Namesake › Comic Strips › Tnt › Sexual Harassment › Husband › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. namesake
  2. Comic Strips
  3. TNT
  4. Sexual harassment
  5. husband

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

namesake › Definition and Meaning

Two people are namesake when both share the same name and would not be correct to use this word to the match between the names. In the language popular is very common to hear phrases like "this is my namesake" or "what, tocayo". This term is very common in Spain and all Spanish - speaking countries, especially in Mexico where it is used as a diminutive or augmentative with a warm and friendly (tocayito or tocayazo) sense.

Several theories about the origin of the word

The etymology of words can be a complex issue, because it is not always obvious where they came from. This is what happens with the term namesake, as there are several explanations about their true origin.
Some linguists say that this word comes from the term tocaitl the language Nahuatl, meaning called.
Other scholars of language believe namesake comes from an expression Roman ( "ubi your Gaius, ibi ego Gaia") that was used as a formula among honeymooners and could be translated as follows: if your name is Gaius, I will be Gaya. The Latin words have evolved to Gaius your namesake word.
The thesis Náhualt is rejected by most experts, believing that it is very odd that a Spanish term comes from a language indigenous, as most Spanish words come from Latin or Greek.
Roman thesis is also discussed, and it is unclear the exact meaning of the nuptial formula. Moreover, we must remember that the first record of the word tocayo appears in 1820 and this circumstance seems incompatible with the Latin origin ( it is very strange that a Latin word appears in the Spanish language in the early nineteenth century).
A curious and striking aspect is the fact that "namesake" is not used in other Latin - based languages, such as French or Italian.
As can be seen, the unknown origin and the uniqueness of this word makes us before an enigma of our language.

The etymology of words

The discussion language on the namesake word emphasizes that the question of etymology arouses great interest to those who wish to know the origin of words. In this sense, there are many curiosities that attract attention: morphine comes from Morfeo (the son of the god of dreams Hypnos), single comes from the Latin solitarius (solo) and murderer from the Arabic haschischin (the haschischin were members of a sect that killed everyone who sent their chief run).
Photo: iStock - MilosStankovic
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[ 2 ]

Comic Strips › Definition and Meaning

The strip is one of the classic sections of most newspapers. It consists of a small number of vignettes in which a small story is told in a tone of humor.
In the two or three vignettes of a comic strip graphic humorist (or a cartoonist and writer together) tell something about an aspect of everyday reality. There is no majority theme; You can be a strip with a political approach of social criticism or satire on current character. Furthermore, we must bear in mind that this format can also be directed at children and appear in magazines and books.
This journalistic tradition began in the nineteenth century in the context of the Anglo - Saxon world press (the strips are known as comic strip). It should be borne in mind that the press emerged historically as a genuine instrument of freedom of expression.
The comic strip can be understood as a subgenre of literature and it is worth emphasizing that relates to other genres or creative activities: the comic, the graffiti, medieval romances blind, satire or popular joke.

Some features

As a general guideline comic strip focuses on a unique character (a superhero, a humanized animal or a child). These comics have traditionally resorted to black and white and color use is a minority. Its main feature is the combination of two elements: the drawing and the word, being the most used dialogue form in most strips. The purpose of the comic strip is evident: cause a smile on the reader. However, that smile has different approaches: encourage discussion about a problem, defend or censure a stand or draw attention to a matter of general interest. In all its variants, humor is always the core of the cartoon.

The success of comic strips

If the comic strip of the nineteenth century have become popular around the world, one wonders what reasons for this global phenomenon. The format probably have a lot to do (the drawing reinforces the word creating a message that arouses the reader's sympathy). Moreover, there is a direct and easy communication to understand, so you do not need a calm and slow reading. The comic strip creates a kind of complicity between the author and the reader, the first seeks to surprise and be surprised second.
Finally, we must insist on the essence of the comic strip: humor as a form of communication. Humor is more than a resource to entertain and proof of this is its presence in all art forms (the theater, the cinema, painting or circus). Thus, if there are hundreds of serious and troubling news in a newspaper comic strip it is the only element that alters the dynamics of seriousness and gives a comic touch that contrasts with the tragedies of events, political crises or human dramas the daily newspaper.
Photo: iStock - mediaphotos
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[ 3 ]

TNT › Definition and Meaning

The abbreviations correspond to TNT trinitrotoluene, a chemical composition which acts as an explosive and which is formed from nitrated toluene three times. This is a type of crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon with a characteristic pale yellow. In its refined form the TNT has considerable stability, which does not react easily to shocks or agitations. This compound only operates when an object about two kilos impinges on it at a certain speed.
As the temperature in the blast temperature reaches 470 degrees Celsius and it is necessary to activate some kind of detonator. Note that does not absorb water and does not react with metals and this fact allows it to be stored with security for very long periods.
TNT is an explosive that is sometimes confused with another, dynamite. Both a like another have a very high destructive power that can be used for lawful purposes or destructive purpose clear.

