Papaya › Lemon › Asparagus › Fiscal Home › Guarana › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. papaya
  2. lemon
  3. asparagus
  4. Fiscal home
  5. guarana

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

papaya › Definition and Meaning

The Papaya, also known as papaya, is a tropical fruit oval with a thin yellow shell, inside the pulp seen whose color can be yellow or orange depending on the species of the plant, has a very pleasant sweet taste It is widely used for its benefits especially at gastrointestinal level.
This fruit is native to America, where he was known by the Indians before the discovery, the Spaniards took to Europe and from there to Africa and Asia. Currently the largest producer of papaya is Brazil.

Papaya major nutrients

This fruit is rich in sugars or carbohydrates, water, vitamin C, potassium, iron and calcium, in smaller proportions also contains vitamins B, vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, sodium and iodine. Papaya is also rich in carotenoids and enzyme called papain which gives a variety of benefits for gastrointestinal health as well as important for vision lutein.

Papaya benefits for health

Papaya is rich in a substance called papain, it is an enzyme capable of fractionating proteins in their amino acid constituents which facilitates digestion in the intestine.
When proteins are not digested properly they are able to cause discomfort as heaviness, abdominal distension and overgrowth of bacteria that can cause flatulence.
Its high content of beta - carotene confers antioxidant properties to retard aging and delay the development of various degenerative and cardiovascular diseases.
Other ingredients, lutein, it is important to maintain good vision since this substance is capable of protecting the retina from free radicals, especially the macula is the part of the retina where they carried out the process view more accurately.

Main ways of consuming papaya

Papaya is a fruit consumed peeled and chopped both cold and a temperature environment, it is very nice if before eating is placed a squeeze of lemon. You can also eaten as a smoothie or milkshake, the latter prepared to liquefy the papaya with milk and add a little sugar being.
This can also candied fruit and used to make cakes, especially Christmas cake, you can also be cooked to prepare delicious milky in the preparation of green papayas are used.
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[ 2 ]

lemon › Definition and Meaning

The lemon is a citrus fruit, characterized by a strong acid taste, is spherical and is coated with a thick smooth shell intense green color inside is yellow, there juice is distributed within small group forming vesicles similar to those of oranges wedges.
This fruit is native to China, from there step by Iran being the Arabs who introduced it in Mediterranean countries where it is subsequently brought to America. Currently the largest producer of this fruit is Mexico.

Nutrients in lemon

This fruit is rich in water and fiber, contains high concentrations of citric acid and vitamin C, it also contains in addition potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, vitamin E, folic acid and vitamin B complex

Lemon has a powerful antioxidant effect

Their high content of vitamin C causes the lime has a strong antioxidant effect, being able to eliminate free radicals, aging - related substances, also it promotes the processes of tissue regeneration and wound healing.
Another benefit of the content of citric acid and vitamin C is that it makes effective against viral infectious processes also helping to alleviate cold symptoms. Its effect antiseptic is carried out mainly on the germs that affect the throat, pharynx and digestive tract.
Lemon also has a power astringent intestine, which it co - invests in a food that helps combat diarrhea episodes. It is also able to stabilize the pH or acidity of the stomach due to the dampening effect of acidity citric acid pass the ion citrate, this has led many people to think erroneously that lemon is alkaline.

Lemon has several uses in the kitchen

The way most commonly consumed lemon juice is, the most popular lemonade, it can also be mixed with other fruits to enhance the taste of beverages.
Lemon is also part of several cocktails made with spirits such as bleeding, the free Cuba and mojito among many others.
For salads lemon is used as a seasoning, especially in Arab cuisine, and is also a substitute for vinegar in vinaigrettes. It is also widely used in dishes made with seafood.
In the pastry lemon peel is used to flavor and taste various sweets and cakes, lemon juice is used to make delicious desserts such as Lemon Pie, even also used to make jams and jellies.
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[ 3 ]

asparagus › Definition and Meaning

The asparagus are a food that combines excellent taste great with a variety of beneficial properties for the body, among which is its potential to fight serious illnesses such as cancer.
This plant has the scientific name oficinales Asparagus, is the bud of a shrub that occurs mainly in drylands in Africa and Asia where it originated.

Composition asparagus

Asparagus is rich in water and vegetable fiber, however have high concentrations of important nutrients such as folic acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and zinc. Also they contain high concentrations of flavonoids as antioxidants like zeaxanthin and beta - carotene.

