Recio › Dishonors › Relativism › Geocentric › Squat (Exercise) › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Recio
  2. dishonors
  3. relativism
  4. geocentric
  5. Squat (exercise)

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Recio › Definition and Meaning

That which is characterized by being solid, robust, strong, tough

The concept of Recio refers to our language to that, a thing, an object, a material that is characterized as solid, sturdy, strong, tough, and if treat a situation, one that stands out for being complex endure. Then, just say, "the suit used in the service maintenance is made with a sturdy fabric", "John hit very tough his brother was badly hurt after beating", "no season brunt the winter ".

A person who behaves and acts with others rudely, sudden, violent

Anyway we must say that the concept is widely used in our language to refer to that person who behaves and acts with others of rude, abrupt, violent manner, it ie not characterized by their kindness and to present considerations or a lot less.
This is undoubtedly the most popular use in our language, so it is that is more frequent than it used in this sense in the above.
Al Recio does not usually matter who is in front, if you are a couple, that is, someone with a simile behavior, or if someone weaker or an elderly person deserves respect and better treatment by Recio is not interested in it, he it will behave and treat rough way nevertheless.

People who are rigid and very strict with their ideas

Also those who are rigid and very strict with their ideas and opinions they are often described as tough, for precisely this hardness of their expressions and ways.

Distant without manifestation of cacophony

Then, the mighty will be unlikely to see it smile or be the focus of a party, meanwhile, it is usual that the Recio is shown to others with distance, control any emotion positive that comes and stay away from any demonstration gabble.

Its counterpart: the weak

The concept that is opposed is weak, when someone is said to be weak is because it is the opposite of tough, has a character loose and yields to pressure easily.
However, we must emphasize that neither extreme is good, and the tough or weak, ideally a person to a temple halfway between the two opposite ends.
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[ 2 ]

dishonors › Definition and Meaning

There are several actions that can harm the honor of a person, that is, there are actions that go against the dignity staff. Dishonor shows precisely the negative effect that has been able to exert on the esteem of a person from a particular event that has damaged its image. Dishonor is also closely linked with social conventions that give rise to specific rules.
The sense of honor can also be subjective and shows the influence culture of the person in the subjective view of what is appropriate and what is not. In this context, a fact can be a dishonor to a person and not be for another.

Bad reputation

While the honor is linked to the social prestige that comes from having an impeccable image to others, however, dishonor reflects the deterioration of the personal image as a result of the bad reputation caused by dishonest actions or actions while not dishonest, they are frowned upon in the social context in which they occur.
Dishonor occurs when a person has gone against its obligation to comply with the sense of duty to do what we should have done. A disgrace reflects the breach of duty to help human beings to perfect themselves in righteousness moral.

negative feelings that can affect and dominate one

By contrast, humans also can be swayed by feelings such as envy, pride, vanity, anger, resentment and desire for fame at any price they can become the excuse for certain actions.

Fear of what people say

Honor is very typical in societies where image and fear of what people say can create a negative influence on happiness itself. The sense of honor had a great weight in the Middle Ages. In this context, also shows dishonor fear of the accusing finger of society that can point the finger actions of someone acting against the provisions. This attitude criticized by others could lead to social isolation and rejection.
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[ 3 ]

relativism › Definition and Meaning

Relativism is a philosophical current that is based on an idea of absolute truth does not exist. In other words, truth is relative, in the sense that the concept of truth depends on variable criteria (scientific theories, personal values and cultural traditions).
The concept of relativism opposes dogmatism, which is the approach intellectual who defends the existence of a truth or dogma as a fundamental principle.

Moral relativism

The human being can not avoid ethically assess behavior. This implies that we believe that something is good or bad for some reason. From the relativistic perspective, moral valuations are subject to a vision of the world and, therefore, there are so many worldviews and cultures or individuals. Consequently, to say that something is good or bad is a question of circumstances that determine moral judgments.

Relativism is an attitude

Relativism has originally a dimension philosophical, both in terms of knowledge and in relation to the moral. However, this approach goes beyond the philosophical ground. In fact, one could say that relativism is a way to approach reality or, in other words, an attitude vital.
So, who it is considered a relativistic understand that their truth is based on his own idea of truth and the truth is not capitalized. The relativist is aware of the influence of their environment culture on their ideas. In this sense, he understands that other people have a different opinions, because they live too different circumstances.

