RIP › Boomerang › inconceivable › Past conditional › Transitive-Intransitive verbs › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. RIP
  2. boomerang
  3. inconceivable
  4. Past conditional
  5. Transitive-Intransitive verbs

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

RIP › Definition and Meaning

Since time immemorial humans bury their loved ones. This ritual is widespread throughout the world and throughout he shows the respect for the dead and burying some religions indicates the belief in a life beyond physical death.
RIP is an abbreviation stands Latin and correspond to Requiescat in Pace, which usually translates as "rest in peace ". In countries with traditional Catholic these acronyms are a farewell formula, namely an epitaph that accompanies the name of the deceased with the date of his death.
The word RIP can find it also in the obituaries published in newspapers, but sometimes other similar abbreviations appear (DEP is one of the most common and means Rest in peace, but also there are others, such as RIP, which means that in God rest his soul).
Note that RIP also appears on the tombstones of Anglo - Saxon countries Protestant tradition, which explains why English RIP is equivalent to the expression Rest in Peace, rest in peace.

The historical origin of the acronym RIP

The habit of writing epitaphs on the graves is very old and the Athenians began in Ancient Greece (the custom was to write the name of the dead on the tombstone and sometimes accompanied by a brief eulogy). However, the RIP inscription on gravestones began to popularize in the eighteenth century in Catholic countries like Italy or Spain.
It should be borne in mind that the requiem mass farewell words were spoken to pray for the soul of the deceased and at the end of the same was said Requiescat in pace followed by the word amen. Thus, the acronym RIP had a double meaning: the idea that death meant a break and the end of suffering on earth and at the same time, considering that physical death only affects the body and ultimately times the body and soul unite again.

funeral and burial alternative terminology

Some archaeologists and historians have studied the remains and documents related to the funeral terminology and its meaning. There are many terms that are part of the culture - related death, as grave, burial, tombstone, epitaph, niche and many others. Meanwhile, various forms of treating a body are studied in a discipline known as embalming.
Finally, it is worth remembering that the acronym RIP relate to the interments, but in the history of mankind burial has not been the only funeral ritual to get rid of the bodies, since some cultures have practiced and practiced cremation, immersion in water or abandonment of the body in a remote location.
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[ 2 ]

boomerang › Definition and Meaning

The term boomerang Boomerang or understand English is possible in three ways: as an ancient weapon such as a simple device intended for entertainment or relating to the so-called blowback.

A primitive weapon

In prehistory humans already manufactured hunting tools and spears, waves, bow and arrow or the boomerang is a clear example. The boomerang normally has the form of obtuse angle and is generally made of wood. Its main feature is that it can return to the hands of his pitcher after being released, as long as no impact with some object or animal. This peculiarity is due to two factors : its aerodynamic shape and the skill of the caster. However, for the boomerang return it is necessary that the person who throws consider the wind direction.
As a weapon aimed at hunting boomerang has the pretension to hit and stun prey to this way can be captured easily.
There is a belief that the boomerang is part of the culture of the Australian Aborigines, but it is not exactly as the ancient Egyptians and other civilizations also been used as a tool for hunting.

A form of entertainment

As the bow and arrow, the boomerang is suitable for a leisure activity contrivance air free. In fact, there are sports competitions that consist of throwing the boomerang to plan in the air and return to the shooter 's hand. This technique is not as simple as it may initially seem, it requires many practical and perfect mastery of technique. Moreover, we must take into account a wrong way to throw the boomerang can cause an accident.
The boomerang version playful -deportivo has spread throughout the world because you can practice outdoors it is inexpensive and fun at the same time.

The boomerang effect

Sometimes we make a decision purporting to be beneficial for us but we just hurting for some reason. When this occurs it is said that there has been a "blowback". On the other hand, also it speaks of this effect in the sense that every action has a reaction. In short, the boomerang effect refers to causality or law of cause and effect. In this regard, using the concept boomerang effect it is not intended to explain any law in a strict sense, but simply a "law" of life itself, because our decisions have consequences.
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[ 3 ]

inconceivable › Definition and Meaning

Knowledge is part of human existence. Through reason, we submit to a value judgment external events. We can believe us an idea and take it as true but also occur situations where a person looks at something as inconceivable. This is information that is difficult to assimilate the person considering that there is little likelihood of something happening.
For example, for a person who feels good in your relationship and do not have any confidence in their relationship, it is inconceivable the idea of believing in a possible infidelity on the part of the person with whom she shares her life. For this reason, it may be that if eventually finds itself has been a victim of infidelity, feel the wow factor of an idea that came to nothing in their mindsets. For many people it is inconceivable (misunderstanding) infidelity within true love.

