Military Hierarchy › World War Ii › Regular And Irregular Verbs › Conundrum › Gold › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. military hierarchy
  2. World War II
  3. regular and irregular verbs
  4. conundrum
  5. gold

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

military hierarchy › Definition and Meaning

The army is an institution universal and has a very specific function: protecting a territory and its inhabitants from possible internal threats and especially external.
Countries have a number of individuals within a military structure. This structure has a hierarchical organization, ie, it is organized from top to bottom. There is a dome with the supreme military command and gradually goes down to the base. Each nation has its own terminology and classification. However, it is possible to offer a global concept of how classified hierarchy military. At the height of the ladder is then generally captain general Lt. Gen. Col., captain, Lt., NCO, Sergeant out and welded. This classification is not entirely complete since there are also intermediate levels and sublevels within a range and another.
The mechanism by which the military are improving in their degree is worthwhile. Through military actions, tests and demonstrated abilities is possible to acquire a higher level. Despite the differences between the armies of each country, they all have the principle of hierarchy. The purpose of it is to control what the person holds more qualities. In this context, the great military leaders have been involved in the story (Alexander the Great, Gengis Kan, Napoleon...).
Each level of the hierarchy has few powers and some distinctive elements in their uniforms: plates, stars... In the military world these elements are gals. They have a very specific function: to know the capacity of each military command. This is important because in the army there is the idea that we must fully respect the orders given by a superior. Military regulations are precise in this regard.
The military hierarchy reflects the idea that an army can only be effective with a strict organization where everyone knows their roles and with a very clear sense of obedience. For this reason, there is a whole series of symbols, traditions and behaviors that are in line with the respect to the orders and who gives them.
If there were a military hierarchy, it would be very difficult to organize a defensive or offensive action. In civil matters it makes sense discussion among its members, but to the danger of an invading troops would be very risky that members of the army began a discussion of what you have to do each.
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[ 2 ]

World War II › Definition and Meaning

World War II (1939-1945) is considered the largest armed conflict in history. It marked the history of the twentieth century and its consequences are still present in the balance of power among nations on the planet.
A summary of this event requires a synthesis. So that it is clearly presents the following scheme causes, development, outcome and consequences.
As for the causes, it highlights the fact that two European powers (Germany and Italy) were in the early 30s under a totalitarian regime and a clear expansionist zeal. Germany was plunged into a severe economic crisis and the emergence of Hitler as a leader was a stimulus to regain the confidence lost after the defeat of the First World War. Nazi propaganda and militarism grow in the years 30. The Jews are persecuted and National defends the idea of the supremacy of the Aryan race.
World War ll begins in 1939 when Germany occupied Poland and declaring war, initially in Europe. The northern European countries are also occupied by the Nazis. France and Britain go to war against the danger of territorial expansion of the German army. Progressively, Germany invades Greece, Yugoslavia, North Africa and even a part of France. Meanwhile, Japan bombed the US military base at Pearl Harbor in 1941, leading the US into war because Japan had intended to occupy territories in Southeast Asia. Both sides are defined: the so - called axis (Germany, Italy and Japan) against the bloc of allies, led by the US, Britain and France, trying to resist the Nazi occupation. The Soviet Union with allies, because it has been invaded by Hitler's troops. From 1943 block shaft begins to weaken, as the Allies reconquer strategic areas: North Africa, Sicily, Pacific Islands, etc.
In 1944, Allied troops landed on the coast of Normandy (France). The Soviet Union occupied Poland and especially Berlin. Hitler commits suicide because his army is being dismantled on all fronts. Mussolini was killed by Italian partisans. Japan also surrenders after two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On August 14, 1945 the end of World War II declared.
The consequences of the conflict were several. Europe was divided into two blocs: the countries of the Soviet orbit and the Western democracies. USA launched the Marshall Plan, a project of economic recovery aimed at European recovery. Germany was divided into two states and Japan had to implement democratic reforms. US and the Soviet Union were the two big winners and for several decades the world was divided into two blocks dominated by these nations.
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[ 3 ]

regular and irregular verbs › Definition and Meaning

A verb is a word used to express some kind of reaction that affects one or more subjects. Different languages have a verbal structure to refer to events of the present, past or future. Each language has its peculiarities in terms of verbal forms.

Verbs have a primitive form, the infinitive, used to name them

It is not personal, such as participle and the gerund, because they require the accompaniment of a person (I, you, he...) to use.
Verbs are conjugated, as that can be expressed in many ways: present simple, past perfect, simple future, pluperfect, etc.
Verbs have a root and terminations or endings, which vary depending on the time and verbally.