The individual who defends relativism away from dogmatic positions and tends to tolerance

This intellectual attitude has a clearly positive: avoid fanaticism and any ideology based on absolute truths. If someone sees reality with a relativistic look not think your culture, your country or your ideas are the best. However, the spirit of relativism has a certain " danger ": the tendency not to accept anything as valid, since everything is relative.
If this approach intellectual or vital attitude taken to the extreme is it possible to justify almost any position. In fact, in a strict sense relativism it is contradictory, as stating that truth does not exist and is asserting a truth.
"Weaknesses" of relativism make it a rejected stream from several fronts, especially from religious approaches based on fundamental principles.
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[ 4 ]

geocentric › Definition and Meaning

Geocentricism is the astronomical theory that believes that Earth is the center of the universe and the different planets revolve around it. This conception of the universe was initiated by Aristotle in the fourth century. C and subsequently supplemented by Ptolemy. Geocentricism was accepted as a valid explanation to the new vision of the universe in the fifteenth century, in which the investigations of Copernicus and then Galileo led to a different theory, the heliocentric (sun is the center of the universe and all planets revolve around it).

Understanding Geocentrism based on the planetary circular movement

Geocentric theory was based on circular movements of the planets, called epicycles. Moreover, there was a series of theoretical principles underlying this vision: the apparent immutability of the Earth, the finiteness of the universe and the world was divided into two (the sublunary sphere and supralunar) differentiated spheres.

Why it was accepted the geocentric

While the geocentric theory is not supported by the scientific community and only maintain some extravagant researchers, one wonders what was the reason for its acceptance for nearly twenty centuries. There are several reasons for its success. On the one hand, it was based on the idea that the Earth was not moving and, simultaneously, occupied the center of the universe.

The figure of the man at the center of the universe

This view was reinforced by another consideration: the man is the center of creation and, therefore, it was logical to think that everything rotated around the human being, including the planets (this consideration is the backbone of anthropocentrism). Thus, the geocentric and anthropocentric he complemented the two theories were supported by religious dogma of Christianity.
From an astronomical point of view, the geocentric was based on the belief in the motion circular planets, which seemed unquestionable dogma.

Geocentrismo crisis

Theoretical explanations of the geocentric began to be questioned in antiquity by Aristarco de Samos, but their contributions were rejected because the authority of Aristotle was unquestionable and that the church supported the geocentric later. It was not until the fifteenth century when Copernicus investigations began seriously weaken the geocentric theory.
For this reason, we speak of " revolution Copernican" because his research on planetary movements were decisive for other astronomers make new contributions to the heliocentric theory.
Among the most important contributions that dismantled the geocentric should highlight three very specific: Tycho Brahe observed that the areas of the moon were not immutable and showed that some data from geocentric were wrong, Kepler's laws introduced planetary movements based on the orbits ellipticals and Galileo planetary observations with the telescope allowed heliocentrism was imposed as the astronomical theory replacing the geocentric.
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[ 5 ]

Squat (exercise) › Definition and Meaning

The term squat part of the related terminology physical training of athletes. Squat is the knee bend downward and then upward from a vertical position of the body. There are some variants of squats (with weight up to men or not, half squats, one-legged, incorporating an alternative or complementary stride jump, among other various forms).

The importance of this exercise correctly

Regardless of its form, the most important thing is that execution is correct. Exercise specialists recommend that the position in the squat back remains straight with feet slightly apart and parallel with the pelvis slightly back. This initial position is already possible to correct bending of the knees.

Why are useful Squats

In the exercise of fundamental muscle groups involved Squat: spinal that are inserted into the spine, quads, glutes and muscles of the abdominal muscles. This set of muscles must exercise them to get sufficient strength for the exercise more effective. It should be borne in mind that muscle strength is one of the main factors of physical activity ( endurance aerobic and anaerobic are other factors that must be exercised).

Sports groups and the respective characteristics

The Squat is a basic exercise for any athlete, either an amateur or an elite athlete. However, the squat is used as a routine training in some sports or very specific specialties:
1) sprinters and throwers (weight, hammer and javelin) need to make moves with great explosiveness, ie very brief but very intense and squat is very useful in this regard
2) bodybuilders exercise so that your muscles have a large volume and if the squat is done with enough weight increased muscle mass is achieved
3) in some rehabilitation processes squats allow strengthening some muscles (this exercise is quite common in the rehabilitation of knee ligaments or after a long period of physical inactivity caused by injury)
4) weightlifters lift heavy weights and muscles involved in the movement of the squat are very important to lift the greatest weight possible.
While the squat is an exercise with obvious positive effects in some cases may be contraindicated (especially in some knee injuries or back).
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