Rematch › Discretion › Rubble › Slag › Resume › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. rematch
  2. discretion
  3. rubble
  4. slag
  5. resume

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

rematch › Definition and Meaning

If we were to use one word to define what is a rematch, we would say that this is a vendetta.
The concept of revenge expressed the desire to restore a negative situation in the past. This idea is applicable to all kinds of human situations: the rivalry between countries, sports competition or child 's play. In any circumstance in which there is a rematch, the general mechanism is quite similar:
1- Two sides face.
2- There is a dispute and one of the parties goes loser and response reaction occurs, resulting in the next step.
3- the request or desire for revenge of the loser.
This procedure is so general that even talk of revanchism, which becomes the attitude by which a recovery before the defeat is attempted.

From psychology, and the need to win

If analyzed from a psychological point of view the sense of revenge, an obvious aspect is distinguished: the human being wants to win (in a battle at a football game or playing marbles). Faced with this indisputable fact, we can make us the following questions : why we love so much win? There is a fairly simple first answer: because it is better than losing.
However, another possible answer is related to competitiveness. The theory of evolution of Darwin showed that all living beings struggle for survival and in the process survives best suited to the circumstances. Thus, revanchism would be a mechanism that allows us to return to fight for victory.

The rematch understood as a second chance

Continuing the psychological analysis of this idea, we find a striking appearance: the rematch as a second chance. Faced with defeat, there are two possibilities. On the one hand, it is possible to assume the best possible or not accepted and, consequently, the desire for revenge arise.

The spirit of revenge

The valuation moral of revanchism is complex. One could speak of two sides of the same coin: as a desire for improvement or as a boost vindictive. To illustrate these approaches through two examples. Suppose that two football teams are going to face in a previous game and one of them was defeated by a landslide. In a sporting and noble sense it is understandable and reasonable that there is a desire for revenge. Imagine a situation where defeat is accompanied by anger and hatred for the enemy, resulting in a desire for revenge destructive kind, without nobility or competitive spirit.
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[ 2 ]

discretion › Definition and Meaning

Discretion is, as indicated on the quality of discretionary, ie the performance of something or someone without the influence of a dictionary standard or rule. In other words, this decision does not obey a law specific but is based on the individual judgment of someone.
The idea of discretion bears some resemblance to another, arbitrariness. However, they are not to be confused terms. Arbitrariness is synonymous with injustice and someone takes an arbitrary decision fails when an external criterion (eg, a standard that is mandatory compliance ). Instead, exercise discretion implies that it is not intended to commit an injustice but the decision is considered more timely adopted.
The concept of discretion is a fundamental element of freedom. If a person tells another to do something in a discretionary manner being proposed action running freely, the criteria it deems most appropriate.

administrative discretion

Administrative regulations have strict regulations state regulation. However, there is an exception to this general rule: administrative discretion. The basic idea of this concept is to give some interpretive freedom in some circumstances. The law does not always impose a specific action, but contemplates the possibility that an official can make their own assessment. Stated in other words, it is some leeway to make decisions depending on the situation.
In the field of law, judges have the power to impose preventive detention in some situations, a circumstance that is performed discretion. Naturally, the discretion of this type of measurement is quite controversial and jurists discuss it, because the risk of committing an injustice or abuse you run authority.

Fire at will

In the military a superior gives an order and the subordinate must abide to the letter. This rule implies that the subordinate can not do what he sees fit, since their duty is to fulfill the orders. However, there are special situations where it is important to be effective and decisive.
Think of a battle in which soldiers await orders from their commanders about and at one point received the following order: fire at will. In this case, the soldier must shoot the manner considered most appropriate and when it is necessary to understand. This order has a paradoxical component, it implies that must be met in a free manner but in its application.
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[ 3 ]

rubble › Definition and Meaning

Own set of waste from a construction site of a building or mine

Debris are that set of wastes themselves a work of construction of a building that falls or is knocked or mine, ie debris are composed of material parts constituting these, such as brick, stone, concrete, wood, iron, metals, and other materials involved in construction.
Normally, when building a house, a building or getting up any other type of building rubble they are precisely generated waste that is discarded after checking with the construction process and therefore, as we mentioned lines above, consists primarily by elements involved in it and we have also indicated above.

