities.
The idea of regularity is associated with constancy, stability and, in short, it is something that generates confidence. The irregular produces insecurity and generates all kinds of doubts. However, sometimes the regularity causes a backlash: what happens always the same and with the same order can be boring and uninspiring.
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[ 2 ]

titanium › Definition and Meaning

Titanium is a natural element, specifically a transition metal (transition metals are characterized by good conductors of heat and electricity ). The symbol chemical Titanium in the periodic table is Ti, atomic number 22 Zahl, its atomic mass is 47.90 g / mol and its oxidation level is four.

Titanium features

The titanium metal compact state is a white, shiny, hard but very brittle colored if subjected to cold. It is a very malleable and ductile metal. Pure titanium is soluble in hot water and insoluble in cold water. Titanium reacts with oxygen to 610 C to form titanium dioxide and nitrogen to 800 C and titanium nitride form. As a curiosity remember that titanium is the ninth most abundant element in the earth 's crust and is usually mixed with other rocks. It is a very corrosion resistant metal and has exceptional lightness.

his discovery

A late eighteenth century science, especially mineralogy lived a moment of boiling. In this context, the English clergyman William Gregor found a white powder after calcining ilmenite. The residue was discovered that metal oxide and initially was called manaccanita. In principle, the discovery of a new metal was not valued as a significant finding.
However, a few years after the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth resumed investigations and found that the name used was not suitable, so he decided to call the titanium metal, in honor of the mythical Titans of Greek mythology. In this sense, the chemical properties of this metal remembered the physical strength of some deities representing the various forces of nature (Cronos, Ocean, Tethys or Rhea, among other Titans).

One observes applications based on this element

The unique characteristics of titanium metal make it a very popular in various sectors. It is used in thermal power stations due to their high conductivity in the transmission of energy. In the automotive industry is valued lightness and in this sense this metal allows some vehicles are not as heavy.
In the manufacture of weapons used as shielding material in the aircraft industry and is used for its high resistance to high temperatures. Its utility extends to various fields: watchmaking, sports equipment in all utensils or as decoration.
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[ 3 ]

carpentry › Definition and Meaning

Craft and art works to manufacture wood elements, objects and furniture

It is known as the activity carpentry work, art, devoting so exclusive to work the wood for the same manufacture various objects, elements and furniture. Wooden furniture are undoubtedly the most appreciated and consumed by people around the world because wood is considered one of the noblest, decorative and warm when making furniture for the house materials.

Widespread use of wood in construction

Wood is also very much used at the request of construction, that is, to make openings, type, windows, doors, or any other proper element of building a home.

Wood, a noble material used since ancient times and that can be worked in various ways

History proves this, wood is a material that features already mentioned has been used since time immemorial by man and with the passage of time has become a successful industry. Now, in every culture and in every part of the planet we may find ourselves with very particular and indigenous ways of working with wood and this creates we run into productions wood that serve the same function but visually and aesthetically are totally different.

The most popular types of wood that work in carpentry

Among the most popular woods we can mention the carob, oak, spruce, pine, beech, walnut, cedar, pine and ebony Brazil. Meanwhile, we must say that the wood may appear to be worked in carpentry in solid form, type board and batten, or otherwise processed as veneers or agglomerates.

Tools used in carpentry

Work on wood require the use of various elements and tools, among which we can mention: drill, saw, lathe, brush, hammer, saw, press and brush.

The term also refers to the workshop and work Carpenter

Also, the workshop which takes place this job and the work resulting work is called carpentry. Meanwhile, the individual who is dedicated to making this work is what popularly known as carpenter.
Difference cabinetmaking
We must emphasize that the woodwork is also engaged in woodworking and carpentry although his work is mostly aimed to bring them through carvings, marquetry, and other resources, a decorative value to the piece of wood in question, a table, a chair, a dresser, among others.
Anyway, in many woodwork woodwork they are made and carpenters who are woodworkers genuine artists.
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[ 4 ]

Curfew › Definition and Meaning

The curfew is a decision a government adopts as an exceptional measure in situations where there is social unrest in some danger. The political representatives of a city or a country enacted a curfew in several contexts: street riots, revolutionary situations or any social situation in which this type of measures to ensure public order is deemed necessary. When this exceptional measure cancels the curfew is lifted.

Establishing and how it affects a curfew

During the period in force curfew free movement of citizens is prohibited and therefore involves a restriction of individual liberty. To control the situation of possible chaos, the streets are occupied by police or army, who become the security forces. Naturally, its enactment is not without controversy: his supporters consider it useful for ensuring the safety and detractors understand that it is a violation of a right fundamental and argue that it is unnecessary and unfair.
His extraordinary nature makes the imposition of curfew resembles other situations with some resemblance (in the alarm state is to ensure national security to prevent epidemics or possible shortages of food and the state of siege is a motivation related with a possible invasion of a foreign army).

Curfew against crime

In some cities juvenile crime rates are very high. To correct this trend can decide a curfew partial, ie limited to under 18 for a few hours a day, usually overnight. In this case, critics believe that there is discrimination social towards a collective and radically opposed to this resolution. Who approve the measure consider it "a lesser evil", ie, something not desirable but necessary to prevent crime.

Two historical cases that did not help at all

In 2014 the new government of Thailand maintained a curfew for several months. This step was taken when a military junta took political power in order to prevent possible protests. The consequences were negative for the tourism sector and for this reason it was decided to lift the order.
In the city of Los Angeles there are social conflicts that appear recurrently and to combat it was considered appropriate to impose this extraordinary measure (so it happened so singular in 1992, with a balance of more than 50 deaths and about 2,000 wounded).
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[ 5 ]

Médium › Definition and Meaning

A medium is the person who supposedly has the ability to contact the dead. This activity is part of spiritualism, which is the doctrine that defends the existence of the spirit of the deceased and it is possible to establish contact with them.

Understanding spiritualism to reach the concept of Médium

Spiritualism means that when someone dies his soul survives and is located in a plane that goes beyond known reality.
A medium has, in principle, an extraordinary gift that allows you to communicate with spirits in another dimension. In this sense, it is someone with exceptional psychic gift and for this reason it is considered that its activity is paranormal character.

Unexplained phenomenon

Some scientists have studied this strange phenomenon but have not yet made a definitive explanation. Some studies attribute the powers of a medium to a mental hallucination that makes them think they are in contact with the deceased.

Fraud, superstition and mystery

The unusual ability of a medium is valued as a fraud by large sectors of society. To carry out the deception, the medium used predisposition emotional for someone who wants to get in touch with a loved one and from this circumstance provides information about the deceased using words with skill and with high doses of psychology.
Fraud reflects a reality: there are superstitious people and believe in ideas that have no scientific basis.
Fraud and superstition also have an explanation logic : we have no idea what happens when we stop living. This uncertainty creates a mystery and this mysterious context makes sense that there are people who pose as mediums.

An enigmatic character

Regardless of the authenticity or falsity of paranormal power of a medium, something obvious: someone is enigmatic. This feature makes the literature and cinema resort to this type of characters to create compelling stories. The character of a medium can introduce very suggestive narrative elements (the soul as something that transcends the very life and existence of a world where the spirits).
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