Russian Roulette › Artichokes › Pineapple › Check-In › Shorthand › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Russian Roulette
  2. artichokes
  3. pineapple
  4. Check-in
  5. shorthand

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Russian Roulette › Definition and Meaning

Roulette is a game of very common chance in casinos and has two modes, the French or American. In the case of Russian roulette we are not talking about a normal random simple game with chips on a table, gambling, a number of players and a dealer but we refer to something else, a game of life and death.
The name of Russian roulette has a clear relationship with Russia, as it was in this country, particularly in the nineteenth century in the tsarist period, when the first evidence of this type of game begin to appear.

Game Mechanics

The game has the following elements: players who bet money and a revolver drum normally loaded with a bullet. the game is started by inserting a bullet in the barrel of the gun. the drum is then rotated so that no one can know where the bullet is. Each player takes a shot at his own head. When a player makes the shot and dies, the game ends and while this does not happen are happening shots until finally a player ends his life. Naturally, the winner of the game is the person who survived and the loser is dead.

Seeking an explanation for the unexplainable

Russian roulette is, first, a completely illegal gambling. It is part of a clandestine world where big money move. There is a really strange look and what we could express with a question: what sense does this game. In principle, the objective is to make money, but it is unclear that is the sole purpose, as the risk of loss of life is very high. It is worth thinking that participants have some type of mental or social problem: seek death, have uncontrolled addiction risk or life is meaningless. It is difficult to give a definite answer on what motivation a person can have to play Russian roulette.
The violent component of this game is embodied in the world of cinema, especially films squalid and marginal environments.

Russian roulette without bullets

In a figurative sense it is said that a person playing Russian roulette when it 's a very risky activity. Some sociologists compare the consumption uncontrolled drug as a kind of Russian roulette and the same can be said of any behavior with high destructive and unaccountable component from a standpoint of rational (for example, driving at high speed in the opposite direction to the movement). Sometimes this is used expression to express an action is too bold and therefore, preferably avoid. So, if someone raises jump into the water from a cliff, it is very likely that someone says it is outrageous and it is better not to play Russian roulette.
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[ 2 ]

artichokes › Definition and Meaning

The artichoke, Cynara scolymus, is a vegetable native to southern Europe and North Africa where the climate hot favors growth, is a plant with thick leaves with an edible portion corresponding to the pads or rounded buds from the stems that usually ingested in fresh or canned type preparations.

Artichokes are source of several minerals and antioxidants

It comprises more than 80% by water, has a high content of carbohydrates and is a good source of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin B1. Also it contains substances such as flavonoids cinarina and have a number of effects on the body.

Artichoke has several benefits for your liver

Liver protector. Artichoke has the ability to decrease the loss of a substance called glutathione, which protects the liver from damage caused by various substances like chemicals and drugs.
Increases the production of bile. This cinarina in artichokes stimulate the production of bile from the liver and its release into the intestine, this has a facilitatory effect of digestion, especially of fats, helping to relieve symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence after eat. This effect is beneficial for people who have conditions such as biliary sludge or small stones as it helps to expel gallstones to be eliminated in the faeces, in the case of large stones should rather be avoided to prevent the risk of an obstruction biliary drainage duct.
Decreases cholesterol production. Blood cholesterol comes from a part of the food ingested and another production of the same in the liver, the latter process is diminished by some components present in artichokes, which have a similar medications called statins effect (among those found atorvastatin, simvastatin, rosuvastatin and pravastatin).
It stimulates the production of urine. This diuretic effect is useful in cases of fluid retention, as well as disorders such as cellulite and localized accumulation of fat tissue known as lipodystrophy.

Preparing artichokes

This plant can be prepared in different ways, the first thing to do is remove hard surface sheets and chop the sharp edges with a knife or scissors, then boiled in salted water or steam for 30 to 45 minutes and then mojándolas can be eaten in a sauce or used to prepare them as salad, stuff them, coat them or bake them.
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[ 3 ]

pineapple › Definition and Meaning

The Pineapple is a tropical fruit, its scientific name is Ananas comosus, is a plant belonging to the family of the bromeliads, gender Anna, Sativa species present in the tropics and subtropics, native to South America.
The plant growing in soil which takes the form of a rosette comprising multiple rigid sheets, equipped with long spines. In the central part of the plant emerges a stalk on which the fruit has an oval shape with a crown of leaves develops.
This plant requires a climate warm and high humidity to grow two crops are obtained annually.

Major nutrients in Pineapple

Pineapple fruit is high in various nutrients, 100 grams of this fouta contains 25 mg of beta carotene, 180 mg potassium, 11 mg magnesium, 40 mg Thiamin, 30 mg Riboflavin, 21 mg of Vitamin C and fiber, besides these contains other nutrients in lower concentrations.
The composition also includes an enzyme called as Bromelain, known for its anti - inflammatory properties.

