Resta › Supply › Ennui › Afrenta › Endeble › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Resta
  2. supply
  3. ennui
  4. Afrenta
  5. endeble

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Resta › Definition and Meaning

The concept of subtraction designates one of the mathematical operations par excellence, with the division, addition and multiplication. Undoubtedly it is one of the operations that we use in our daily lives, in situations involving the realization of accounts, especially when it comes to money which must graduate from our pocket or accounts for any reason.
Basically, the operation of subtraction is to find the difference between two quantities. And 20-14 = 6.
It should be noted that the operation of subtraction is symbolized by the minus (-). Formally the first amount is called the minuend, which is to be subtracted as subtrahend and difference calls result.
Subtraction is with the rest of the arithmetic operations mentioned of the first that taught to children in school, even many learn it before in education that provide their parents. She is usually taught by the sum because they are the simplest and because the sum is the inverse operation.
It is customary for some items and games for children to understand satisfactorily the proposed use. So usually they suggest to them that if mom bought six blocks but his brother ate three, will be at home only three blocks away.
Moreover, what is usually done in calculations subtractions involving more than two digits is that if the amount is in the third column is smaller than the lower, the number next "to lend" a number. For example: 324-129 = 195. In this case the number two lends one 4.
It is noted that the subtraction is often referred to as subtraction.
Use colloquial word extendedly subtraction is used when you want to indicate that a person, his presence say, does not add somewhere or in some situation the way it has to be or behavior that is unpleasant. The presence of your brother, so tough that way, no doubt always remains in our meetings.
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[ 2 ]

supply › Definition and Meaning

The concept of supply is used extended way in our language to account for the supply of products or goods that people need to develop their daily lives. A current example is the supply of food to places like supermarkets and stores that are responsible for selling the consuming public.
That is, the supply involves an action in which he is provided someone what he needs.
But of course, not only food are plausible this action, if they are the most needed and demand but there is a huge variety of other products specific use of a sector or general demand are also provided to those spaces that are responsible to bring them to the public.
For instance, the word is also applied to denote those products or goods that turn out to be necessities.
It should be noted that this term is used synonymously with the word supply, a slightly more popular when referring exactly the same term. The supply of basic necessities is one of the most important activities of the economy in a nation because it is the one that allows citizens to be provisioned for products that need yes or yes to live by.
Being such an important activity also tends to be tied to complications that may occur in an economy. For example, in an inflation scenario it is customary or no supply shortages of some goods and products occurring as a result that producers retain them because prices ranging up unstoppable.
This situation can be seen in many economies that are experiencing an economic scenario as indicated, including Venezuela and Argentina.
Stores and supermarkets to alleviate this situation of shortage, lack of delivery of products and resulting customers to run some products missing, take the policy of selling one to two units per customer of that sensitive product.
Moreover, private companies or public services managed by the State concerned to supply to the public the services and resources they handle, as in the case of water, light, gas. The customer must pay established by the use thereof to the company rate.
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[ 3 ]

ennui › Definition and Meaning

The inner world of a human being is very complex because a person experiences feelings and experiences of different types. There are feelings that are very human, however, are uncomfortable and even unpleasant: the tedium is a clear example. In some cases, the feeling of ennui refers to a feeling of emptiness when a person is in a stage of searching. Ennui appears then masked as human feelings like melancholy.

Boredom and feeling of emptiness

The feeling of ennui also refers to the experience of profound boredom that a person when that boredom is experienced frequent mode. Thus, boredom also connects with the previous point (the vacuum inside previously explained).

In the case of physical inactivity

The tedium is also a direct effect of giving free rein to the laziness of a frequent mode. Laziness and physical inactivity, far from enhancing the well - being and relaxation, yet produce more tired as the person experiences the bitter taste of feeling that has not used the time constructively.

6 Key points to address and avoid tedium

It is therefore appropriate to take some practical steps to avoid boredom on a daily basis :
1. First, start each day with a purpose. Seeks the balance between leisure time and personal life in balance to maintain balance emotional.
2. Contact with nature, practice sport and exercise is very healthy to stay fit. By contrast, spend the afternoon watching TV is a way to reinforce sedentary lifestyle.
3. It is also good to avoid dispersion in care : How to achieve this goal? Not wanting to do more than one thing at a time but maintaining order in the tasks.
4. Start the day with a good breakfast because your food also influences how you feel.
5. Find a meaning to your life experiences, both positive experiences and negative experiences. As it explains Victor Frankl, life takes a kinder when you reflect on what makes you happy meaning.
6. It is important to reflect on what is the cause of ennui to advance. For example, a feeling of boredom at work can show the desire to seek a career change.
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[ 4 ]

Afrenta › Definition and Meaning

The concept of shame can be used in various ways. On the one hand, it may be the embarrassment or shame that is experienced after the succession of a certain event or some such or comment.
On the other hand, it is considered an affront to that insult or offense that you tip a person receives clear and greatly affects their honor, dignity and credibility.
Both cases are certainly exposed currents seen in everyday life. And usually produced by certain statements and expressions.
However, we note that an affront can be an absolute verifiable truth, but then it may be a vile lie that can even committing the crime, as in the case of injuries, when someone offends underhanded and crude way other.
Also on the level of concrete action it can carry out an offense against an individual or group. One of the most common affronts which is usually carried out against any institution important and convener, for example the Catholic Church often has many faithful but also detractors who are ready to prove that you have little sympathy. Common insults against religion Christian are for example burn any image holy, destroying a sacred place, among other acts.
On the other hand, public outrage is one that involves public and someone who also performs before an important audience, thereby leaving the aggrieved person very exposed.
We must say that always an affront affect your recipient and place it in an awkward position because it will be releasing some bad appearance or secret, to the general public, but beyond that, it will be a nasty situation that affect poor way to the person to whom it is directed.
And finally the concept can be applied to the person or to the fact that produces a scandal or embarrassment.
They are synonymous with this concept as many popular use words such as: insult, offense, offense, insult, shame and dishonor.
Meanwhile, the contrast of this concept is the respect, praise.
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[ 5 ]

endeble › Definition and Meaning

When something or someone is characterized as weak, fragile, or to present little or no resistance, it tells him or it is weak. So with this we mean that the word can be applied to persons and objects and situations.
In the specific use in relation to people we say it is usual to use it in contexts where a person has a condition or disease, because of course, the suffering a health problem always resents the vigor and strength that normally presents the person. Diseases weaken individuals and then in this scenario is that the word in question can be used. Mario has a poor health since he was diagnosed with pancreatitis.
But not only on the physical plane can be seen the weakness of someone, also in the plane emotional can be identified when the person turns out to be easy to handle, to manipulate. The puny person in this sense will accept without resistance that you imposed, even in situations where he is right.
Moreover, those materials or articles is very resistant be considered weak. When a material easily breaks or breaks at the slightest handling will be considered weak. In some contexts such feature is not recommended to use precisely because of its ease of breakage. For example, after checking with the construction of buildings not flimsy materials may be used, it will be necessary to use solid materials resistant hyper because otherwise the building is at risk of collapsing the dangers and problems that would generate in the lives of people.
It is also common that we use this concept to refer to those matters which are not characterized as being solid or have some future in the field where arise. Thus, for example, we can say that the project company is weak for the current economic context or that the complaint lodged by the prosecutor is weak because it has too probative value.
We must point out, regarding this word, which is most commonly read or hear in a formal context, being more common to use one of its synonyms, weak, use colloquial and more common to refer precisely to the weakness presented something.
The concept is opposed to solid.
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