Sabbatical › Civil Engineering › Work › Obscure › Public Works › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. sabbatical
  2. civil engineering
  3. work
  4. obscure
  5. public works

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

sabbatical › Definition and Meaning

The word Sabbath has widespread use in our language and it usually applied in different contexts.
In its most general and widespread use, sabbatical allows you to tell everything himself or linked to one of the seven days of the week: Saturday.
At the request of the week civil, on Saturday it is the sixth day of the week, ranking among the day Friday and Sunday. It is associated with the rest, because it is one of the two days, next Sunday, which make up the weekend, at which time people rests of their professional activities or student developed during the week, between Monday and Friday.
For some religions like Christianity, Saturday is the seventh and last day of the week, even in the Bible is the watchword as such and also accuse him as a day in which predominates the rest.
Moreover, at the request of the Jewish religion, sabbatical, it was the concept that was used to name the seventh year in which the Jewish people decided and allowed their land to rest. It was a custom agricultural widespread that mission was that the earth could rest and recover after six straight years working on it.
Meanwhile, related to the term, we find the popular expression of sabbatical, which is used in our language to indicate that period of time, usually comprised of a calendar year in which an individual rests from carrying out their activities daily work and is dedicated to doing nothing, relax, travel, visit friends, among other actions related especially leisure, because basically the sabbatical year will involve entertainment in its fullest sense.
It should be noted that the term sabbatical comes from the Hebrew custom mentioned above in which the Jews used to rest the seventh year of harvest.
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[ 2 ]

civil engineering › Definition and Meaning

The concept of civil engineering is used to designate those works which are the result of civil engineering and that are developed for the benefit of the population of a naciónporque some of the objectives of these are the territorial organization and the maximization of the territory.
Among the most common with which we can bump us examples are: roads, streets, highways, bridges, railways, airports, ports, allowing the circulation of the various means of transport : cars, trucks, bicycles, trains, planes, ships; sewers; canals and dams that are responsible for managing the water resources of a territory.
As indicated above lines is the civil engineering the discipline to which we owe its expertise in the development of this type of work. It uses a variety of skills combining to develop, including: physics, calculus, mechanics, chemistry, algebra, hydraulic, among others. All these contribute to the time of design, construction and maintenance of infrastructures mentioned above.
It should be noted that in conjunction with the military engineering, civil engineering is the oldest disciplines that man has created to improve their environment. From almost the beginning of human civilization, when men began to leave aside the itinerant life and case began to demand a place protected to live, he began the active practice of civil engineering, more precisely in Egypt and Mesopotamia in 4000BC.
Meanwhile, the professional who practices civil engineering is known as civil engineer. Meanwhile, you get this title after successfully pursue and complete the career of Civil Engineering at a university. The next step to practice as such is to achieve certification by the professional association.
Working out of civil engineers is wide and can be hired by private businesses, public agencies and engineering consulting firms.
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[ 3 ]

work › Definition and Meaning

The word work has widespread use in our language and allows us to express different things. In general use, through the word work we can give an account of what occurred or done by an individual or a group.
When it is a production that is the result of the activity of an artist will discuss artwork. The work of art involves a certain establishment whose mission is to provide an aesthetic proposal given or quality. While normally associated directly the work of art with a painting, a sculpture or engraving an artist, artworks are also literary works, musical compositions and illustrations, among others.
Moreover, also it called work to building the ground structure has been in stadium construction or also called work at the place, a home, for example, which is being made an arrangement to improve facilities they have been damaged because of something. It should be noted that the aforementioned works should be designed and planned by experts in the area, as in the case of architects who have studied architecture, the discipline that teaches the technique of projecting just structures and buildings.
In the literary field it is extendedly work uses the word to designate books, volumes or other literary work. You got to read the latest work by Coelho.
And in the field of theater the word but it is also used to refer to this play that is played by an actor or group of actors. The work of the Argentine actor Ricardo Darín is a success Corrientes Street.
Also work we use the word in everyday language to mean that virtue or means by which it is possible to accomplish something. Through the work of Mary we get the whole neighborhood make donations to the church.
On the other hand, the time and effort that goes to an activity is called as a work. That dress designer has a lot of work.
Exposed by the senses is that this term has a variety of synonyms such as creation, book, and construction work.
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[ 4 ]

obscure › Definition and Meaning

The word dark to reference in our language the absence of light or clarity that prevails in an interior space or place. It should be noted that it is more common rather than dark is named as dark without the b, though, with both proposals will address the same: the lack of light or clarity. This room is very dark I recommend that you add a general illumination. By this time the street and looks very dark, be careful when leaving.
Then the dark places have few sources of lighting, light, and this generates is made difficult to see there, as happens at night, which is characterized precisely by the absence of light. Humans and animals have adapted physically to the lack of light in the evolutionary process and that is that the pupils of the eyes dilate in the presence of darkness, facilitating greater entry of light into the eye.
Also, the word we use a lot in relation to people and colors. For example, when someone says that is obscure you will want to refer to is characterized by a known origin or to hide things all the time. And in terms of color, the color black is popularly associated with the obscure.
Meanwhile, we call as darkness to the absence of visible light or visible to the human eye.
The word that directly opposes the one in question is to clear, which refers precisely the presence of plenty of light.
Moreover, the word dark presents an extended metaphorical use in literary works, especially in poetry, and also in the field of art, to indicate moods such as depression, sadness, anxiety, loneliness and even evil. This is mainly due to the impact negative level emotional generated in most people the lack of light.
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[ 5 ]

public works › Definition and Meaning

The concept of public work is used in our language to designate all those constructions, buildings or infrastructures that are performed by the public administration, which is the same as saying they are promoted by the state, and whose fundamental mission benefit community in some area.
There are many expressions of public works with which we may encounter humans whatever the community in which we live, while, among the most common are: the transportation (including the work of implementation and repair of highways, roads and highways; in fluvial matters, creation of ports and waterways, air transport, development and improvements in airports, and what makes rail transport), hydraulic (generating dams, debuggers and distribution networks), urban ( creation and improvements in roads, lighting, parks and squares) and public buildings (those destined for education, health care, etc.).
It should be noted that these infrastructures are carried out thanks to the financial resources of the state that mostly come from taxes and tax payments paid by citizens. In the public budget of nations must be allocated an amount to meet them and consumarlas and must not have a profit by the state but simply his duty is to improve the quality of life of society.
Generally, the state calls tender to companies performing works as those mentioned above and who wins it will be in charge of generating and culminarlas. For companies to carry out successfully the work is necessary for the administration public by controlling the progress and procedures in accordance with the conditions and guidelines they have been provided promptly in signing the contract.
It is worth mentioning that public works has often served as a springboard for illicit enrichment of officials from government, since it is a common practice in some countries, be granted the tender to friends in the ruling government companies and in return received an economic contribution that directly goes into the pockets of officials.
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