Pedigree › Minimalism › Caudillismo › Panopticon › Ineffable › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. pedigree
  2. minimalism
  3. caudillismo
  4. panopticon
  5. ineffable

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

pedigree › Definition and Meaning

The concept of pedigree refers to the genealogy of the animals. In other words, the pedigree of an animal is that through techniques reproduction and genetic manipulations purity of a breed of animals is achieved. All this implies that an animal with pedigree is one who has not suffered any alteration genetics in their race and, therefore, this animal will retain all features and genuine characteristics of their race.
Moreover, pedigree means the specific document in which data to support and guarantee reflected authenticity of the animal in terms of race.

Clarification of the spelling of the term

Regarding the term we can find two different and equally valid spellings, pedigree and pedigree. The first comes from the English who in turn incorporated French, specifically the expression '' pied de grue '(crane leg). This is because the British farmers were in the habit of marking the animals with three straight lines a symbol like the legs of a crane. The original expression in French was not easy to pronounce for English, so they adapted this galicismo into English. The voice pedigree is nothing more than the castellanización of the word.

The market for pedigrees

The interest in obtaining a good pedigree in certain breeds animals can be due to various reasons. For a farmer or a shepherd it is very important that your animals have the highest quality racial possible, a circumstance that will result in greater productivity and higher economic benefit.
Due to the high cost of production of pedigreed animals, their market value is highly valued among fans or breeders who dedicate themselves to it- For this reason some specimens of certain species can have a high cost, as in the case of competition horses, stallions, animal contests...
despite the pedigree is a legitimate attempt to preserve and improve the purity of a race, we must not forget that some breeds with pedigree animals are not free from physical problems, as happens with some breeds of dogs that have respiratory, allergic or mobility problems as a result of an artificial crossbreeding (bulldogs, boxers...).
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[ 2 ]

minimalism › Definition and Meaning

Minimalism is one approach that argues that must be wagered by essentials of things. In other words, it is not about accumulating content or make complex but establishing key elements proposed and, therefore, the minimum expression of something. You could say that minimalism defends the motto "less is more".
Minimalism can specify in relation to the art world or, on the other hand, as an intellectual posture.

In the art world

In the design of objects in the field of decoration or architecture there is the minimalist trend. The main feature of this understanding is to present art creations of a great simplicity.
Spaces decorated in minimalist approaches there is a predominance of light or neutral colors, with very little furniture (the necessary), open spaces and very defined geometric lines. Usually materials such as cement, wood or glass are used. The purpose of decorative minimalism is to create an atmosphere of a certain purity and avoiding anything that is dispensable.

In the field of architecture there is also a commitment to a radical simplicity in forms

A construction minimalist has to convey a sense of cleanliness and purity. Naturally, it is an architecture in which what matters is the connection with space and at the same time, in which the materials suggest simplicity.
In any artistic proposal it is eliminated minimalist anything that might be fitting, because everything is part of a whole, a harmonious whole.

An intellectual attitude

The margins of the art world, minimalism is a vital approach. So, if someone raises that have too many things (objects, commitments, activities...) and think it should simplify your life, you are thinking with a minimalist approach. Being minimalist is not simply live with few things, but a lifestyle and a way of understanding existence. You could say that minimalism is to focus on what is important for one and leave out everything else.
The goal of minimalism as philosophy of life is the pursuit of happiness through the renunciation of everything superfluous. You can find some minimalism in some Eastern philosophical approaches (the ying and yang, or meditation) or the asceticism of some Christian religious orders.
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[ 3 ]

caudillismo › Definition and Meaning

Warlordism is a phenomenon emerged in Latin America throughout the nineteenth century consisted of coming to power almost regular mechanisms gifted leaders of a strong charisma.
Supported by large groups of people, who seduced his strong personality and a whole series of promises, these leaders were made with the government - supported military sectors opponents. When installed in power, and after a brief transition period, they used to call elections in coming out victorious, and thus gave legitimacy to his maneuver.
However, after warlordism is not a real desire to help solve the people's problems, but rather the attempt to seize power and favor those groups that were related to hiding.
This used to cause the repetition of the process with new leaders who were leading the protests and riots, and popular support motivated by the frustration of the people not met all that at the time he was promised.
Etymologically from the Latin term "Capitellus, capitelli" and its meaning is "government of the caudillo"

