Method › Omnipotence › Omnipresent › Descendant › Iconography › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. method
  2. omnipotence
  3. omnipresent
  4. descendant
  5. iconography

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

method › Definition and Meaning

The word method we use extended way in our language and basically to refer to the procedure followed in an organized and planned manner for a particular purpose.
Meanwhile, that goal or objective can range in obtaining a result, for example quit smoking, then, to achieve this effectively we will submit to everything that we consider it opportune to achieve the goal: settling a patch, take a pill that indicates the cardiologist, go walking or jogging, among so many alternatives.
On the other hand, a method can be developed to reach an understanding, a truth. I want to know if my boyfriend cheated on me on Saturday night when I said he was studying, for instance, follow a series of clues and will perform a series of inquiries to find out if this was so.
Now, something that is impossible to ignore when addressing the good issue of the method is the result, because it is impressive the importance that people often attribute to him, both those methods that are known to have been successful and those who were not at all to just avoid them flat, ie, not repeat them and thus move away from the negative consequences.
Meanwhile, on the contrary, when you know that something was achieved through a successful method, people want to know and repeat it to get the same excellent results.
But beware, in this regard we must also take a break sometimes saying that success or failure of a method also has much to do to take the same.
Moreover, the word we use to refer to the mode of action presented by a person, for example, if that person has a gentle and so nice to behave say that their method is warm and good, while on the contrary it shows aggressive, talk of a violent method of doing or getting things.
In all areas and contexts methods to realize things are used, but certainly is science one of the most exploits when getting valid certainties, ie that are testable, to explain a phenomenon or its causes.
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[ 2 ]

omnipotence › Definition and Meaning

Omnipotence is a term we use when we want to realize that someone or something have an unlimited and absolute power, which usually make use for example to impose their ideas, thoughts, others, including those who are in your favor or agree and those who are not.
Omnipotence is also linked to the ability to do everything, even what is believed impossible or difficult.
Generally, people occupying power oppositions usually shows this tendency to omnipotence, to believe just that by that power or privileged or decision they occupy can do and say whatever they want and everyone should accept that and take it for truth.
Of course so view and thus manifested the omnipotence turns out to be negative hyper and who possesses unpleasant condition.
Many political leaders, especially when they reach positions of leading power in their careers, such as the presidency of a country, often demonstrate omnipotence to their peers and if someone dares to challenge them in their possession or calls into question any action taken under its administration, usually displayed implacable with these and even pursue them politically if necessary.
On the other hand, when the omnipotence that someone feels they have is capable of performing acts that encroach on the freedom of others, no doubt, it must be assessed it as a serious and worthy fact receive criminal or social condemnation, as appropriate.
Meanwhile, the person who has omnipotence is called as omnipotent.
On the other hand, where also the concept of omnipotence is very present is at the behest of religion, as for example in Christianity, it is considered that omnipotence is a quality unique and belongs to God, and that is that You can be able to carry out any action or deed. And this is possible because his power has no restrictions and nothing ever disappear, it is a power to do whatever, eternal way.
With an example we will see more fully, the resurrection of Jesus was only possible by the omnipotence that God possesses. Also, the ability to perform miracles is something that is determined solely by the omnipotence available.
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[ 3 ]

omnipresent › Definition and Meaning

The concept of pervasive use it to refer to something or someone is present everywhere, that is, has or is attributed precisely this quality of being able to be everywhere, either físicao spiritually.
Of course it is in the spiritual sense in which most talked about of omnipresence, because in a sense literal is difficult for an ordinary person to be physically on several sides at once, or simultaneously.
Meanwhile and purpose, it is God or those divine beings in which the omnipresence of power manifests drive anywhere and at the same time.
God's omnipresence is seen presenting a quality that makes it perfect and along with the capabilities to know everything that happens and provide unlimited power, they are completed as a single supernatural being who never takes the look on his faithful.
At some point, all these features make the people have a huge respect for the figure of God because just sees and knows everything and is impossible for something to do, say or think is not known for it.
On the other hand, these same conditions are generating enormous devotion and commitment in the monotheistic religions feel faithful to their God because he knows that he is always present in the place you need it, taking care of him and protect him. And the same is known to be doing with all those who believe in him. Everyone is able to care for and protect both. Everyone knows everything.
Undoubtedly this question of the ability to be in every one of the more reassuring to those who choose to believe or believe in a god with these features because it will make them feel safe, the protection that God offers to every instead they go.
And the term with all the force of its meaning is often used beyond religion and then when a person is characterized by being present in all places that demand, ie making efforts to go where they need it, is they say that it is ubiquitous.
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[ 4 ]

descendant › Definition and Meaning

The concept of offspring we use in our language to designate one individual who is known as ancestors of others.
We will see a simple example, a child is the offspring of his father and mother and also her grandparents and great - grandparents, among others, meanwhile, parents and grandparents are the ancestors of that individual child.
This relationship descendants established between people with blood linking determine the type of relationship, whether as noted in the example case: son, mother, father, grandparents, and also to the family blood.
However, it is also important that we emphasize that the ancestry and descent concepts to animals and also extend bacteria, as these also have ascendants, descendants of those who come and that will result from their sexual union with a pair.
Then, the reproduction sexual, is the way through which an individual or animals generate their offspring, their descendants, who inherit the gene from their parents. It is precisely this issue that generates the descendants share physical, psychological and genetic characteristics with their parents, grandparents, great - grandparents, great grandparents, and secondly, to bequeath to their descendants the same.
It noted that many features of the indicated know persist through the years and handed down from generation to generation as already indicated.
When we appreciate fully a family, or even if we look closely own, we will find that all in some respects resemble and this is because they share a common ancestor, which is the one that has transmitted the specific biological conditions already referred.
Normally, except in cases of adoption, people rights and duties inherited from our ancestors and of course we pass them on to our descendants.
That is, a son about his father and mother, will be the natural heir of the property or any other material possession that have these, unless there is clearly a judicial interposition denies. Meanwhile, when the child has his own descendants, these will be their heirs.
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[ 5 ]

iconography › Definition and Meaning

Historically humans has focused on the study of the images because he considered them, each one, or even a whole could gain knowledge, details and lots of information about a given moment, time, situation or person. Even through the images, the way they are linked to one another could make symbolic relations and raise allegories.
While then this descriptive study of images, paintings and even the, preferably ancient monuments was always active and present in all ages of man, it would begin to perform with greater rigor in the nineteenth century and following and it is formally denominate as iconography.
The mission then the disciplinaes a descriptive report on the subject or the situation that we return the images are considered. And obviously it is especially considered the attributes and symbols also appear because they will have much to say about the time and theme.
The main worth having iconography is that through a picture for example, of what he represents: characters, themes, symbols, clothing, among others, added to the consideration of time in which it was painted, the artist it did, you can get an overview of the political, economic and social context culture that characterized geographical or place a person.
Undoubtedly they are the religion Christian and classical mythology themes in which more has put its focus iconography. In the specific case of thematic religious, iconography, it has been slowly through analysis and study identifying the key elements that frame a painting in this genre of Christian paintings. And of course, so does everything inherent in the myths, legends and gods that belonged to classical antiquity; for example, when we study some of these gods we find that different representations always represent the attributes and distinguishing physical characteristics attributed to God.
For instance, the presence of these components is what will allow final count determine that a work belongs to a genre or not.
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