Minions › Pragmatism › Complication › Embarrassing Situation › Amendment › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Minions
  2. pragmatism
  3. complication
  4. Embarrassing situation
  5. Amendment

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Minions › Definition and Meaning

The term Minion is directly related to the idea of serving, understanding its origins in the French language from mignon. This word, popularized by a film series, is a curious question tranformado around its meaning, which is "loyal servant".

Unique animated characters who jumped to fame in the productions and Despicable Me Despicable Me 2

Minions are some unique animated characters that became famous and very popular films animation Despicable Me Despicable Me and 2.

Protagonists exclusive production Minions

As long because of the great impact that generated these particular yellow creatures it is that a story so that they are the exclusive protagonists of a film, Minions, released worldwide in July was generated.

The same producers and producers of Despicable Me and the voices of Sandra Bullock and Jon Hamm

In the original American version are the actors Sandra Bullock and Jon Hamm who lent their voices to the main characters.
The film was directed by Pierre Coffin, the same director of Despicable Me, while the production corresponds to Ilumination Entertainment with the support of the mega producer Universal Studios.

Detachment or spinoff

We must emphasize that this tape has caused huge sensation among children of the world is considered a spin-off, English term used to refer to those productions that emerge as an offshoot of a project before, in this case Despicable as we noted.

The history…

The argument is totally focused on who the Minions counting and recounting his wildest adventures... The Minions are creatures of yellow and shaped like elongated pill and living on our planet since its inception. Its main mission since they appeared on earth is to serve the most vile villain there, while this story is going on before the villain Gru, Despicable Me protagonist of times.
Minions after kill all the villains are going to live a quiet life in Antarctica but over time they discover that they get bored then decide to go back into the hunt for a villain that makes them do mischief.
With the mission of finding the baddest of all attend a meeting of Villains and there encountered the evil Scarlett a supervillain who will use them in their Machiavellian plans to take over the crown of St. Edward, who is the Crown traditionally it has been used to crown the English kings.
Photo: iStock - Catherine Lane
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[ 2 ]

pragmatism › Definition and Meaning

The concept of pragmatism has two uses in our language.

Attitude and thinking that valorizes the special and exclusive manner the usefulness and practicality of things

On the one hand, that attitude and thinking in which is valued so special and exclusive usefulness and practicality of things it is called pragmatism. Meanwhile, the person acting in this direction is commonly referred to as pragmatic.

Valuation of pragmatism in these times

Currently pragmatism usually highly esteemed and therefore those who have this value are valued to the detriment of those who are not. This situation is explained by the fact that the pragmatic and act usually responds to problems or contingencies that occur in some context, in an immediate way and generally with effective solutions. And of course, in today's world, where things happen immediately, it demands an attitude of this type and therefore is valued greatly.
On the other hand, the person who is pragmatic will be characterized from the rest because he knows seize every opportunity that presents itself because it knows it will get a purpose that is useful in something or who reports a profit.
And to add another argument for the assessment of pragmatic, we must say that there are some circumstances work activities and proposed life that just require provision of pragmatism to face them and sort them, and thus achieve the proposed goals.

philosophical movement born in the United States, which is characterized by its valuation practice and experience

On the other hand, the concept refers to this movement philosophically, a native of the US, which is characterized by its valuation practice and experience, and then, in this sense, considers the practical effects of a theory as the only option valid at the time of judging the veracity of it.
This movement emerged in the late nineteenth century and its main representatives and disseminators philosophers Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey and William James.
According to these philosophers, the objects must be considered by the practical function having, what the rejection by human concepts and adds absolute truths. They argue that ideas can change at any time.
Photo: iStock - annebaek
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[ 3 ]

complication › Definition and Meaning

One complication is an additional difficulty that arises in the process of achieving a goal set. One complication shows a complexity that requires special attention to be resolved. In the field professional, a complication may show an unexpected arises at the last moment and forces the worker to reorganize its agenda.
In the field academic, that subject which is difficult for the student requires extra preparation since the higher degree of difficulty, the higher the study time that the person should invest in preparing their exams.

