Sap › Ennui › Buchón › I Multiples › Pastry › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. sap
  2. ennui
  3. buchón
  4. I multiples
  5. pastry

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

sap › Definition and Meaning

Latin literally means very white sapwood. Thus the sapwood noun is used to indicate that a substance has a very intense white color. This is a term in use and can be considered a cultured form of expression that can be found in poetic language to indicate that something has perfect whiteness (eg sapwood snow or clouds). In a second sense, this term refers to the white layer of tree trunks.

The structure of wood

The wood is a material with highly valued properties. In fact, wood is considered a material life. In this regard, it is worth knowing the structure of the wood for the trees.
The outside of the timber is the crust, a layer that protects the tree from inclement weather, especially the rain. Moreover, the crust is a protective barrier to prevent the invasion of fungi inside the trunk.
Inside the trunk, also called phloem, consists of a series of layers of living tissue: cambium, xylem and sapwood. The cambium is a tissue embryonic cells and is the layer that allows the development of ring - shaped timber. The xylem is properly the wood of the tree and has the function of transporting water and nutrients to the roots. The sapwood is the layer of the trunk formed by the younger rings. On the inside of the trunk is the heartwood, which are the most ancient tree rings.

The sap in the wood industry

In the rings forming whitish sapwood is carried out as the transport of water and nutrients and, therefore, it is essential for the development of a tree tissue. In fact, this tissue facilitates sap conduction along the trunk.

In the timber industry the sapwood of a tree is taken into account several fundamental reasons

1) is a factor determining the color of wood, 2) the quality of the sapwood of a tree determines the resistance of the wood and in this sense is decisive for the part to be elaborate and
3) the structure of the rings it is important to decide what type of cut trunk is best suited.
In the world of carpentry and cabinetmaking it is especially valued the quality of the sapwood of oak, cedar or mahogany.
Photo: Fotolia - natasha_chetkova
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[ 2 ]

ennui › Definition and Meaning

Ennui occurs when an intense boredom is experienced. The word ennui, weariness, apathy, indifference, apathy or boredom are some of their synonyms. Interestingly, the word comes from the Latin ennui, namely fastidium, equivalent to disgust.

The term

Regarding the food ennui occurs when foods are abhorrent. So, if someone usually eat a particular dish you can reach a point you feel dislike and rejection of him. Moreover, the foods we dislike also produce disgust or boredom.
Certain situations are repetitive monotone us, they do not provide any encouragement or inducement. When this happens ennui occurs and is a feeling of a certain sadness and discouragement.

From the point of view of human behavior

A fleeting feeling of ennui is a very common circumstance without too much and can easily be solved (eg, performing an entertaining activity). However, when prolonged over time can become a symptom of a depressive state. It should be borne in mind that boredom is associated with loss of appetite, laziness and fatigue life. To overcome the boredom and discouragement psychologists recommend a series of guidelines:
1) incorporating a hobby or pastime in our daily lives, 2) establish short-, medium- and long - term, 3) introduce healthy habits (especially physical exercise and one good food ), 4) take care of the physical appearance and
5) incorporate reward mechanisms for self-stimulate.
These tips can be useful, since boredom creates a certain addiction and some people are "hooked" to sadness. From a psychological point of view, boredom has two versions, a moderate and transient and other chronic type.

From a philosophical point of view

Some philosophers have addressed the issue of boredom. The Stoics spoke of indifference emotional and apathy. Existentialists have dealt with the concept of existential angst or life as meaningless. For Schopenhauer, excessive pleasure leads to dissatisfaction. Nihilism is a current that is based on the denial of the meaning of human existence.
Photo: Fotolia - Tatyana Gladskih
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[ 3 ]

buchón › Definition and Meaning

The term buchón has several meanings. One of them is related to some birds. On the other hand, it is a derogatory nickname used in Mexico. In Argentina, it is synonymous with snitch or informer. In Colombia, buchón is the name of a plant. In Costa Rica, this word is used to refer to football player who prefers to carry the ball before giving a pass to teammate.

The craw of birds

Some birds are below the mouth membrane, the buche or buchón, which allows them to store food so that it can digest slowly. Craw walls have strong muscles and this facilitates the crushing of food. One species with this feature is the pouter pigeon, in turn, presents several subspecies (the gorguero buchón, Rif or gaditano)

In Mexico

Among Mexican buchón word as a synonym for drug trafficker used. Originally it started to use this term in the state of Sinaloa, but eventually spread throughout the country. The buchones usually wear expensive and flashy clothes, drive fancy cars, consume some types of whiskey and have their own cultural icons, especially the narcocorrido. As for the origin of the term, there is a curious circumstance that could serve as an explanation: in Sinaloa the water had low quality and in its day this caused many people were neck swelled and were called buchones.