evaluative judgments

In addition, for people who have a very limited view of life according to very specific stereotypes and prejudices it can also be inconceivable anything that does not fit their ideal of a happy life or what associates as correct. From this point of view, in dialogues in which different people have different opinions involved, differences of opinion may arise.
One may feel that the opinion of another is inconceivable. This is, for example, in debates as defined by ideas that have a difficult meeting point. For those who have prolife ideas it is inconceivable to assume the argument of those who defend abortion as a right of women.
On the other hand, when viewers watch the news in the news also considered censoring events because they are ethically inconceivable evil are issued. For example, injustice and corruption.

Critical sense of reality

Each adult can develop a sense critical to judge from their point of view reality. In fact, it is very important that every adult has their own perspective. Anything that can not understand why we find it inappropriate, is an example of data inconceivable for being contradictory to what we consider logical or correct.
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[ 4 ]

Past conditional › Definition and Meaning

In Spanish, the preterite pluperfect is a tense that refers to the past of another past. Thus, if we take as a reference point in the past, the past perfect refers to a previous past. So if I'm seeing an exhibition of painting on the 80 and I want to refer to a time before I can say that "in the 70s there had been a movement art that heralded a turnaround in the 80", with the verb " he had "the pluperfect subjunctive. This example shows that talk about a past (80) from which mention of another past (70) is made.

The formation of the Past conditional

To form this tense should be used the auxiliary verb "haber" in the imperfect (I had, you had, he-she had, we had, you had, and they had) and add the participle of the verb we want to express. As for the participle, verbs ending in "ar" have finished "ado" participles and verbs ending in "er" or "go" have the participle in "Gone", except in the case of irregular verbs.

Past perfect indicative and subjunctive

If I say "she had eaten when I arrived" I'm using the pluperfect tense in indicative. In opposition to the indicative, the subjunctive mood exists, so the pluperfect subjunctive past the same mechanism introduced last past but with the idea of doubt or probability.
Here are some examples: "I am convinced that I would have liked to go to the beach ", "If you had prepared before snack not have to run". As shown in the preceding two sentences the auxiliary verb is used "be" in imperfect subjunctive (would have / have) plus the participle of the verb.

Perfect and pluperfect

The name of the compound pluperfect time comes from the Latin, namely "plus quam perfectus", which means more than perfect. Thus, we have two pasts compounds, one perfect and the other pluperfect. In the indicative mood the past we used to refer to the recent past (I've had this morning and we slept until eleven) but, as mentioned, the pluperfect subjunctive refers to a distant past, ie a action is completed before another past action.
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[ 5 ]

Transitive-Intransitive verbs › Definition and Meaning

Intransitive verbs are those that do not require more information and, therefore, are "self-sufficient". They are verbs that give accurate and finished. By contrast, transitive verbs if they need additional information, clarification that brings meaning to what is being said.

Transitive verb
is a verb, transitive verb that necessarily accompanied by a direct object

In other words, the transitive verbs refer to actions that require a subject and complement direct. Thus, in the sentence "Luis has bought some flowers " have the following elements: Luis is an active subject, has bought is a transitive verb and some flowers is that upon which the action is brought, ie, is the direct object. Following the example of the previous sentence, it should be noted that it could be said in passive voice (some flowers have been bought by Luis) and the structure of subject and direct object would be maintained.
Transitive verbs require supplementary information. Thus, the verb search must be compulsorily accompanied by what is sought (I am looking for a friend or looking for a restaurant ). The same applies to verbs like having, buy, like, beat, making, among many others. From a grammatical point of view, this type of verbs are transitive, ie are oriented towards specific information, the direct object. Thus, it would make sense to say "I have" or "we buy" because both verbs require a specification to clarify what I have and what we buy.

intransitive verbs
Intransitive verbs are verbs that do not need a direct object to be meaningful prayer

Thus, intransitive verbs express contrary to the transitive idea. Some intransitive verbs are fleeing, thinking, reasoning, swimming, birth, etc.
However, the same verb transitive or intransitive may have sense. Let 's look at this idea with a concrete example. In the sentence "my friend reads" intransitive verb read is because prayer makes sense, since it is needless to say read, but refers to the fact that usually reads. Instead, in prayer "my friend we read horror novels, " this is a transitive verb value, it is said what he reads my friend. Thus, the same verb transitive or intransitive may have value, which depends on the context of the language.
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