Health complications

Complications can occur in all areas of life, also in terms of health. This is the case for example in the case of performing a medical treatment does not provide the expected result when an unexpected complication in the patient's health occurs. The same may occur during surgery.
People should have a great serenity to manage the complications that occur in an unexpected way to overcome them. In the professional field, experts in a particular matter are more qualified to manage these complications with specific knowledge.

Adaptation to change

The attitude of complicating things is also very typical of human beings who sometimes difficult living to worry about issues that do not matter itself. In the context of personal relationships, complications can also be the result of a wrong attitude by both.
All complication has a concrete result in the protagonist's life. For example, a person may have to suspend assistance to a given plan to have arisen a complication of late.
Why complications arise? Because people can not control everything, even planning more realistic random leaves open that are not available to the individual will aspects. Complications occur frustration precisely because they show us the factor of unpredictability.
In addition, complications are also inherent in the process of maturity since any person has in his adulthood more responsibilities and obligations in childhood when games and constant parental protection are two essential pillars of children 's happiness.
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[ 4 ]

Embarrassing situation › Definition and Meaning

The human being is immersed continuously in situations that show a temporal sequence in the biography staff. People experience situations of all kinds, pleasant experiences that produce illusion, situations of disappointment that produce emotional wounds, moments of fears and also uncomfortable experiences as show those embarrassing situations that are really unpleasant for the person who feels out of place before a concrete experience.
An embarrassing situation is one that causes discomfort emotional and shame. An embarrassing situation becomes even more complex when experienced in public and the protagonist who feels victimized by the situation experienced by the fear of ridicule. Embarrassments that there are daily and displayed as awkwardly as a gaffe.

Awkward situation

Such situations are relativized through the sense of humor. That is, any person overcomes an awkward situation when he learns to laugh at herself.
Sometimes the emotion of feeling embarrassed can be so intense that the ability to think clearly on this issue is weakened. However, when you have spent time what happened with the time perspective, we can see that same experience in a totally different perspective.
It is very important not to be blocked by an embarrassing situation because if they do, you may develop an irrational fear. For example, if having committed a major error in an exhibition in public, the person may experience fear face new experiences in public speaking.
The embarrassments are also linked to another very human fear: fear of what people say, that is, the fear of what others think.

The comic side of reality

This kind of uncomfortable situations are living in a different way depending on age. The adult has more resources to manage an embarrassing situation maturely a teenager who may feel vulnerable to the fear of ridicule from classmates. Humor is part of life, however, at the same instant in which the person experiences an embarrassing situation feels that this situation is not funny.
The prospect of humor is recovered through the attitude by putting the point of care in the comic side of reality.
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[ 5 ]

Amendment › Definition and Meaning

The concept of amendment is used with various meanings in our language.

Correction that has the mission to correct an error or defect.

One of the most common references allows to account for the correction is made after the commission of an error or warning of the presence of a defect.

Remedy defects or errors is the mission

Normally when a person makes a mistake in performing some task or action should develop an amendment to correct that mistake.
The same demand Discovering a defect in something, it will be necessary to provide an arrangement.
Mistakes are common and part of human nature that is why it is common to happen, however, it is important to always provide an amendment to save the error incurred.

Proposal aims to add or replace a point in a report or document, or directly replace

Moreover, the concept is also used to refer to the proposal that someone makes a request of a draft of a report or an opinion, with the intention of adding or replacing some point thereof, or failing that total replacement of this work.

Use the right Revised laws, bills, constitutions, international treaties, among others

On the right it is where most of this sense of the term is used when it is necessary to account for the change demanded an official document, articles and texts of laws and bills.
We should also note that this reference also extends to the modifications carried out on supreme laws as constitution national of a country or international treaties. Generally, these aggregates have a mission to change some aspect of the law.
However, in the cases just cited, such important regulations on what makes a nation or diplomatic relations, they must have the consent, with the approval of competent bodies, as in the case of the legislature.
That is, in most cases can not be made an amendment in the Constitution of a country if there is no approval of Parliament or Congress.

Agricultural product is added to arable land

And the concept also has a special use in agriculture, where the amendment is a product that is added to the soil to cultivate in order to structurally improve and correct the acidity present.
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