Return › Libel › Merma › Tasting › Monopoly › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. return
  2. libel
  3. Merma
  4. tasting
  5. monopoly

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

return › Definition and Meaning

Devolution is the act by which we recover something. It is a non - specialist and does not belong to any topic or word specific situation. Devolution is an action related to any aspect of everyday life.
We relate to people, we have social and economic ties. We also receive things. In economic activity it is very common that there are circumstances in which the idea appears back. By buying an object, sometimes we are not entirely satisfied and we return, we deliver the ticket purchase and receive in return the money we paid. Devolution is in this case a service offered by some establishments. They are not obliged to do so. In fact, in certain businesses advertised that no refunds are allowed.
There are laws that protect consumers and establish procedures relevant where there is a right to the return of goods that have been acquired. It is important that the consumer knows with precision whether or not entitled to a refund.
If we object to someone to use temporarily, we hope your return. We have done a favor and this implies that there must be a refund when we get back what we gave up in their day.
The relationship between individuals and banks return mechanism also appears. Banks lend money and the amount must be returned with a surcharge of some interest. It is a contractual agreement in which the conditions and deadlines specified.
In most countries there are tax systems that regulate taxation of citizens. They made a statement of income for the income they get in their economic activity. Subsequently, the corresponding finance department performs some calculations to assess whether citizens have to pay taxes or, on the contrary, the state is obliged to repay an amount of money. In the latter case is the so - called return of income.
While it is in commercial activities where the majority of return procedures in relations personal treatment there is also the very notion occurs. If we do someone a favor, we hope that, somehow, we are rewarded in the future. We believe there should be some kind of return that serves to acknowledge or appreciate the initial favor. Does not have to be a material or financial return, it can be something symbolic ; a simple appreciation or a small gesture are a reset mode.
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[ 2 ]

libel › Definition and Meaning

A libel is a false accusation. Defame a person is insulting him through a lie. The idea of defamation implies that disqualification to another person is based on a falsehood. This falsehood causes the prestige and insulted social image is affected very negatively.
We are verbally defamed when someone threatens us with offensive words, mainly because they are uncertain. We can be defamed through a written statement false information about us appear. Defamation is whether verbal or written, may be considered a criminal offense and the offended person has the option of going to court for justice to rule on the matter. One of the problems of defamation is the offense of evidence, ie, we must provide documentary evidence of the offense. If you have made in writing (in a media such as the press), there is physical evidence (the actual publication) proving the possible defamation. A judge shall evaluate the content of written words and the context and finally a verdict.
There are many like defamation words: insult, offense, disqualification, lie... They are synonymous words, although each has its own context. In an everyday situation if someone we need to respect, we say that we have been insulted. This same idea transferred to the legal field becomes defamation. The code penal each country usually contemplate laws to criminalize defamation. In legal terminology the word libel or slander as more appropriate term is used.
It is logical that the penal code punishes defamation because a lie that spreads through a medium (press, social networks, etc.) can cause irreparable harm to the affected person. The laws are intended to protect the rights of citizens, and there is a right to honor, implicit in the lives of people right. Privacy is also protected by the laws and if one aspect of our private lives spread out, we would be talking about an attack on personal privacy.
Defamation is a matter of discussion. The offending person can do it surreptitiously, without disqualifying someone directly. In addition, the slanderer also has the amparo law of freedom of expression. Thus, if the insult is subtly defamation it can not be demonstrated easily and the damage caused will go unpunished. Another controversial aspect is the dissemination of offenses through tweets, where disqualifications are considered defamatory.
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[ 3 ]

