Parsimony › Palta › Soliloquy › Epithet › Hopefully › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. parsimony
  2. Palta
  3. soliloquy
  4. epithet
  5. hopefully

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

parsimony › Definition and Meaning

Parsimony is used to define a way of doing things where premium calm and quiet, but could even have a connotation negative. On the other hand, sometimes also it used to refer to people who have great control over their emotions, giving the impression of an excess of coldness in the mood.
In a completely different context, the term is used to denote parsimony simple theories give explanation to allow different phenomena from a number of propositions not superficial.

The principle of parsimony

Everyone has happened on occasion that in a situation that becomes complicated increasingly, it could have been solved much faster if you had simply chosen from beginning to adopt the solution easier. This approach to problems is what is known as the principle of parsimony.
In science, this principle is more commonly known as Ockham 's razor, which I explained in a cursory way, is that when multiple solutions are proposed the same problem, the simplest is often the best.
William Ockham was a Franciscan friar of the fourteenth century tried to explain that in nature the simple always wins at the complex, and based on this axiom, argued that to find the explanation of a phenomenon must be limited to the maximum number of assumptions, staying only the most plausible.
This way of thinking was that made in later centuries other scientists coined the metaphor of the razor. Passing a razor by explaining everything accessory is removed, leaving only the essentials. Hence comes the principle of parsimony also known as Ockham 's razor.
But this way of thinking presents a serious problem, is that although it is a very useful way to tackle a problem, does not provide much less a categorical solution. The emergence of new data can make an earlier theory that believed correct, be replaced by a new more complex theory, as for example in the Einstein gravitational model that replaced Newton.
By way of summary, it can be concluded that the principle of parsimony is very useful when looking for the explanation of a phenomenon, but not the simplest explanation must be true.
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[ 2 ]

Palta › Definition and Meaning

Palta is the term used to define a tree of American origin and its fruit. Elsewhere in Latin America has different names, such as avocado, cure or avocado. In total there are over 500 different species of avocado spread around the globe.
The tree is characterized by its evergreen and yellow flowers and can reach up to 20 meters high. While the fruit, pear-shaped, has a tough skin dark green or reddish brown, collecting inside the pulp, lime green, buttery consistency, being widely used in international cuisine. Among the most famous recipes using avocado include the guacamole and various salads.

Origin of the term

The word avocado originated in Quechua, being used to refer to an ethnic group indigenous to pre - Inca times lived in northern Peru, in what today would be the province of Loja.
In his conquering expeditions, Tupac Yupanqui would take possession of the territory of avocadoes, while discovering the fruit so homonymous denominate the conquered people.
The consumption of avocado subsequently expanded into different territories of South America, resulting still today is the know with that name in Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Argentina and Uruguay.

Benefits from the consumption of avocado

In addition to providing fresh flavor to foods, the benefits of the avocado are recognized by dietary medicine every time, making regular consumption is recommended by many experts.
Thus, for example, thanks to its high content of lutein, avocado consumption helps protect the retina from the malicious effects of ultraviolet rays, preventing macular degeneration and thus the onset of cataracts.
In addition, the avocado is very suitable in the case of pregnant women, since folic acid in this fruit causes the fetus to develop smoothly, avoiding possible defects.
Moreover, folic acid also has beneficial effects on the heart, while helping to maintain the balance in cholesterol, so that consumption of avocado is recommended for those with heart problems.
Also, thanks to its high concentration of vitamin E, avocado is an excellent protection for the skin, rejuvenating and giving it more elasticity, helping to combat the possible occurrence of cancer.
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[ 3 ]

soliloquy › Definition and Meaning

The communication is part of human nature. Throughout the day we maintain different types of interaction also may occur through various means, for example, phone, chat or face to face. However, communication is so ingrained in our being that we can not only talk to someone else but we can also think aloud to clarify ideas. Talking to ourselves as a monologue. This is what happens when you express some thoughts out loud when you're alone at home.
Although in real life it is not often that a person keep these conversations out loud, yeah we're more used to enjoy soliloquies in theater as the example of those works in which there is only one character who takes all the weight of the frame.

Monologue aloud

This type of play has great emotional intensity because the character who narrates this monologue lists thoughts, feelings and experiences that permeate the viewer's mind creating a very intense magic in the theater hall.
Many plays have been adapted from a literary work. Actress Lola Herrera played in the theater work five hours with Mario, written by Miguel Delibes. Since it is a spoken aloud like a monologue speech, no soliloquy is about a superficial issue but that gets into the depth of one 's life through past experiences, memories that left their mark, fears of future injustices that hurt, unsurpassed love... a
person who begins a soliloquy does not seek to answer the interlocutor, does not appeal to you. Even if making a kind of exhibition of this nature in front of another person, all seeking the issuer is to feel heard.

