Pear › Latino › Determinant › Symbolism › Contribution › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. pear
  2. Latino
  3. determinant
  4. symbolism
  5. contribution

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

pear › Definition and Meaning

Fruits are considered one of the basic pillars of a diet healthy and healthy. The high content of fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants makes no not recommend to anyone fruits to have a health of iron. Moisturise we do not usually provide fats help our digestive system to work optimally, are some of the fantastic consequences of consuming fruit.
Meanwhile, pear, is one of the fruits most consumed so recently exposed as almost does not add fat, contains many vitamins, minerals, helps in regulating the nervous and digestive systems, protect our skin and hair, among its tantísimos Benefits.
But in addition to the above, the pear is desired and consumed because it has a very delicate and distinctive flavor and is rich in juice and flesh... The latter generates to be consumed in juices, ie, is the squeezes and pear juice is taken, or also consuming unprocessed, or also cooked in some way, something that has certainly imposed much in gastronomy today.
More often you eat a pear for dessert but there are also those who use it for special preparations such as jams and compotes.
Somewhat less common, but it also happens is that the pear is used to prepare an alcoholic drink called perry and is widely consumed in countries like France and England.
The pear is the valuable fruit of a tree named as Pyrus communis but popularly known as pear, while its fruit is characterized by its green color and format oval.
However, it should be noted that the Pyrus communis is not the only tree able to produce pears, there are others but no doubt this turns out to be the most common.
The concept of pear also is very present in the lenguajecoloquial because on one hand it uses to designate the chin, ie it is synonymous with it and secondly because it is contained in a popular saying: do not ask for the impossible, that just use when we refer to impossible questions are intended, precisely because it is impossible for the elm pears.
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[ 2 ]

Latino › Definition and Meaning

The concept of Latin is a term very present in our language and which currently use much to designate those individuals who have a Latin origin, meaning they were born in a country belonging to Latin America or Latin America, among others: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Cuba, Paraguay, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, among others. One of the basic and most recognizable features is that Latinos speak Spanish.
It should be noted that those countries like the United States, part of the continent American but not in Latin America and that have a significant Latino community living in some of its states, as in the case of Florida, the concept of Latin is used generically to refer to the person who comes from Latin America or speaking Spanish.
The city of Miami, in Florida, has an important number Latino community, which is entrenched for decades, and as a result has already spread and extended many of their customs.
It is true that Latinos in cities like Miami are entrenched but on par with that reality, Latinos also tend to be very persecuted for their origin not American and is that it is common that the associate or link to authorship of the basic offenses such as trade in drugs and robberies.
It is important that at this point make a clarification, although countries such as Brazil and French Guiana formally belong to Latin America for its willingness geographical and also because they speak languages that come from the tongue mother : Latin, Brazilians are not the commonly referred to as Latinos, for precisely this use is linked more to the use of the Spanish language, then as originally Brazilians do not speak is that they are not called in this way.
But the concept of Latin has more uses and one of them is one that relates to Latin are all those people who use languages that have derived from the Latin language, especially the so - called romances such as French, Portuguese and Spanish.
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[ 3 ]

determinant › Definition and Meaning

The concept in question has a widespread use in our language, being used to refer specific issues in various contexts such as that of mathematics, the linguistics and computer science, meanwhile, we should note that the most popular use is not given to bodies none of the above but using colloquial and we use it a lot to refer what is characterized as strict, categorical and unequivocal, for example, an opinion on something, a decision made about a situation, among others.
The teacher was crucial to academic situation by arguing that Laura was not to be approved by a lack of dedication demonstrated throughout the year.
When someone expresses decisively on something or someone is expressing precisely bluntly about it. In some contexts, such is the case of the decision turns out to be a common demand that whoever has that task is proving decisive in deciding an issue. Hesitations often lead to doubt and also do not generate confidence in the ability to control someone.
It should also be noted that those issues that turn out to be decisive in x situation, often are able to change the fate of something or someone. Mario received support from his boss was crucial to its continuity in the company.
Moreover, in linguistics is called determinant attached to that word phrase is able to create a phrase whose core will be determinant, then its main function is to quantify or specialize thereto. Usually the determining factor we use it to point to an object and to delimit its reference.
On the other hand, in mathematics, it is a crucial concept used and associated matrix consisting of a polynomial that results from achieving all plausible product of a matrix, following certain rules, of course.
And as we noted at the beginning of this review, in the computer there is also a specific reference, more precisely on the issue of databases, being the determining one attribute that is assigned to another and which depends absolutely, ie this second is nothing without the first.
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[ 4 ]

symbolism › Definition and Meaning

We live in a world that besides the word communicates through symbols, ie the agreed meaning and extremely rooted in the culture that boast many of them.
This has obviously created symbolism, which is precisely the composed and symbols used to represent different issues such as beliefs, facts, ideas and concepts system.
It should be noted that social groups within a society and which normally we integrate we also have symbols that represent them and as a result helps them to be recognized and identified in the community in question. So we find symbols identifying and singling out type associations Cultural, political, religious, sports, shopping, among others.
Masonry, for example, used to be one of the most associations appealed to the use of symbols.
The cross is, without doubt, one of the symbols most associated with the Christian religion.
On the other hand, with the word symbolism it is called a movimientoartístico emerged in the nineteenth century, more precisely in the aftermath of this. The raison d'etre of symbolism found in the dominant opposition to proposals of those times such as the naturalism and realism and the need to reconnect with the premises proposed by the Romanticism.
The creators of this movement, which spread quickly among those opposed to the positions mentioned, were inclined to suggest objects instead of mentioning them directly and to exalt fantasy, imagination and impart their creations great spirituality.
It noted that the symbolism was a movement that spread to almost all areas of art such as painting, literature, theater, among others. It is also important to point out that although it emerged in Europe, quickly find an echo in other continents.
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contribution › Definition and Meaning

The word contribution we use in our language essentially two ways, by an economic side and associated taxes, and partly linked to charity and solidarity.
So the amount that such a neighbor paid monthly to the municipality to keep your neighborhood clean and lighting is called contribution.
This is one of the most common synonyms of income tax. While it is true that it is common for such payments or call them tax rates it is also correct to use the word contribution.
Normally the contribution is paid to receive a specific benefit by the state, as recently indicated cleaning the neighborhood and lighting it at night to ward off crime or any act of insecurity.
Or failing that, the contribution must also be paid as a result of property that a taxpayer has to its name, ie it is a paid for the provision of wealth canon. When a person increases the income that perceives that also increase the amount of the contribution to personal property that pays the state in which you live.
And as noted lines up, at the request of the beneficial and acts of solidarity, the word contribution has a special use as it that way at designated monetary contribution that someone, a person, company or organization performs to collaborate with a cause or the development of any activities which benefit those most in need will be.
In addition to the participation of people in any matter or action that rightly demand the presence of several people to bring it out later, the word contribution to denominate used.
Unity is strength, as goes the popular saying and then nothing better than the contribution of each person to get a problem that affects everyone achieves twist or improved.
When a natural disaster, occurs organizations of humanitarian aid, they ask, contributions of money or presence, the population unaffected.
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