Advantages and disadvantages

The TNT is used in mining, industry and as an element to facilitate the creation of large infrastructures. Its downside is obvious, because since its discovery in the late nineteenth century has been used as a powerful and effective weapon of destruction in wartime.
TNT is an explosive with a detonation velocity and has demonstrated its destructive effectiveness, including underwater detonations. As for the negative aspects, we must emphasize that it is a flammable and toxic substance and, therefore, its use may be accompanied by health problems for people exposed to its effects (breathing difficulties, vomiting, cramps, etc). Moreover, its transport is not without danger. In terms of manufacturing, it is quite costly and complex.

historical approach

The discoverer of TNT was the German chemist Julius Wibrand. Interestingly its discovery in 1863 was initially valued as a new tinge of yellow that had applications in the world of fashion. However, after twenty years it was found that the TNT was actually an explosive substance that had great potential as a weapon of war. In a few years it was possible to verify its effectiveness, as in World War l was used as a weapon of destruction on a large scale. In World War II they caused the war needs to continue being used as TNT explosive, especially to attack enemy submarines.
TNT is valued as explosive because it offers more security than nitroglycerin. However, the evolution of weapons has made this explosive has lost prominence in armed conflicts in recent history.
Photo: iStock - 4x6
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[ 4 ]

Sexual harassment › Definition and Meaning

Action harassment someone exerts on another repeatedly

Harassment is a behavior that can develop one person against another and is characterized by repeated harassment and persecution and has the mission objective, to get the other person agree to do what is required insistently.
Always, in any form, bullying generate discomfort in the other person.

situation that occurs frequently in areas such as school, work, family

However, harassment is a fairly common occurrence and can occur in various fields and levels : at school, at work, in the family, among others.

sexual harassment: the perpetrator presses his victim to be intimate access

One of the most common forms is sexual harassment where the harasser press and intimidates somehow his victim to force her to have sex. But not only sexual harassment aims to have sex with the person being harassed, it is also common to bully him pleasure insinuate, make lewd comments and fondling his victim without passing an instance of sexual contact. Anyway, almost always the aim is to become intimate with the person being harassed.

It occurs frequently in the employment context. An authority harasses an employee / a

Usually this type of harassment occurs in the field work and the harasser is usually an individual who has a hierarchical superior role with regard to / the beleaguered / a. There are many sick people who have power and use their authority to subdue others in the sexual plane, for example.
One of the most recurrent scenario is one in which the boss who harasses his employee / or pressing for this access have sex because otherwise he bid farewell.
Many victims of sexual harassment accept this situation and do not report it because they fear losing their jobs and also also because they fear they will not be taken seriously, since most of the time do not have evidence to prove harassment and then it would face a saying against other.
While women are mostly victims of sexual harassment, men also suffer and there have been many reported cases that tested.
In most legislation such harassment is punishable by law and depending on the seriousness of the case, the abuser may be tried and sentenced to prison.
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[ 5 ]

husband › Definition and Meaning

When two people get married and celebrate their nuptials become husband and wife.
At that time, no longer boyfriends is the word that calls the process of dating to start a new stage in the marriage. Husband and wife assume a mutual commitment of fidelity and respect the good and the bad.

Knowing the defects

There is a project partner in common. Many people who experience a clear contrast between the stage like boyfriends and the way as husband and wife. In marriage there is more living with the couple, there is more privacy so it is also possible to know the defects of the couple and not only the virtues.
The coexistence of marriage come to light all defects, even those that the husband or wife more strove to conceal from the other. The truth is that during the process of seduction, anyone want to show your best self to the other. The husband is the woman 's partner.
Marriage is a freely assumed by husband and wife who make the decision to establish a project partner commitment. The wedding day is not a definitive point of a love story but a point and followed. Marriage also has its difficulties: complexity of coexistence, partner discussions, conciliation work, problems of communication, egos...

The couple crisis

Crises are the clearest couple of periods of doubts and difficulties faced by couples at some point in their relationship example. The relationship as husband and wife is fair, there is a balance on the involvement of everyone for the care of that love ( or at least should have). Everyone knows that has the support of the other person, however, everyone is aware that their happiness depends on itself and is not healthy to place personal illusions in the hands of the couple as well.
There are couples who come to celebrate the golden wedding while others divorcing. A woman also becomes a widow when her husband dies.
Photo: iStock - Squaredpixels
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