Refrigerator › Dividers › Tesina › Figurehead › Customization › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Refrigerator
  2. dividers
  3. tesina
  4. figurehead
  5. customization

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Refrigerator › Definition and Meaning

The concept of refrigerator we use in our language with multiple meanings, meanwhile, we should mention that all of them have a close asociacióncon the concept of cold. When something is cool or cold because it will have a temperature very low relative to what is considered normal.
Then, a refrigerator can be a specific place that has the mission to produce cold to thereby retain a manner consistent food or products that need only cold to stay cool and fit for consumption, as is the case for example the refrigerator or cooler house where we enter foods and beverages need to be cold cold or retain their freshness.
Undoubtedly, the refrigerator or freezer or refrigerator, as it is called in the various parts of Spanish - speaking, is the appliance most used and relevant in homes because without it would be impossible to cool drinks and other parts preserve food everyday consumer and other cold or require this device to be maintained over time.
Generally, refrigerators we use at home usually have two compartments, one main and in which a cold between 2 and 6 degrees is maintained, and one that is usually located at the top, popularly known as freezer, and the the cold can be several degrees below zero. Here food and drink frozen.
And also it called fridge to that industrial facility which carries out the processing and storage of products which have an animal origin, as in the case of meat, poultry, eggs, etc., or plant, and as such are marketed.
Both products, animal meat once the animal died, and vegetables are perishable and then to prevent spoilage need yes or yes cold. The fact keep them in a climate suitable refrigerated will not only allow not wasted but also has a wide economic advantage because the products are available for marketing for much longer thanks to the cold preserves.
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dividers › Definition and Meaning

The concept of divisors corresponds to plural of the term divisor, meanwhile, a divider in its most general use calls what is the mission, function to divide or separate something. Thus, a bar, a wall or a table may have the divisor function to instantiate a space. This type of division is usually carried out with a mission to achieve greater intimacy in a certain area of the house.
At the request of design interior it is very common to use certain elements with a decorative function in a space, such as a piece of furniture, so that they also exert a divisor role in it, according to the needs raised in that regard.
Moreover, the word divisor is extendedly used in the field of mathematics to refer to those numbers, values that are able to divide equally another number.
With an example we will see better... 12 is divisor 3 since 12/3 is equal to 4 which is an integer, meanwhile, 12 will not be divisor of 5 because if we do that division will give a non - integer result: 2 Four.
In the operation of the division the divisor will be that number which is contained many times we call another dividend.
Math splitters are certainly useful when having to group a certain number of elements or objects, in exactly the same parts, and a group without being alone or pivoting any item or object.
Let us take the example of quantities offered lines above, we now have 12 pencils and the idea is to package all that much and not left us out any of them, then, to comply effectively with this slogan we do 1 pack of 12, 2 six packs each, three packs 4. Thus any item will be lost, this also allows us to appreciate that the number 1, 2 and 3 are divisors of 12.
it should be noted that the number 1 is always divider any number and overall number is divisible per se.
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tesina › Definition and Meaning

The concept of tesina is widely used in the educational field, more precisely at the university level, because through it is designated that research work carried out by a student on a particular topic linked to his career and whose approval will be graduation with a degree subject. That is, the thesis is a monograph with scientific rigor but presented an extension and complexity much less than that of a thesis traditional.
The main reason for being a thesis is that the student can demonstrate the training acquired in the corresponding studies and then can smoothly perform in the profession in question. Also, the thesis, it shows that the student knows how to organize knowledge as and most importantly, manifest so that everyone can understand.
It should be noted then that the thesis is a much broader and brainy student scientific work carried out at a university to obtain a doctorate degree in the race you are studying.
Now, in the structural and methodological level, the steps to prepare a thesis and a thesis they are not so dissimilar but much less hold several contact points.
Unao of the most important elements of a dissertation is the conclusion that can set after its completion, which must be clear and blunt about that which was investigated and analyzed. In other words, you can not appear contradictory or superfluous pour Nomás opinions on the issues. The idea is that the tesina have an investigative and scientific rigor as the thesis and also contribute anything new on the subject addressed.
There are also other requirements surrounding the process of preparation of a thesis such as choosing a tutor, a teacher with experience in the chair and will be responsible for guiding and controlling the progress of the monograph and also with regard to the determining the topic at hand.
Once exposed what is decided we proceed to collect data and information, then comes the analysis thereof, the writing and finally the defense of the thesis before a court expert examiner.
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[ 4 ]

figurehead › Definition and Meaning

A figurehead is one person who gives his name, individual, or until firm to conclude a contract or make a business, but, in fact, both the business, assets acquired, among others, relate to another individual x situation that is not to be disclosed or will not appear per se in that business or in a particular sale purchase agreement.
It should be noted that the concept of front man has a connotation negative because it is mostly associated with spurious, illegal or nontransparent business.
The concept we find it so ordinary and everyday because in the press written and audiovisual constantly cases of this type are presented.
The use of frontmen usually seen frequently in cases of persons holding public or political office that may not appear with their names in certain businesses or enter into certain contracts that directly violate their duties as officers and then to avoid appearing using frontmen that the only thing They do is lend to their names but in the reality of the facts is they who receive the profits that arise from them.
Normally, they are figureheads paid an amount of money agreed to deploy this role.
It also noted that the use of frontmen also has the mission to evade justice in cases of illegal or businesses that violate some rule usually more easily end up in the crosshairs of the courts. Thus, to be a figurehead, it becomes more difficult to ascertain who is actually the owner of the business in question.
On the other hand, is a recurring use of frontmen in cases where a person is unable to act commercial or legally because on it weighs a complaint or lawsuit and then the most effective way to keep their property and businesses shelter is appointing figureheads. Usually in these cases people are chosen own family to be erected as such or individuals from the narrowest confidence.
Because, of course, mostly, it will be illegal or yes maneuvers that require an absolute commitment to reserve the case.
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customization › Definition and Meaning

There are different types of literary devices that enrich from the point of view stylistically one text literary. One of the possible resources is customization, also known as pomposity. What is personalization? This stylistic device refers to the use of the attribution of qualities purely huamanas to an object or an animal. This estilísitico resource is also widely used in the context of poetry.

Customizing the literaura, giving examples

Here are some examples of customization as a literary figure:
1. "The stars looked down from heaven and smiling proud": in this case, the human qualities that are attributed to inanimate objects like stars are smiling and look. Thus, it gives a certain humanity to the stars in order to transmit its solemnity and majesty to preside over the sky.
2. "The statue seemed to speak through his silence ": in this case, is attributed the ability to speak (since metaphorically) to a figure. In a way, customization refers to own human point of view is that the human being humanizes his environment and quickens.

Customization in the world of advertising

From the point of view of marketing, personalization also has a different meaning. For example, customization involves feeling each client as unique. Customize in direct contact with the client improves communication between company and potential buyers.
In addition, today, there is also the possibility to personalize a gift as a token fashion DIY personally develop a particular surprise for a loved one. For example, a person who is a perfect pastry chef can prepare a homemade recipe, who weaves point, you can leverage to create a scarf. Thus, personalize a gift by putting your own personal essence and their own creativity.

In the field of psychology

From the psychological point of view, personalization shows the attitude of that persrona that interprets the behavior of another from his own way of being establishing a parallel that is the result of the screening.
Customize part of the misconception that two people act the same way to such a situation. The truth is that everyone acts according to their values, experience, beliefs, training and expectations. Should not customize the attitudes of another because every human being is different and thus reduce also possible frustrations.
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