Scribble › Mode › Pirate › Variety › Suspension Bridge › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. scribble
  2. mode
  3. pirate
  4. variety
  5. Suspension Bridge

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

scribble › Definition and Meaning

Scrawl the word has very different meanings. A squiggle is a semicircular iron tool, a hook with a small rope is attached, a hunchbacked person in language colloquial spoken in Cuba or a wooden stick with a hook. However, its most common use is a squiggle own imperfect and irregular lines of drawing child.

Children scribble

When children learn to be skilled at writing or drawing no precision in handling pencils and pens, so the strokes that occur are imperfect. Producing forms are known as squiggles. With the passage of time will refine your manual precision and initially could not understand it becomes legible. You could say that scribbles are a first step in the process of learning. Not forget that the pictures drawn by children begin to make sense from the approximately five years.

Doodling as a form of evasion

There are adults who have the habit of drawing strange shapes without any order and in order to entertain themselves. Such drawings are equally scribbles. They are made of an anarchic, involuntary and without any specific claim manner. They are typical geometric shapes or repetitive forms. Scribbling action is performed as a mechanism to avoid boredom or as a mere distraction. Usual doodling while talking on the phone, while listening in class or as a way to seek inspiration. Some experts in human compartment consider these strange drawings are more than just a hobby, as they are a manifestation of the mood of our unconscious.

Scribbles and contemporary art

Some forms of art contemporary have a resemblance to the childish scrawl. In fact, there are artists who are inspired by this kind of drawings to create their own works. Quite often contemporary art is misunderstood by the public and to refer to it there are people who say they are nothing more than scribbles and anyone could do it.
Some painters turn to scribbles to communicate a fantasy world of freedom and absence of artistic conventionality. The squiggle has a component of infant purity and spontaneity, two elements of contemporary art. The list of artists who use the "scribbles" is extensive: Miró, Twombly, Beuys, Moyer, Dodge, among others.
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[ 2 ]

mode › Definition and Meaning

The term is synonymous mode category, type, or class way. Thus, one embodiment is a variant of something, a peculiar way is carried out as an activity.

The different types of sports and games

There are sports that can be played in various ways and each is a specific form (eg tennis is played individually or in pairs). Something similar happens with football, in its traditional form is played between two teams of eleven players, but there are other variants (football 7 or beach soccer).
There are some gambling also have several modes (dominoes or poker). The same applies to chess, where you can play games with some types of differences.
The examples above show something in common: a mode that is a variant that does not change the general idea of the activity. This implies that the basic rules are the same in the different variants of a game or a sport, but each type has a specific singularity.

Dialects are forms of a language

Same language can speak in many ways. If we think of the Spanish language, it is clear that Argentines, Bolivians, Ecuadorians and Colombians speak the same language as Spanish. However, in each country or region you talk to some peculiarities, which are dialects. Thus, a dialect is a specific embodiment of a language.
Take for example the case of Colombia illustrative. Colombians speak Spanish (Castilian can also say) but there are about 10 dialects of Spanish in Colombia, which are grouped into two branches, the Andean dialects and the coast.

A reflection on the concept of modality

Each mode provides an element of something unique and, therefore, the more variants of one thing there will be more wealth. Arguably, therefore, the procedure manifest wealth plurality and diversity, the opposite of standardization and homogeneity. The uniqueness of each modality expresses a particular vision of something, a way of understanding a reality, either a game, a sport, language or any other activity.
Moreover, the idea of form reminds us that usually handle two concepts, the same and different. In other words, a form of something is something similar in relation to the other and, in parallel, expresses a specific difference, something that makes it unique.
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[ 3 ]

pirate › Definition and Meaning

The term hacker is a general term that refers to seafarers engaged in illicit or illegal activities from the sixteenth century. There are several types of pirates and each has its peculiarities. Thus, the privateers were sailors who had an authorization from a government (the famous letter of marque) to attack or sabotage enemy ships. Buccaneers come from the current Dominican Republic and Haiti and based their activity in the trade of skins with other ships. The filibusters were dedicated to take ships in order to appropriate the spoils. Thus, privateers, buccaneers and filibusters are different denominations understand the same activity, piracy.

