Reminder › Remake › Detonator › Interrupting › Relevamiento › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. reminder
  2. remake
  3. detonator
  4. interrupting
  5. relevamiento

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

reminder › Definition and Meaning

An ideal element to recall events

The reminder is an element of common use and very functional for those who often have problems with memory or perform many activities that need yes or yes to these types of elements to remember activities, meetings to make.

written notes or stored in electronic devices

It basically consists of notes that can be done on paper, in a book, on the computer or other electronic device in which precisely that fact or written event to remember. New technologies have helped a lot in this regard such as cell have applications for voice recording or write reminders and even more, you can add them to sound an alarm and impossible to forget.
Meanwhile, those who are not so fond of the technology but need these reminders like water because if they forget everything, there are some rather small roles in which you can write something to remember and even have glue to stick them instantly on any surface. People often arrange them in places that tend to look recurrence, such as the refrigerator, a blackboard, desk, among others.

Reminders of religious events

On the other hand called reminders also those printed as cards used to remember certain important events, especially those who have a link with religion, as in the case of communions, baptisms, marriages, among others. This type of reminders to guests are delivered to the event, usually at the end of it, so that conserve and well remember that day forever, which of course has a very important meaning for the person who invited them.
These cards usually include the name of the person concerned, for example, who receives baptism or first communion, the date was performed and the church or parish in which took place the celebration. They also tend to have a design especially linked to the theme of the event or can be designed with the image of the protagonist of the event.
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[ 2 ]

remake › Definition and Meaning

The new version of a fictional story or popular artistic work

the word remake is of English origin and refers in this language to the new version for an artist makes a play, a composition musical, a movie, a program teve, among others. Meanwhile, it has had tremendous use this term in our language has led to incorporate it and also we use extended and almost exclusive to refer the same.
Generally, remakes, bring new features aggionarnadas versions of works in the most recent or distant past knew how to captivate the audience.

Respect the essence

should be noted that the remakes try to respect the details of the original story, reproducing it faithfully and it moves to the characters involved, their characteristics and presences are maintained in the remake to avoid gaps and inconsistencies in the new story affect its appeal.
The differences will be given by the announcement of new players and changes in some contexts but not much more.

Hollywood remakes pioneer

Undoubtedly, the Hollywood film industry is a pioneer in the realization of remakes. Typically, each year is decided revive some old title or the remake of a successful tape is made elsewhere in the world.
In recent years, in the seventh art, it has become a constant practice that production film of a geographical location x perform the remake of a contemporary film and very successful in another country. This happened recently with Argentina film The Secret in Their Eyes, directed by Argentine Juan José Campanella make and Oscar winner for best foreign film in 2010.
After causing an event in his homeland, Hollywood, set his eyes on the story and decided to make a remake for you. The Secret in Their Eyes, which is the American remake that even changed the title but hio a translation literal, will be released soon and will feature stellar presences Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts.
While it is extremely attractive to much of moviegoers meet remakes and therefore usually very supported on convening it is also a reality that many of them end up disappointing viewers who saw the original... because it's impossible not to fall in invidious comparisons so.
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[ 3 ]

detonator › Definition and Meaning

Reality shows a process that in many cases as well causal science shows through those fenémenos explained by the association of cause and effect. From the point of view of reality, a fact can be the trigger for a major change, ie a turning point. Said trigger is the result of previous events that have led to this reality.
For example, in the context of a relationship that suffers a crisis, a definitive fact can become the trigger to make the decision to break that story.
In that case, the trigger, for example, a discussion important marks a new stage of detachment in the relationship. But at the same time, this trigger is better from the previous phase of this crisis partner understands.

A turning point

in this case, the suptura is the trigger, ie the fact triggering a sum of situations that have led to this direction. Sometimes, there are immediate changes in life, however, in other situations there are also changes that are slower but when they occur are more abrupt, precisely because they are the trigger for a previous causal chain. And there comes a time when the strength of the subject is exhausted and decides not to stuck to that reality.
A trigger is a single event that is of fundamental importance for the subject. To the extent that this may be the raison d'etre of an important decision.

In literature

The same is true in literature, when the trigger is the point that has a significant value in the argument. The trigger is what produces an unexpected twist in the plot of a story, giving meaning to it. In literature as in life, there are specific situations that may not be clearly understood if not analyzing the context in which that particular fact occurred. This is the case of those situations that are pivotal in the present or they were in the past.
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[ 4 ]

interrupting › Definition and Meaning

An interruption involves a temporary pause in the realization of a project determined. For example, a person may interrupt his studies because he decided to turn his career training.
Thus, as a result of the interruption, this initial project is not terminated. There are people who tend to disrupt personal projects due to lack of evidence.
However, from a general point of view, anyone can interrupt a work project and can also pause a personal relationship. For example, two people can take time in their relationship to meditate about it. Make an interruption can be a sign of emotional intelligence characteristic of one who is given the opportunity to change his mind and make a decision that brings greater happiness.

Pause an activity

From the viewpoint of action, a Interrupted shows a turning point in a particular activity. For example, it is possible to interrupt a family trip to an unforeseen that forced an early return to duty have occurred. Or, a person may suffer interruptions when working in his office and knock on the door. A disruption alters the pace of activity being undertaken by a person and also its concentration.
Which is especially evident in the plane of the studies. A college student should avoid external interrupts to prepare the content academic an exam. It is therefore desirable to turn off the mobile phone today has become one of the most frequent causes of technological disruption.
From the point of view of communication, an interrupt when someone else walking in his speech without respecting the speaking time and blocking occurs dialogue.

Interruptions are positive

disruptions are not positive or negative in themselves but it all depends on when they occur and how often they are given. Interruptions are very necessary because it is essential to break the rhythm of the routine and rest. However, from the point of view of consistency, it is good to have the commitment to complete projects that have started at least a high percentage of cases.
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[ 5 ]

relevamiento › Definition and Meaning

The word survey has input, a component singular, it does not exist in the DRAE, but this does not mean it's wrong (in place there is the term respite).
The concept here is another feature analyzes: not used among speakers of Spain, but among Latin speakers.

Differences own Relevamiento term

Relevamiento (or relay) has two meanings depending on the different linguistic context. First, it indicates a process of substitution or replacement. Thus, in a football game a player is relieved by another or a race relay the warning is passed from one broker to another. In both cases there is a survey, ie, a dynamic change occurs. Second, it means expulsion or dismissal. Thus, when someone leaves a charge is usually relieved by someone else. Sometimes the term relay is used as a euphemism, thus avoiding words less friendly (removal, firing, resigns and others).
In both senses mentioned, there is a common idea: change or replacement. In everyday language, relief or survey is current in different circumstances: in the political, sports or military workplace (the changing of the guard).

Survey in the area of statistics

Statistics is a discipline scientist with an auxiliary character as it serves as a tool for other knowledge. At the same time, it has a singularity: it uses a fixed set of mathematical parameters for measuring situations are changing periodically. Thus, as can be seen in any measurement process there is always a survey of the data.
Think of a statistical study of a population determined. In order for the data to be introduced over time to be valid, they must be approved concepts or criteria used. In other words, the survey of the reality of the population is possible as long as the measurement criteria remain stable. In this sense, the statistical survey ensures consistency in the knowledge of a subject.
The concept of statistical survey also indicates the upgrade process data. For this reason, the annual survey speaks of something (a census of a municipality. A school places or a demographic study).
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