An inner dialogue

It should be pointed out that we can not only maintain this kind of exposure aloud but we can also maintain an internal speech, an inner dialogue in which we were immersed in our own thoughts. There are moments in life where there is a greater tendency to keep soliloquies.
For example, in grief after losing a loved one, these internal conversations are a form of memory that help put words to the feelings present. It also happens that, among the dramatic intensity of a desamor, soliloquy can be a form of therapy as a relief.
Soliloquy can also be a symptom of loneliness who spends many hours at home and has few personal relationships.
Image: iStock - MatiasEnElMundo / a-wrangler
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epithet › Definition and Meaning

A title is a form of an adjective, specifically is an explanatory adjective. Like any other adjective, epithets agree in gender and number with the nouns they accompany. Moreover, these explanatory adjectives forth a quality that is already own the noun, ie the epithet gives information about something that is already contained in the idea of the noun. Epithets function is to add an emotional component to the noun, so that serve to emphasize its significance. Usually the epithets are part of poetic language. The explanatory adjective is a dispensable element of communication because it does not change the meaning of the noun and simply complements and underscores.
Considering the etymology of the word comes from the Greek epithet, namely epitheton word, which means added or added.

Concrete examples of sentences with epítetos

In the sentence "the cold snow winter" cold word is an epithet, because this adjective does not report on snow, because it is always cold.
In the sentence "I remember the sweet honey from my childhood " sweet adjective is an epithet, since honey is longer necessarily sweet. Instead, if I say "get a sweet defeat" it would not be an epithet sweet, since a defeat does not have to be sweet (could be bitter, sad, painful, etc).
In the sentence "the intense blue of the sky" we can see that blue is an epithet, but in this case the blue adjective does provide information about the sky, because the sky does not always have the same color (usually blue but there are variations diverse) chromaticity.

The use of epithets in poetic language

The poetry has its own language and to achieve greater strength creative poets are turning to so - called figures of speech. One is the epithet. From a literary standpoint the epithet is a figure of accumulation, as is intended to enhance the meaning of what is described.
If a verse the poet refers to the white lily, the green meadows, ice cold or thorny brambles are faced concrete examples of epithets. You could say that this form of adjectives is almost exclusively of poetry, as happens with other tropes. However, sometimes we use epithets the margin of poetry, as when we say "a horrible fight" or when referring to some historical characters with a characteristic singular that define (Alexander the Great, Alfonso X the Wise or Felipe the beautiful ).
Photo: iStock - SrdjanPav
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hopefully › Definition and Meaning

If we start from the etymology of the term, it should be noted that hopefully comes from Arabic, specifically the expression "if God wanted", although sometimes it is stated that its exact origin is another very similar, "God willing." In this regard, it should be noted that both the Arab culture and the Christian there are many references to God in the language everyday (as a way to say goodbye or farewell expressions like thank god and others). Moreover, it remembers that there are many terms of Arabic origin in Spanish, since the Iberian peninsula was occupied by Muslims for nearly eight centuries and because of that the Spanish language has a rich vocabulary whose roots are Arabs, as alembic, executor, apricot, baraca, neighborhood or laugh.

The various uses and nuances of the word

In the language conversational say hopefully not properly express any reference to God, but serves to indicate that you want something to happen. So, if someone says "I want to win this match" your interlocutor could you answer "hopefully make it", ie, a desire is expressed.
I hope the word often appears between exclamations and without accompany another word, because this way the desire for something to happen is emphasized. For example, in a conversation among friends one says " I need to find a job because I can not go on" and the other responds with a simple "Oh!" (In this case the exclamation expresses that desire is shared). In this way, hopefully it equals hope or desire.
Sometimes the word is used as muletilla hopefully, ie, as an excessively repeated by a speaker term. When this happens the word loses its meaning because the deadbolt (also known as coletillas) distort the true meaning of a message.

A reflection on the meaning of the word

There are words that invite reflection and hopefully one of them. Using it is very unlikely to reflect on what we are saying, simply because we say we want to communicate something for some reason. However, the word hopefully somehow assumes that the events occur by some kind of force superior (fate, providence or God). On the other hand, I wish I could allude to the intervention of chance, in the sense that there are "X" odds of something happening and hopefully we would say betting on the possibility of what we want.
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