Tips when selecting and storing pineapples

- mature cones be preferred as a once harvested not continue to ripen
- must keep temperature room or cooled to more than 7 ° C, at lower temperatures appear cold damage like brown color.
- Pineapple can undergo fermentation with ripening so it is advisable to pass some time between harvest and consumption.
- If palpating pineapple has soft areas or seeping liquid should be avoided since these changes reflect a fermentation process is occurring.

Pineapple beneficial effects for health

Pineapple has a number of beneficial effects derived from their composition, these include:
Antioxidant effect. Related to the presence of vitamin C and beta - carotene, this effect is related to the neutralization of free radicals, aging - related substance and the development of diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.
Antiinflammatory effect. The present Bromelain Pineapple confers antiinflammatory effects, especially when tissue damage as in the case of trauma or surgery, for this reason used postoperative to help reduce inflammation, pain and accelerate the resorption of hematomas, and in conditions such as muscle tears and sprains.
Diuretic effect. Another property of this fruit is its ability to help remove tissue fluids which are then excreted in urine, so it is used in case of edema and circulatory disorders in the legs. In this case it can be used in combination with cucumber juice form.
Digestive effect. Bromelain contained in pineapple facilitates the digestion of food, especially protein, making it easier the absorption of nutrients.
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Check-in › Definition and Meaning

The English word check-in refers to the procedures related to the arrival of passengers to airports or ports before shipment, as well as the procedures are performed in the hotel lobby comes when a new client.
In all its forms the check-in is a key operation in receiving passengers or customers. It should be borne in mind that in the case of an airport can be thousands of people who are traveling and need to arrange a check-in system effective, fast and coordinated.
In recent years, the check-in systems have evolved considerably for two reasons:
1) computerization of processes and
2) the on-line customer management.

Check-in at a hotel

If a customer is in the hotel lobby to occupy a room already reserved in advance is necessary to perform a series of steps in the process of check-in: check booking, identification and record customer and a very important aspect, the clerk check that the assigned room is available. It should be borne in mind that check-in is directly related to the reverse operation, the check-out. In other words, a customer has your room, you make sure that the previous guest has left that room.
Check-in at a hotel is twofold: 1) It is important from an organizational point of view for managing room establishment and to take strict control of the inputs and outputs of customers and 2) the customer that arrives the hotel after a trip needs to be attended to quickly and effectively and if check-in is ineffective it would be offering poor service and lousy welcome message.
Online processes affect not only the check-in at airports and ports, as also used in hotels. The customer can register their personal data at the same time of booking, which facilitates the work of the receptionist and prevents the client itself a series of procedures that are no longer needed. This optimization process has obvious positives (fewer steps and reduced waiting times). However, there are customers who miss the traditional check-in at the hotel: A receptionist greets you and welcomes you, ie, a direct and personalized treatment.

Check-in, an example of the expansion of English

At airports and hotels in most countries English is used as a language of communication. If you want to make a reservation for a room we should know that the term used is booking. If a hotel sells more spaces available are in a situation of overbooking. If we're going to take a plane do the chek-in and when we got to the destination perform the check-out procedures.
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shorthand › Definition and Meaning

Historical background

Most historical sources credited the Phoenicians were the creators of the writing alphabetic about 3500 years ago. In principle written records were for commercial and administrative matters, but over time the use of the alphabet adapted to the literature and other activities in which the script is the genuine item.
The Romans introduced the practice of abbreviating some commonly used words (SC amounted to Senatus Consultos and capital letter F meant filius, son).
The script was adapted to various everyday circumstances (especially in politics and bureaucracy). However, writing was a slow and laborious process and made it difficult to take notes properly, for example when speakers spoke in the Senate. This technical difficulty was necessary to invent a system for writing off faster. It is known that it was in ancient Rome where he appeared the first abbreviated writing system (the first history of shorthand known as Tironian Notes, which is named in honor of its creator, Marcus Tullius Tiro, who was the personal secretary of Cicero ). Historians agree Marcus Tullius Tiro consider as the true initiator of stenography.
Shorthand technique of the Romans was made on a wax tablets and a stylus or style (hence the word fountain) that was used to write like an eraser. Subsequently notes taken with Tironian notes were passed to papyrus or parchment, old versions of the paper. The effectiveness of the abbreviated writing soon adapted to the legal and political activity (notably in making statements judgments in the debates in the various assemblies and the intervention of the speakers in the Senate).

Shorthand evolution and its present meaning

The contribution of the Romans was decisive for the sixteenth century from some European nations create their own system of rapid writing. The term Shorthand it began to use English Thomas Shelton in the seventeenth century (Tachygraphy was the title of the first treatise on writing fast or short writing). The systematization of Shelton made Shorthand quickly became an instrumental technique of great importance for all kinds of activities. The alphabet that he invented was based on curves, straight lines and combinations of both, which represented the vowels and consonants.
Shorthand currently still it used although its use is somewhat restricted. In the various parliaments, stenographers are responsible for taking note of everything they say representatives of the people. This aspect can draw attention in the digital age, but today has not found a system that can definitely replace shorthand.
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