In Argentina

In the language colloquial one buchón is a snitch, that is, who has something he should not have. Normally it used in the school when a student reveals a mate for some reason (for example, cheating on an exam).

In colombia

The water hyacinth is a plant that sometimes becomes an invasive plant and, therefore, is a pest that can block the natural flow of water from rivers or alter some aquatic ecosystems.

In Costa Rica

If a Costa Rican uses the word buchón is referring to a type of football player, specifically one who wants the ball in his possession and not what happens to his teammates. In Spain, in the terminology of football it is one buchón a hickey. In any case, this is an overly individualistic player.
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[ 4 ]

I multiples › Definition and Meaning

Whole multiples of a number x is formed by multiplying that number by all other natural numbers and, therefore, the number of multiples of any number is infinite. Thus, multiples of the number 3 are the numbers 0, 3, 6, 9,12 and so on until the infinite. Therefore, we say that a number A is multiple of a number B when the number A is obtained by multiplying the number by another number B C.


We say that the number 15 is a multiple of the number 3, because 15 is equal to three multiplied by 5. In other words, the number 3 is contained at 15 five times, and if we add number 3 five times get the number 15. at the same time, the number 15 equals 5x3 and consequently, 15 is a multiple of 5.
All multiples numbers can be at least multiples of two numbers but they may have many more multiples. For example, number 12 can be obtained from the multiplication of 6x2 or 2x6, but can also obtain 4x3 or 3x4. Thus, the number 12 is divisible by 6, 2, 4 and 3. In addition to being multiples of several numbers, all multiples numbers are themselves (12 is a multiple of itself because the multiply it by the unit is obtains the same value).

Properties multiples numbers

To understand how these numbers work is necessary to know what their different properties.
1- The first property is that any number, except 0, is a multiple of itself and Number 1 (Ax1 = A).
2- The second property is that the number 0 is a multiple of all numbers (Ax0 = 0).
3- The third property states that if a number A is a multiple of another number B, the division between A and B will result in a number C such that the end result is a number exact (for example, if I divide 15 between May 1 exact number, 3) you are obtained.
4- The fourth property is that if we add two multiples of the number A result obtain another multiple of the number A.
5- A fifth property says that if we subtract two multiples of the number A will result another multiple of the number A.
6- according to the sixth property, if the number a is multiple of a number B and B is the number multiple of another number C, then the numbers a and C are multiples of each other.
7- A seventh and final property tells us that if a number A is a multiple of another number B, then all the multiples of the number A are also multiples of the number B.
Foto: Fotolia - colorfulworld
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[ 5 ]

pastry › Definition and Meaning

An apple cake, lemon cake, a toast or chocolate coulant have something in common: they are all cakes. The pastry is the culinary center dedicated to baking, ie the production of food which are not intended to cover basic needs but provide a friendly and pleasant taste.

The world of pastry in a few lines

Pastries, muffins, cakes or sweets have very different variants. There are personalized (eg birthday cakes), home or industrial, sweet or salty taste, cold or hot, popular or delicatessen version with sugared dough or clay and, ultimately, with a wide range of possibilities. Moreover, each country has its own gastronomy confectioner.
A Mexican can be passionate about baking the Day of the Dead, an Argentine alfajores marplatenses or custard tartlets and Spanish Mallorcan ensaimada or pasiegos sobaos. Behind each cake there is usually a tradition and a history.

The art of pastry has thousands of years

In the hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt there are references of sweet recipes, which are prepared with pasta flavored with honey. The Greeks had the habit of making wheat bread to celebrate some holidays and some cities and there was a facility that specializes in desserts, artokopeion (the term means artokopeion bakery or pastry and the word Plakon means cake).
In the civilization Roman patricians were fond of cakes (Latin there polyteles the term to refer to the desserts in general). Islamic culture was the creator of desserts made with sugar and fruit and many of its cakes and sweets are part of the Spanish confectioner tradition.
From a historical point of view many cakes and sweets were created by the need to preserve food for longer or to make the most of some very abundant raw materials (for example, it is believed that nougat appeared after the surplus of almonds and honey some territories).
In the sixteenth century the first confectioners corporations were founded and this office was consolidated as an art. Over time, modern bakery introduced a revolutionary advance that the world of pastry: cold mastery to improve the quality of products.
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