There are two types of verbs: regular and irregular

Both belong to one of three conjugations in Spanish, those ending in ar ( love, being or playing), the ending in er (pleasure, protect or assert) and ending in go (sleeping, going out or going).
Those who do not change their root when conjugating verbs are regular. The root verb to love keeps am in any form (love, I love, I love you...). Instead, irregular verbs do have alterations in their root in some of its forms (the verb caber, would I fit, I cabré or CUPE).
The lexeme or root remains fixed at regular and irregular evolves with. Some of the regular verbs most used are: work, drink, live and learn. Among the irregular they would be: tell, smell, hear or put.
If we say that a verb is to regulate this implies that follows a pattern, the same scheme. Consequently, it is easier to use them in different forms. Irregular are not subject to a pattern or model, they are changing. Thus, it is more difficult to conjugate correctly and often make mistakes when using them ; especially if the speaker is a foreigner and is not familiar with the language.

The difference between regular and irregular verbs is because a language is not a fixed and theoretical structure, but is a living, changing reality

If all verbs were regular, the communication would be easier, but also more simple, more boring and less rich. In fact, the only major attempt to create a language common and universal (Esperanto) has not been very successful; probably because the human being must like express themselves in their mother tongue, even if regular and irregular verbs.
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[ 4 ]

conundrum › Definition and Meaning

Humans entertain ourselves and why not also sharpen even more our natural talents through various games and pastimes, as one of the classics in this regard are without doubt the puzzles a sort of enigma that demands a decision on our part and which it will be necessary to apply all the sharpness that comes out of our minds.
People are innately curious and so we normally attract all these issues that demand a solution and obviously the conundrum, it is one of the most attractive.
However, it noted that those who do not have a penchant for detailed analysis and reasoning arrested shall refrain from solving puzzles as both issues are key to resolving these problems.
For only mental exercise will allow us to access the successful outcome of an enigma, nor the experience, even prior knowledge they have about an issue will help us, but the reasoning and intuition also assist us in its resolution.
The most common conundrums are those that address situations where that has led to a totally strange and unusual fact, ie, there was something that could not be explained by the naked eye, with the observation, but require the use of mental acuity to be solved or explained.
Other typical puzzles are those that involve puns and expressions in this game that has implied the trap and also resolution of it.
Although it is commonly confused it is important that we make a paragraph apart to differentiate puzzles or games other pastimes also very popular as are the riddles. The main difference is that statements consist of rhyming, much simpler, so that children can also decipher.
Riddles are often used in learning the language.
And speaking of puzzles we can not ignore that this is the name given to one of the most popular antagonists Batman, the Caped Crusader 's most famous and began its history in the comics then moved to TV stations and film.
Riddler is actually the name of the character who popularized as Riddler and rightly so named because it is a fan of puzzles and riddles. Even strikes his blows through them, creating enormous confusion in its wake. Its distinctive physical feature is that green dress and his suit is full of question marks.
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[ 5 ]

gold › Definition and Meaning

Gold is one of the metallic chemical elements most precious in the world, in principle, that assessment is that not abundant on the planet and secondly because it is one of the elements that is used to produce: jewelry, such as rings, chains, bracelets, crowns and in coinage and the arts in general.
As a result the concept is used generically to refer to all the parts are made of this metal, even when someone has a lot of wealth it is often said that: it has all the gold in the world. This is precisely because gold immediately associated with large flow of money or goods available to a person.
By the way gold it is highly prized in the world economy and there are many people that instead of treasuring bills, dollars, Euros, Pounds, among others, decided to protect their savings in gold coins or bullion buying.
However, it is important to mention that interest in gold is not today but since time immemorial man has been attracted by the precious metal even possible, if we delve into the history of mankind we meet ample times when there was a huge valuation that led to rampant deploy search campaigns in which until the death of many people caused. One such moment was undoubtedly during the Spanish conquest in America. Knowing the existence of large quantities of gold, expeditionary, they punished the population native to seize them.
Among its physical features include: ductility and therefore is considered the easiest to handle metal, its bright yellow color, its robustness and excellent driving both heat and the electricity proposed; It is symbolized with the letters Au and atomic number leads is 79.
But we also give you other uses the concept clearly linked to its origin... In card games for the Spanish deck is a bat that is precisely gold.
And in the sport gold holds a privileged position as it is the material from which are made the awards devoted champions, world cup football is gold, the gold medal in the Olympic Games is the most precious prize, for example.
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