Features and characteristics of warlordism

Apart from the already mentioned peculiarity of the strong charisma of each and every one of these caudillos, the system itself had a number of features that were repeated over and over again regardless of which person ostentase power at that time.
One of these features was the pursuit of popularity and discredit opponents, a feature that remains constant over time in many personalist regimes court that have occurred in Latin America later.
Everyone who had access to power possessed power and money, so, despite having popular support, can not be considered to form part of social class low. Quite the contrary, enjoyed good contacts and influences, and were these power groups that benefited when the new leader reached the government.
They relied on its rhetoric and ability to persuasion to convince the people that they should give their support, using any resource that will prove useful. As valid was appealing to feelings nationalists and build a network of patronage based gifts.
Finally, they supeditaban the institutions democratic to its own objectives. All proclaimed noble ideas, behind which lurked particular interests, and once installed in power were responsible for achieving controlling the will of supporters and repressing opponents, so the apparent democratic regimes were but a pantomime.
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[ 4 ]

panopticon › Definition and Meaning

Defining panóptico referred to a building means that has been constructed so that from a single point can be the entire interior.
The type of architecture that creates buildings with these characteristics is known as panoptic architecture.
Its origin born in a design of Jeremy Bentham made in the late eighteenth century, who devised a prison that allowed not only the observation simultaneously of all prisoners by a vigilante located in a central tower, but also creating a sense of permanent monitoring, regardless of whether this was occurring or not.
While the guard could see inside the cells, the arrangement of these, usually located backlit, and the use of blinds, prevented the prisoners know if such monitoring was taking place at that moment.
The panóptico is, therefore, a structure designed to facilitate the control, and therefore, a power tool. This conscious state of permanent visibility is the tool that ensures the operation of power automatically.

The Panopticon as a metaphor for modern society

Today 's society is based on a system similar to the philosophy that inspires the panopticon. The state tries to maintain control over individuals who compose it, so that all comply with established rules and obligations. But that real control is expensive and impractical because it requires huge expenditure on resources.
Therefore, like as in the panopticon, playing with the feeling of "permanent observer" as a monitoring tool that allows citizens to comply with tax obligations and the rules of coexistence marked. In other words, the state machine is a kind of panopticon, which has the means to control the population, and exposes them to them to make them aware that they can be monitored at any time.
Cognizant of this fact members of society act diligently mostly for fear of being discovered if they do not meet the standards without the organs of power of society really have to perform effective surveillance. This allows the company to remain under control without having to make the enormous expense and effort that would monitor one by one to each of its members.
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[ 5 ]

ineffable › Definition and Meaning

It is understood that Ineffable person, situation, circumstance or action whose definition is not possible through words.
The use of the ineffable adjective usually somewhat fuzzy and applied in a wide variety of situations. It can be used both to talk about the intensity of a feeling whose greatness words are not able to express to speak of people whose characteristics are such that it is not possible to classify them in any way.
It comes from the Latin word "Ineffabilis" - "that can not be uttered"

Synonyms for Ineffable

Although the definition of Ineffable is very specific in its meaning, the adjective can be used with intent to express different things.
Besides in cases such as those mentioned, inexpressible can be used with many other meanings. Generally, to express the impossibility to describe something in words other adjectives like unspeakable, indescribable and unexplainable are preferred, so, used with this intention, he has fallen into some disuse.
However, yes that is used to emphasize the greatness of something extreme. Thus, it can be employed with the meaning of wonderful, magnificent and extraordinary, giving to understand that something is such that words are inadequate to describe it.
One of the most common uses is as synonymous with unique or original. If a person is so different and special that breaks all known schemes, it is very common to apply the "ineffable" adjective. Therefore, it can be considered as an alternative to adjectives as "strange" and "unclassifiable".
Also in the field religious or mystical use of this word is made mainly to refer to the love of God, a feeling that is considered ineffable because it goes beyond what man can come to understand. Therefore, if you can not understand, can hardly be explained reach.
In the field of emotions, ineffable use is associated with a superlative degree of these. Thus, an unspeakable fear, fear is so extreme that it is impossible to describe if you have not felt anything like it. And this use is valid for any emotion to garnish the person to the extent that it is impossible to express in a minimally closely as its intensity.
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