Asparagus benefits for health

Asparagus is a very versatile food that help to maintain healthy and young man who regularly consumes, its main beneficial effects on the body include:
Improvement in skin, hair and nails. The high content in folic acid, zinc and vitamin C gives the asparagus capacity increase process formation of these tissues since it stimulates the formation of protein structural as collagen. Zinc also helps improve libido and fertility.
Combat fluid retention. Being nutrient - rich water or potassium and is capable of stimulating renal function which helps purge toxins from the body while helping to improve disorders as fluid retention. This diuretic effect is particularly useful in the case of venous disorders of the legs or in the treatment of conditions such as cellulite.
Protect the cardiovascular system. The presence of folate and flavonoids make asparagus food capable of protecting the cardiovascular system, especially the arteries and heart preventing the onset of stroke, this is because they have an antiinflammatory effect on vascular wall while decreasing oxidation of the particles of bad cholesterol (LDL) which is an important step in the process of atherosclerosis.
Prevents cancer. Scientific studies have shown that the studs can help prevent the occurrence of certain cancers, this is because the contribution of the combination of three nutrients like vitamin B6, folic acid and methionine and of a compound recently identified Asparanina called A, glutathione content also makes them powerful antioxidants capable of combating free radicals and a variety of toxic compounds.
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[ 4 ]

Fiscal home › Definition and Meaning

The tax agency and taxpayers who pay their taxes need a means of communication to carry out all necessary formalities relating to tax liabilities (tax, request postponements, etc.). One of the fundamental data such communication is effective and correct is precisely the fiscal domicile is the place indicated by the taxpayer to receive communication from the tax agency.
Bear in mind that the tax address need not necessarily coincide with the address where the performed economic activity, but typically do agree (in this sense should not confuse the concept of tax domicile and postal address). It should also be remembered that the fact of registration (where usually reside) has no relation to the tax address. Another fact which creates some confusion is the registered office of an entity, which must communicate in the commercial register, while the fiscal domicile is an aspect that is administratively transferred to the tax agency. These distinctions are important because quite often the taxpayer has doubts about completing your annual tax return.

For what is the tax address

First and as we have indicated, to receive information from the administration. Second, for a correct tax identification of a company with respect to its customers and suppliers (for example, so that the latter can issue an invoice properly). It is also necessary for a standalone or enterprise can enlist in the social security.
Mandatory identification of tax residence affects both individuals and legal entities engaged in an economic activity.

Other issues on the tax address

The taxpayer should know that communication tax residence to the tax office is not a mere formality but has a binding character that can not be circumvented. Naturally so, since the administration and management of taxes is based on precise control over the identification of taxpayers. Moreover, we must remember that tax collection is crucial to maintaining the structure of society and public services (health, education, infrastructure, pensions, etc).
In recent years the tax authorities in most countries have introduced the online portal, a technological tool that facilitates communication between the administration and citizens through direct procedures (eg electronic signature or digital certificate).
The complexity of technical and bureaucratic in relation to the tax administration makes many citizens and businesses resort to a tax advisor to ensure that the steps taken are done according to the law and according to the established procedure.
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[ 5 ]

guarana › Definition and Meaning

Guarana is a tropical fruit and originally found in some areas of Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. Its scientific name is guarana, a species that is scientifically known since the early nineteenth century and receives this name in honor of the German botanist who discovered it, Simon Pauli der Jüngere.

Properties of the plant and the fruit

The residents of the Amazon and used this plant for its therapeutic effects. It was used as a natural stimulant, it has a high level of caffeine ( more than coffee itself) that is beneficial to stimulate the nervous system : it increases attention span and provides greater resistance physics. For this reason, its active ingredients are converted into capsules and are highly recommended to overcome depressive states or improve physical and intellectual performance. Moreover, it has been shown to be a potent antioxidant, it prevents aging of tissues and certain cardiovascular diseases.
Among the Indians of the Amazon, this plant was the main remedy to cure disorders very diverse: diarrhea, dysentery, headache, indigestion or fatigue. Its benefits are so remarkable that in recent years have also created stimulating drinks and dietary supplements with this plant. The manufacturers of guarana remember that this is a completely natural substance and currently some refreshing drinks included for processing. However, it has a number of side effects: hyperactivity, increased risk of disease renal, thyroid alteranción, allergic reactions, heartburn, loss of appetite and indigestion. Nor is it advisable to use in people with cardiovascular problems or pregnant women.
In the world of cosmetic hair shampoos they are made with guarana because it removes fat hair. Moreover, according to some studies guarana may help recover the stimulus sexual.
Regarding the fruit has a slightly bitter taste, which is due to its main component, guaranine. In Brazil it is known as Brazilian cocoa. Has a bright red color and seeds are used for many different purposes (to treat ailments mentioned above after a process in South America and is a valued ingredient in the cocktail). As is used to prepare fruit salad exotic fruits or as natural juice.
The characteristics of this plant and its fruit have an associated concept is believed, the effect guarana. Thus, a plant known by the inhabitants of the Amazon for thousands of years has broken in today 's society as a novel and substance related to physical well - being.
Photo: iStock - MagMos
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