Personal Development › Employment Relationship › Knowledge Management › Organic Seeds › Internal Control › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Personal development
  2. Employment Relationship
  3. Knowledge Management
  4. Organic seeds
  5. Internal Control

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Personal development › Definition and Meaning

One of the main goals of growth staff live consciously remembering that every human being has a force inside. Undoubtedly, the real personal growth is the result of work, effort, self - knowledge and the ability to discern what is a priority of what is secondary. The development staff is up to you, ie, is not a goal that can delegate to third party hands since you are the owner of the decisions you make.

Coaching and Personal Development

It helps you grow as a person those good actions that make you out of your comfort zone and prevent you stay stuck in familiar territory. Currently, there is a tool as important as the coaching is booming help. Power precisely coaching personal development of a human being.

Ambition helps reach new steps

Ideally, you do not settle to the minimum of yourself when you can aspire to the best both in terms of personal relationships and in the professional field. What is personal development described in terms of coaching? You can be the best version of yourself, that's esecia, personal development.
To bet on the development staff can read books on coaching, participate in personal growth workshops, be observant to learn from the positive example of others... You can also change your world through small actions become seeds of hope in your immediate environment. From this view, you can also enhance personal development in others.

How to achieve this goal?

First, praises others in their virtues, strengthens the people you appreciate positive feedback they are a boost of self - esteem. You can also enhance personal development in others through your support and closeness. Similarly, you can offer your mood.

Obstacles trying to stop our steps

There are times when a person may feel that is stagnating result of fatigue, the thinking negative, fears are a brake on personal development, insecurities... But you feed your mind and heart with positive thoughts to fly truth above all limits. The real limits are in your mind rather than in reality itself. The basis of personal development lies in being your best friend instead of boycotting your dreams.
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[ 2 ]

Employment Relationship › Definition and Meaning

Man establishes relations in different areas of your life. Depending on the context, different types of relationships are established. For example, labor relations showing work - based links are established in the professional field.

Newtorking practice

Today, the networking has become very important since having contact work is a good way to increase the chances of professional success. Networking is a positive way to establish labor relations. You can practice networking through social networks, attending conferences and lectures, participating in conferences, through courses....

The importance of partnership in the employment relationship

On the professional level, relations sound labor are those based on companionship. Through small gestures can make life more enjoyable for office mates. For example, you can offer your help to a companion in performing a task that has been delayed.
The relations work can also be based on the hierarchy when each person meets a certain role. Unlike a relationship with that hierarchy it is established between a boss and an employee. The boss is synonymous with authority and respect.
The relations work in the office are so important that the fact that a person is happy in his office with the human entire atmosphere, increases the level of motivation of workers. Conversely, when a person feels isolated or part of an individualist environment, she feels lonely.

building friendships

Labor relations differ from true friendship in that the first relationships are reduced to a professional field while the latter are more personal and trust. However, it should be pointed out, it is also possible to make friends at work and in some cases, companionship is a chapter prior to construction of a friendship.
The relationship work also shows a professional contract through which workers of a company offering their services to it in exchange for a certain salary (financial reward). A professional freelance working as a freelancer also establishes a working relationship with its customers. From this point of view, the employment relationship varies depending on the duration of the contract.
Labor relations are very important as it shows the afterwork, the initiative to strengthen ties with colleagues outside office hours.
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[ 3 ]

Knowledge Management › Definition and Meaning

The knowledge is one of the specifically human qualities. Through knowledge, the human being perceives reality as it is, ie, from a philosophical point of view, captures the truth of things, its essence and its only reality.

Knowledge management at company level

The concept of knowledge supports different meanings depending on its application. From the business point of view, in a competitive, but also human environment at the same time, there is much talk of the term knowledge management that aims to bring knowledge to all parties involved in the organization with the goal that each worker can better perform their profession to have a more specific professional skills. In that case, thanks to knowledge management also improve business results.

Encouraging information sharing

Management knowledge shows that true knowledge is shared. Through knowledge management, the spirit of constant training in enterprises through training courses aimed at enhancing the professional development of the components of the company to be able to update the curriculum through new experiences is also power.
The management of knowledge is essentially the attitude through a company facilitates knowledge to all members of it. The organization uses the most appropriate method for transmitting such knowledge. Knowledge management can not only be internal but also external.
Management knowledge internal lets you know what the current state of the company, what are the strengths of it, what the weaknesses are, what can be done to improve... are through external knowledge management could be found better, for example, customer behavior regarding shopping habits, for example.

Articulating and enhancing equipment

Knowledge management is very important because it allows the integration of all team members who are part of a system and that brings self - esteem, confidence and security. But also to turn knowledge into a universal value and not unique to an employee in particular, it gets to the saying that states that no one is really essential in a company.
To manage knowledge and transmit information is important to enhance the communication business through the proper channels to do so.
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[ 4 ]

Organic seeds › Definition and Meaning

The seeds are those grains produced by plants that once planted in the soils apt for this produce other specimens of the same species.
Meanwhile, organic seeds grains are those which have not been produced or manipulated from chemicals. For case it is of seed produced from practices that respect strictly the natural and organic. It noted that these practices are standardized and certified and thus ensure that the methodology used in them will usher in a totally natural product.
The main advantage is that organic seeds guarantee, ensure that the producer that acquires therefrom get a result, a product, absolutely natural and free of any chemical interference.
This need has clearly emerged from the advanced they have had in recent years new technologies applied to the field agriculture, we are specifically talking about the intervention technology in areas such as genetics, fertilizers and pesticides, which of course face the hundred percent natural.
As in this area and in many others where it sells for something like natural and in reality it is not, to avoid the dire consequences of falling into these tremendous deception is that the places where such seeds are produced They have control and certification special dealing to ensure that commitment to the naturalness of the product.
Moreover and to add clarity in this aspect of entirely organic origin, the seeds of this kind must have in their packaged legends that they define and differentiate them from others such are not and they should also have the typing.
There is now a large market that sells this type of seed and then you may acquire them in a place dedicated to gardening, such as nurseries, or also via internet, as you can acquire as many other products.
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[ 5 ]

Internal Control › Definition and Meaning

At the request of a company or a public entity, internal control, the set of actions, policies, procedures, standards and methods, among others, which exist in the same due to the proposal managers and employees it will be called, and have in order to prevent any eventuality, risk, precisely complication affecting the proper development and work the same.
Basically, that internal control is exercised through mastery of various variables such as the comprehensive controlenvironment work which includes not only the rank and file but also the managerial level employees, forecasting risks and circulation of both the information and the communication internal.
Always, the control action exerted on something allow us to inspect and supervise its operation, on the one hand to make sure the functions are fulfilled properly and secondly to ensure effectiveness, because invariably when the eye is placed on something concretely it will not prevent such actions or activities that involve the proper development of the work to develop.
Have an effective and efficient internal control will help the company or public entity myriad of issues that make the service or activity that develops is of excellence. You can among other things detect cases of corruption, achieve the proposed goals are achieved successfully promote in every way the efficiency and competitiveness in all areas, protect resources and meet the standards that have been proposed in due course as fundamental pillars of behaviors to follow, among others.
Then, as a corollary we note that any entity or company that has a proper internal control will be much more effective in the development of their work and more successful by the way because in that process control complications that complicate the daily work will be detected.
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