Responsibility in the task of debris removal

To avoid an accident or any other complication associated, are required who are in charge of a work that are highly responsible for the task of removing debris and place them carefully out of the work can be on the sidewalk, within a dump intended for that purpose, or bag if not many, so that then the local area responsible action deal with them away. Including from municipal governments are asked to people who generate rubble in a work dealing with concrete removal.

Result of the unexpected fall of a building or construction

Moreover, the debris can be the result of the unexpected fall of a building or construction, either because it suffered an accidental event such as a fire, earthquake, or a sudden breakdown product of poor maintenance of the building or either because some volunteer and violent event, such as a bomb, generates the construction fall completely or partially and debris naturally generated.

Damage generated

The damage generated by the collapse of debris on the humanity of a person can be fatal, that is, not only can cause serious injuries forcefulness but in the case of the collapse of sudden and unexpected because of an explosion or earthquake can directly bury people under them, qualified personnel must then remove to recover people trapped.
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[ 4 ]

slag › Definition and Meaning

The concept of slag is used in our language to refer various issues.

Waste substances generated metals that melt

It may be a substance of glassy floating on the bottom of the furnaces used for melting metals and which precisely comes from impurities that result from that particular action.
Then, the slag is a product resulting from the action of certain metals with melting to purify the mission thereof, with the slag those impurities that occur instances of that particular activity.

Uses slag

But beyond that it is a waste material, the slag, paradoxically, not the strip but the reprocessed to separate any other metal that has in its constitution and reuses on other issues, such as fertilizer or stone railroads.

Other uses of the term

Also the word refers to those pieces of hot iron onto the naturally hit them with a hammer element.
Moreover, at the request of volcanoes, the fine porous lava departure thereof and that is a metal incidentally, also it called as slag.
The residue remaining after burning coal also is called slag.
And finally in the use colloquial word used with a very clear and direct connotation negative to say something or someone who is contemptible, vile or despicable. "That man is a scum, mistreated and deceived my daughter so much."
Then, the exposed references is evidence that we can use the concept as synonymous with other concepts such as garbage, refuse, sludge, waste, among the most common and used.
Clearly, the word slag does not have a regular use when want to refer to is a waste, rubbish, while it is correct that apply it to express this, the most common is to use some of the synonyms that freshly we mentioned, such as garbage disposal, to express these issues. Meanwhile, if very familiar in the field where is performed the task of melting metals.
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[ 5 ]

resume › Definition and Meaning

Resume or continue what stopped

Resume concept used in our language to indicate that it has resumed or continued what had been interrupted due course. Normally what is broken is an activity, an action, a job, a relationship, a relationship with another person, among so many things and issues.
Activities, tasks, or any situation involving action often interrupted for many reasons, as a result of the disease that can attack the person who carried out because there was a technical failure, or any other unforeseen event. Once the person recovers or technical problem is fixed, a fact that can take minutes, hours or days, as applicable, the appropriate action will resume.

Pausing and resuming bonding

Meanwhile, when it comes to a link of an emotional relationship, as noted lines above, the breakdown may be due to an argument, a fight that generates those involved choose not to engage more, not speak, not seen for a certain time. In some cases it may happen that relationship will never resume more or there may be a reconciliation that makes the relationship resumes. Some of those involved decide to take the first step and approach, or a third party's about, are the most common ways to fix a situation of this kind.
From the above it follows that for there to resume a previous interruption should have been generated.

Anteroom interruption of resumption

In the lectures, conferences or lectures interruptions, especially if these are indeed have a common participation active public, which disrupt the development of the presentations with questions. Now there are other contexts in which the interruption is rather abrupt and unexpected complications and generates, for example, a technical malfunction may cause a channel of tevé discontinue transmission. This will cause the program that was broadcast not leave the air. Once this technical problem is fixed, the channel will resume transmission.
Continue and follow are the synonyms used to indicate the resumption of a task or relationship, while the flipside is the interruption.
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