Monitoring › Ortiva › Pulsión › Wordy › Absolute Value › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. monitoring
  2. ortiva
  3. pulsión
  4. wordy
  5. Absolute value

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

monitoring › Definition and Meaning

A monitor is a screen where you can see pictures of something that is happening in real time. These types of screens are connected to one or more cameras that transmit live images. Consequently, the act of observing a monitor with a purpose is known as monitoring.

Security main function

The main application of most actions is monitored surveillance of a place in order to maintain security and control. There are many areas in which this technology is used, such as airports, casinos or on some streets to ensure public safety. If there is any incident in such spaces (eg theft), the monitoring system can retrieve images and thus it is possible to clarify exactly what has happened.

In the field of medicine

Current medicine use monitoring in several ways:
1) to monitor the status of the critically ill in intensive care units, 2) to perform certain medical tests, 3) to transmit data from one place to another or
4) for remote surgical interventions.
Medical terminology in talking about respiratory monitoring, cardiac, neurological or in connection with childbirth, among others. With these devices you can display information through a networked system.

Other apps

Monitoring has applications in all kinds of contexts. It is useful in the prevention of fires, crop control, monitoring traffic control airspace or in connection with work.
While monitoring is a tool useful in some cases is considered oriented monitoring individuals and for this reason some people understand that the use of this technology is contrary to the instrument right to privacy.

Social observatories are designed to monitor a reality

Certain social realities are studied and evaluated permanently. This is what happens with gender violence, social inequality or educational issues. These realities require an operation which effectively controls what is happening and why the term monitoring is used.
This is not to install surveillance monitors, but employing a number of techniques to monitor what is intended to meet (data analysis or surveys are some of the most common tools used by social observatories).
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[ 2 ]

ortiva › Definition and Meaning

Ortiva word is used in very different contexts and each has a very particular meaning. Specifically, this term is part of the astronomy, the lunfarda jargon Argentina, is synonymous with boring in some countries of Latin America and, finally, is a chemical that is used as a fungicide to prevent disease in some cultures.
As to its etymology, from the Latin "Ortus" from which the word ortho, which refers to the output or appearance of the Sun or other stems star on the horizon (speaking of ortho or sunrise in opposition at sunset).

The curious use in the context of astronomy

The time of departure of a star is known as amplitude ortiva or Oriental, a phenomenon that opposes the occidua or Western amplitude, the time in which a star is hidden and no longer visible. Both parameters are used in marine navigation and allow a correct location of a boat.

In Argentina and some Latin American countries

Lunfardo is a jargon peculiar to the region of the Rio de la Plata. In this territory the ortiva as a synonym word snitch or informer is used, ie, a person who informs the police about certain criminal acts. Therefore, it is clearly derogatory term.
In some countries, especially in Peru, ortiva is a boring person who does not like doing activities with others.

Regarding crops

Most horticultural crops have the risk of diseases that adversely affect crops. To combat this situation fungicides, ie substances that stop the development of certain diseases are used. The ortiva is one of the most widely used to prevent destruction of crops fungicides. From a chemical point is made with a single active ingredient, as it is shown that this way is more effective against diseases that affect plants.
Regarding its use, it is recommended to mix quite ortiva water and spraying said mixture onto plants thus cover the entire crop. The main crops that are opposed by the ortiva are tomato, cucumber, squash, melon and watermelon, as well as some cereals (eg wheat and barley).
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[ 3 ]

pulsión › Definition and Meaning

The drive is an energy psychic showing the strength of touch with life but also death. The drive concept is used in the context of psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, analyzes the nature of human beings and notes that have somatic motivations that go beyond the power of instinct is proper to animals.

What are the differences between drive and instinct?