The pirate in fiction

The literature and cinema need attractive characters to draw attention of readers and viewers. Pirate character in fiction has been described in a number of striking features: it is an intrepid adventurer with a free spirit, a seducer and a brave man. The world of pirates is accompanied by a certain aesthetic (the eye patches and peg legs) and values, notably freedom. This image of pirates can be attractive but we should not forget that does not correspond to the historical reality of the pirates, who were criminals who used violence and that put in danger the business and navigation.
The aesthetics of piracy is present at the carnival in theme parks dedicated to children 's entertainment and in some establishments.

The new pirates

Traditional pirates (known for their black flag and a white skull with crossbones) have faded with the passage of time. However, this does not mean they are extinguished completely. Nowadays there are also pirates and mainly engaged in the hijacking of ships (Somali pirates operating in the Horn of Africa are known as warlords). Let us not forget, moreover, that smuggling and illegal activity has a resemblance to the world of piracy.
The sea is not the only natural means of traditional or current piracy, but piracy concept has other policy areas. On the one hand, it refers to the sale of copied products and, therefore, is an illegality that does not respect copyright laws and copyright. Furthermore, a variant of the same idea would be piracy computer, if it is an illegal activity, it has some supporters (advocates of free software).
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[ 4 ]

variety › Definition and Meaning

Say something when there are a variety of different options, objects or beings are presented, so it is an eminently quantitative concept. The idea variety stands for diversity and plurality. In parallel, the variety opposes uniformity and homogeneity.

The variety as positive

Usually, the fact that there is variety is valued as something favorable. If we buy at a supermarket we consider it positive the widest possible range of products. The same happens when we go to a restaurant and retrieve the letter or when we intend to purchase a vehicle. Our decisions when consuming are favored if there is a wide range of products or services. The opposite situation is monopoly, which does not favor the consumer, or the competition in the market and not to final prices we pay.
Another aspect that, in principle, can be assessed as a positive is the cultural diversity. Thus, an open and pluralistic society offers a variety of options of all kinds, which opens the range of possibilities. Instead, in a closed and homogenous society there is an obvious limitation in providing cultural alternatives, leisure or any other.
The idea of variety is associated with another freedom. If we are free we can create alternatives and new proposals and, consequently, this causes a diversification that benefits our ability to choose.

The variety as something unwanted

From a psychological point of view not all individuals positively value diversity in all its forms. Some consider it a problem or threat. For example, a religious fanatic is not likely to look favorably there religious freedom in society, believing that this is a deviation from the true faith. If anyone has a monopoly on a product in a locality it is more than likely to reject the market introduction of products that make competition.
Some consider that variety is a problem because it hinders our choice. In this sense, for some possibilities excess creates some anxiety (if I must choose between two things I have a dilemma but if I must choose between one hundred is likely to find me lost and confused). On the other hand, who sees diversity as a problem is fixed in its drawbacks and not the positive aspects (eg, for some democracy is an imperfect system that allows all kinds of ideologies, even those that are not democratic).
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Suspension Bridge › Definition and Meaning

A bridge has a very specific function: join two places to facilitate displacement, trade and exchange in general. A bridge is an engineering but its function serves as a metaphor to refer to other contexts (bridges of communication, bridge ideas or bridges as brief holiday periods).

Classification of bridges

The bridges can be divided into two groups: depending on the material used or its typology. In terms of materials, the most common are wood, stone, metal and reinforced concrete. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, wood is economical and build bridges with it is relatively fast, but the wooden bridges are sensitive to the effects of climate. The use of reinforced concrete supports resistance and has an expense of maintenance reduced. With regard to the types of bridges, there are three variants: the bridge beam, arch and suspension.

Hanging Bridges

The suspension bridge is the only structure that can span more than a kilometer away and are typically used to join two separated by water, such as a bay or a river points. Its construction is complex because it requires properly distribute the loads of cables and anchors that support them.
Suspension bridges must withstand various forces: its own weight, the weather and the weight of traffic. In the history of these buildings landslides have occurred, because its design did not meet the technical requirements.
To design a suspension bridge engineers must take into account all atmospheric phenomena that may affect them (wind and hurricanes primarily) as well as the force of gravity. Moreover, suspension bridges can be a strategic target in war or threatened terrorist.
Not having anything to support them at the bottom, the length of a suspension bridge is calculated by the section between the two towers that support. One could say that the towers are like the poles of a clothes line, so that if the towers fail the entire bridge collapses.
Currently most suspension bridges are fabricated using steel, it is a ductile material, ie, not easily broken. On the other hand, they are commonly used buffer systems to counteract the possible lateral movement. With new techniques and materials getting longer and safer suspension bridges are achieved.
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