Plankton › Banana › Yeast › Cabin › Pomelo › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. plankton
  2. banana
  3. yeast
  4. cabin
  5. pomelo

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

plankton › Definition and Meaning

At the request of the biology termed as plankton to a series of very small, microscopic organisms, which may be of animal origin, zooplankton, or plant, phytoplankton, which are present floating in marine waters and lakes, ie they can be found in salt or fresh water, which are the staple food of higher animals
should be noted that the phytoplankton is almost always near the water surface because just need daylight for the process to occur photosynthesis, that just involves the conversion of inorganic matter into organic thanks to sunlight, ie, the power light will be transformed into chemical energy.
Meanwhile, unlike the phytoplankton, zooplankton is a movement constant from top to bottom of the water, being able to travel 400 meters; night is coming to the surface to feed and day lies down to cover radiation from the sun.
Plankton species are mostly transparent and can only be seen by looking at them color the microscope. The species found on the surface are reddish while those that are not are bluish. Their average size is less than one millimeter, although there are some larger.
Phytoplankton is food for zooplankton and the latter is the food of crustaceans, fish, among others, during their larval stage.
For its part, it is called red tide to the excessive proliferation of microalgae in estuaries or at sea and which is caused by different types of algae present in a large number indeed. It is called red tide because of the red coloration of the flowers just seem to dye the water red.
Widely favorable conditions such as the temperature, nutrients, water passivity, quality and quantity of light, among others, contribute to its development.
Must be careful because there are toxic phytoplankton that are very dangerous and can cause death of some vertebrates. These toxic phytoplankton are characterized by presenting no coloring are rather colorless.
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[ 2 ]

banana › Definition and Meaning

The banana is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Musaceae family, and usually holds between 3 or 4 meters high. Its stem is surrounded by sheaths of leaves and fruit resulting from it, which is a berry that has the distinction of growing in clusters, it is widely appreciated and consumed worldwide as food. Popularly it is known as banana or banana.
It should be noted that the banana develops and grows in areas tropical and subtropical such as the Himalayas, Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Africa and northern Australia.
Moreover, the word banana is used to denote the fruit of the plant indicated, banana or banana, which is characterized by being elongated and yellowing.
Formally it is called Musa paradisiaca. So it's just as qualified and called the Swedish naturalist Carlos Linneo in the mid-century XVIII.
It is noted that studies conducted subsequently allowed to determine the complex taxonomy presenting gender and even involves many hybrids, which have a varying composition gene.
Without doubt, the banana is the most consumed tropical fruit in the world and as previously said his appearance is that of a false elongated berry that grow in clusters known. When ripe its color is either yellow and conversely when it is not approaching the green coloration.
It is sweet and fleshy and very rich in: fibers, potassium, carbohydrates and vitamins A and C, tryptophan, which is an essential amino acid in the nutrition of humans helps fight irritation in the esophagus (heartburn).
Virtually no sodium and is low in fat.
However, it is important to note that compared to other fruits, the banana has a high caloric value as a result of the large presence of starch in its composition, although those calories that you have are much easier to burn than those who eat the fats.
The banana is grown in almost everyone in this region of Asia, where they were born, but also in Oceania and South America and India is the world 's largest producer. Meanwhile, Ecuador is the country most bananas exported to the rest of the world.
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[ 3 ]

yeast › Definition and Meaning

The term yeast referred generally to different microscopic and unicellular fungi, which reproduce by division or budding, and they produce enzymes that generate fermentation of carbohydrates and produce different substances case.
It should be noted that the fermentation is a process that was discovered at the time by the French chemist Louis Pasteur. The most typical fermentation is carried out precisely yeast.
Fermentation is a process widely used in industry as it allows the transformation of grape juice into wine, the barley beer and carbohydrates in carbon dioxide in order to produce one of the most used products in the world as it is the case of bread.
As indicated above lines, yeasts reproduce so asexual by budding or sprouting and in some cases sexually through spores as ascospores. In the reproduction asexual and when conditions are right, a new bud results from the leavening, while, when you have an adult size will be separated from the mother.
Moreover, also it used the term for any mass which is formed by said mold and which is able to rise and to ferment the body with which it is mixed, as in the case of brewer's yeast.
Among the most popular and widespread yeast the stands Saccharomyces cerevisiae, known as yeast. It is a fungus unicellular as well and is the most recognized because it is the one used to produce wide consumption such as bread, wine and beer.
It noted that the use of this type to produce the aforementioned products is due to the ability to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide in the fermentation process.
Pizza, without going any further, is a extendidísimo food consumption in the world and one of its ingredients with water, wheat flour and salt is yeast. This mixture is baked and once cooked to taste is added tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese.
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[ 4 ]

cabin › Definition and Meaning

The cabin name is used to refer to a type of housing usually made with natural materials obtained directly from the environment. The cottage is a kind of typical rural and natural environments, especially forests and places where there is a significant abundance of wood (main material that this house is built) housing.
A cottage is usually a housing of various sizes that has as one of its main characteristics the fact that being built with natural and accessible materials, can be developped by individuals of different resources, so you can find a cottage of a surface minimum as very spacious cabins with numerous environments. It is considered that a cottage is one of the simplest forms of housing since it does not require expensive materials nor a design or engineering highly developed. In this sense, depending on the type of cabin, it can be more or less resistant nature, which in cases of severe storms, tornadoes and other disasters can be easily destroyed.
A cabin is a good way to interact peacefully with the environment and this is because usually the cabins are located in natural areas but also because they tend to not be present therein abundantly. This means that the cabins, unlike other homes and buildings, do not significantly alter the space but tend to live with it. In some cases can be up cabins even attached as farms, animal grazing, areas of cultivation, etc.
In terms of design, the cabin usually has a main floor (which you can add a top and even basement), a covered entrance or spaces external rest and also a gabled roof that are prepared to make the water, snow or natural debris deposited on it fall to the sides thus preventing it recharges and may face danger of collapsing. Generally, access to services in homes and cabins are limited or scarce since they are found in nature although depending on the infrastructure this can vary.
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pomelo › Definition and Meaning

The grapefruit is a tree belonging to the familiarutácea, also known as pomelero, which holds about ten meters high, has white flowers and produces fruit that is commonly used as food. And it is precisely this that is extendedly cultivated throughout the world.
For instance, the concept is also used to designate the result of said shaft and consisting of a citric round, yellow and characterized by a bitter taste. Grapefruit what is also known in some parts of the planet as grapefruit.
Regarding its origin, scientists claim it is a hybrid that appeared spontaneously and resulting binding way citrus x sinensis and maximum citrus in the seventeenth century.
It should be noted that this is what you can eat fresh, cooked, juices or other preparation.
Its cultivation is particularly effective in the United States, Argentina, Uruguay and Israel.
For successful development, grapefruit demand a climasubtropical, which is that most common areas near the tropics, it would be a warm temperate. Its cultivation begins in the early fall until about the beginning of winter. When the harvest is late it will increase the sweetness of the fruit. The collection can be manual or mechanical, although manual is preferred because of the delicacy of the shell.
Its use spread throughout the world is marked by low caloric content you have and the large presence of vitamin C.
As we mentioned above lines ingested in the most varied forms, fresh, breakfast, slightly sweetened with honey or to bring you more sweetness to its characteristic bitterness. Also, since it is possible to produce jams and desserts that tend to delight consumers and fans of this fruit.
You can also prepare cooked and combined with other fruits and vegetables.
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