While instinct shows the satisfaction of a particular desire in a specific target, however, the drive is not directed at a specific purpose nor fully satisfied. The drive shows an impulse or tendency that emerges strongly in the subject producing an internal voltage.
Freud explains how the human mind are conscious elements while other elements are in the field instinctual unconscious. From the standpoint of Freud, the drive shows the limit of the contradiction between the plane somatic and psychic sphere. Why this statement?
For though the source of the drive has its axis in a stimulation of the somatic level, this touches closely the mood of the subject. The drive is an example of how mind and body interact. However, it should be noted that the subject can not always specify clear and crisp as what the source of the drive because sometimes a feeling is more abstract. The drive has an initial push that produces and is aimed at an end.

What examples can help drive better visualize the essence of this concept?

The sexual instinct and the instinct of self - preservation showing the attachment to life. The instinct of self - preservation refers to all the needs related to bodily functions, such as hunger, they are necessary for survival.

Pulsations of life and death

In addition, the categories of life and death instincts refer to this trend by which I live back to its inert phase. The drive explains how there are behaviors that go beyond pure instinct or rational logical level. That is, many actions are rooted in the uncontrollable force of the drive.
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[ 4 ]

wordy › Definition and Meaning

People perform consistently subjective and objective assessments. Undoubtedly, the pursuit of excellence, is very appreciated the wordy work. A concept that is not used in excess in the language everyday and often replaced by other synonyms, for example, meticulous, bright, industrious. There are many concrete examples of sentences in which this concept has meaning.
For example, "the architect did a neat job in the reform of this old house," "the esfudiante has conducted a lengthy effort to address reviewing math "... We can also refer to this concept from the nature of the project we have to carry out. For example, write one email or a mechanical and routine work is not tedious.
Employers who hire workers to join the team seek profile competent professionals doing a neat job. Responsible and consistent, with attention to detail.

What is wordy

However, an arduous and long task, requiring a high level of effort and concentration, yes it is. All trades are tasks that are of this type, which are more complex tasks and to which the worker must put maximum concentration motivation and excellence to get a positive result.
We can also use the wordy adjective to mention a fact, situation or circumstance that has served us upset or uncomfortable. Like with other concepts, the wordy concept originated in Latin, it comes from the term "prolixus". A tedious project that expands in producing impatience time the subject is also wordy.

different meanings

The wordy concept is a clear example of how the same term can be used to refer to very different concepts because although on the one hand, refers to the excellence of a job well done, something that is admirable. On the other hand, also it refers to the attitude of an impertinent person or also to other circumstance which is equally heavy. For example, an annoying noise.
Wordy is a concept that often we read in many texts, however, not be as used in everyday conversation, you may have confusion about what their plain meaning.
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[ 5 ]

Absolute value › Definition and Meaning

This concept applies to two areas of knowledge, mathematics and ethics. Moreover, in everyday language, the idea of absolute value expresses that something is valid for itself and not for other circumstances (for example, money is the value that we give but respect for life has value absolute itself).

In mathematics
in relation to arithmetic, the absolute value of any number refers to its magnitude and not the sign you may have, positive or negative

Thus, the absolute value of -2 or +2 is the same, the number 2. Remember that all numbers except 0 are positive or negative, but the absolute value of a number is always positive. In mathematical terms, the absolute value is an operation that allows any number becomes positive.
Regarding the entry of the absolute value of a number, it appears a value x between two vertical bars.

Ethical reflection in the debate between absolute and relative values addressed

When we talk about values and behaviors we refer to talk about the value of generosity or the value of sacrifice.
The values of a society are changing over time and, on the other hand, in each tradition culture are values and not others. Consequently, we are faced with relative values. Thus, the values depend on the social or historical circumstances. Thus, tolerance, cooperation or solidarity are ideas that have a changing value depending on the waves circumstances of each individual opinions.

universal ethical principles

When philosophers refer to absolute values or universal ethical principles they attempt to highlight certain ideals that are common to all cultures, all ages and humanity as a whole. Consequently, these ideals or values are universal. Thus, certain forms of behavior are considered universal because, despite certain nuances or findings, we can affirm that have always been present in the human condition.
The justice as an ethical value has been transforming, but what has not changed is the idea of justice. The same goes for love, truth, freedom or truth. All these concepts may vary in their manifestation, but at the same time are imperishable, that is, they are absolute values.
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