Merma › Definition and Meaning

A word decline is attributed to two main uses in our language. On the one hand, we use especially as synonymous with the word decline and therefore to refer the decline, reducing experiencing a particular issue. The concept is almost always used to indicate the loss of any matter in relation to a measurement above or figure showing that question or variable to a higher stage.
Something is happening because the drop in the water of the pool is considerable from yesterday to today.
Sales in June showed a significant decline compared to those made in the same month last year.
On the other hand, the word decline is used to indicate that ration consumed or taken out of something.
All those things or issues that are plausible to be quantified can be evaluated for the decline that may occur at some point, x situation or context that involves.
It is also a concept that can be applied in diverse situations and areas to refer the decline that something is hurting.
If we have to mention some of the environments in which we use most undoubtedly highlights the economic, whether referring to an economy domestic or to the economy of a nation.
If for example a person living in a country where inflation is high, obviously his salary hardly equates to it and then find that that money is no longer enough to him as before, experiencing a clear decline in the same following the inflation. Precisely because the inflationary situation suggests that an increase in costs of goods and services for everyday use and a decline in purchasing power relative to that observed for some time classic when inflation was not high.
On the other hand, in another context in which it is extendedly used the concept is a request by an undertaking or business that sells merchandise. Constantly and for various reasons, the company may suffer a decline in its stock (because it was not recorded as because he suffered damage because it was stolen, because the product won). This leads directly to a decrease or loss of profits.
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[ 4 ]

tasting › Definition and Meaning

Taste is one of the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch ).A detect through taste the flavors of the drinks and food we eat. The main organ of taste is the tongue, a body that has a taste buds that perceive the qualities of food.
Throughout a day we use the sense of taste at breakfast, lunch, dinner and at any time when we are feeding. Eating is a necessity and at the same time a pleasure. And the pleasure is living at the time we taste in our mouth food.
The tasting is the act of trying a product (can be a meal or a drink). Tasting usually refers to selected products: wine, jams, liqueurs... However, there are tastings that are not selected things: omelettes, water or oil.
Tasting can be performed by an individual who has been invited to a ceremony in which a product is promoted. In it, guests take a small amount of what is promoting itself. These are social events, with an obvious advertising component, with mass communication and, ultimately, a commercial sense. It is a strategy of widespread marketing because tasting becomes a participatory event. Who test a product says its features and there are different assessments of the quality of it.
The tasting is another possible approach. Not as an advertising mechanism, but as a specialist technical assessment. There are people who have special characteristics to assess the qualities of certain foods. To assess the uniqueness of a wine tasting must perform a test. The taster tasting the wine, watches, smell and finally gives its opinion as an expert. He's doing a tasting but with a different order than usual. The objective of this mode is to dig deeper tasting wine that you are drinking. The winemaker is the wine specialist. It is a professional tasting.
Another social contexts in which foods are eaten is in preparations for the wedding. The bride and groom have to agree on a menu with the restaurant where you are getting married. For this they have to perform various tests. Each test is a tasting menu, a meal which is analyzed and studied what will be the final menu.
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[ 5 ]

monopoly › Definition and Meaning

We are all consumers and we have at our disposal all kinds of products. When choosing a product or service value the quality and price of the various proposals from commercial firms.
If we wanted to buy an item that sells only what an entity would result in a monopoly situation. The term comes from the Greek (mono means one and polein means selling). So when there is simply a seller of a product, it is being given a monopoly phenomenon.
It is a concept of the economy and analysts and experts study it because it is a very common practice. In an economy based on free competition, the existence of a monopoly is problematic. In principle, if a company can eliminate its competitors, you can apply a policy of prices without restriction (the competitor is not an opponent that does not exist). Consequently, it is expected that the price is higher than it would in a normal competitive situation. Therefore, the consumer is required to consume the product of the monopolist and assumes a high price because it has no alternative. The consumer is clearly hurt in the price and also is expected to product quality also decreases, since the absence of competitors allows the only producer not worry about the final quality of what it offers.
It is considered that monopoly is a defect in the market, something that should not happen if competition between firms were real and without cheating or hidden tactics. For this reason, some governments and institutions try to monitor and pursue monopolistic practices. Some of them are trust, cartels or mergers, ie, legal strategies to achieve a situation of dominance and power so remarkable that, in practice, are a monopoly. To combat or reduce damage there antitrust laws.
Monopoly has different schemes and an example is what happens to the price of gasoline in some countries. Competing companies secretly agreed prices and simulate a rivalry that is not real. It is an example of a variant of monopoly oligopoly (the dominance of a few competitors within a sector).
Monopoly and its variants occur in all capitalist countries. It is very common in certain strategic sectors of the economy ( energy, transport, food...). Not easy fight, since the concept of free competition of capitalism means that a producer can be the best and competitors naturally disappear.
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