Press › Sirena › Natural Numbers › Civil Protection › Vandal › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. press
  2. Sirena
  3. Natural numbers
  4. Civil Protection
  5. Vandal

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

press › Definition and Meaning

The term "media" can be used to refer to two different but closely related issues. One is the press machine or device used to print a written text and press the paper sheets between plates of wood, metal or other materials. The second meaning of the word, that part of the first, refers to the set of materials made by journalists and may be written or virtual press.
To begin with the first sense, we can say that the press is a device designed to exert pressure on an object or space. The most common and used in different situations for different purposes or press is a mechanical press, whose main effect is that the crushing or pressing an object or element between two rigid layers of material (wood, metal, stone, etc.). The system of mechanical press was used to create print since it involved the printing of letters on paper by the use of force, ie, pressing on the sheet of paper molds letters to form a text.
It is precisely here where comes the second meaning of the term, one that refers to the press and media, journalism. Normally, the notion of press is used to designate the print media, ie newspapers, magazines and other material written on paper, but today the term has been vastly extended thanks to the emergence of new media such as the virtual ( internet ). The press could be described as the set of journalists and spaces dedicated to communication daily news and daily, having different work areas and specifications.
Today, the press and the media have an important value in Western society because they are the ones largely responsible for getting information to a large part of the population, but often it can be fragmented or be subject a bias due to political, economic or other interests. The role of the press against democracies or other forms of government is today undoubtedly a very complex phenomenon worthy of study.
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[ 2 ]

Sirena › Definition and Meaning

The name siren is one that is used to designate one of the most beautiful creatures of mythology, this aquatic creature that is half woman and half fish and dazzles sailors and navigators not only with its sheer beauty but also (and especially) with its charming song. The siren is a mitolológico be, which means it does not exist, as the unicorn or Pegasus. It appears in countless works of literaturauniversal and is also one of the most present in the type of world marine and aquatic elements.
The word comes from the Greek siren Seiren meaning 'chained', making reference to the effect that a siren produces the sailors who hear your voice or divisan beauty in the middle of the sea. It is considered that the stories about mermaids and beautiful beings of style may have been confusion of sailors who, stunned by being so long at sea, marine animals seen in these figures.
One of the main features of a mermaid is her beauty, pure and ethereal. Mermaids are always represented or described as very beautiful women, young, pale and fragile, with long, flowing hair that enchant sailors with their melodic songs and poetry. Here it is important to note that historically, for ancient cultures, women wore long, flowing hair used to be associated with professions such as prostitution, so it is normal to understand the siren as a mythological figure possesses a high load sensuous because of this.
In the mythological and real stories, the presence of sirens is normally understood as the very bane of men, as the songs and the beauty of these creatures are inescapably atrapantes and carry, usually sailors to death, wreck or lack of control of their ships. In this sense, is famous story in the Odyssey of Homer, in which the main character (Odysseus) sails for ten years the seas of Greece and decides chained to the mast of his ship so as not to succumb to the siren song and take your crew to death.
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[ 3 ]

Natural numbers › Definition and Meaning

It is termed as natural number to that number that allows for the elements of a set. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... are natural numbers.
It should be noted that these were the first set of numbers that humans used to count objects.
This type of numbers is unlimited, that is, whenever you will add the number one to one will give way to a different number.
The two jobs are natural numbers, first, to indicate the size presenting a finite set, and moreover, to account for the position that a given element is within a sequence ordered.
Also, natural numbers, at the request of a group allows us to identify or distinguish those items present therein. For example, in social work, each member shall have a number of partner that singling out from the rest and which will not be confused with another and have direct access to all the details inherent to their attention.
Some consider the 0 as a natural number but there are also those who do not and remove him from this group, the theory of sets endorses it while number theory excludes.
A natural numbers he can be represented in a straight line and the order of lowest to highest, for example, if taken into account when zero is the start to score after this and right of 0 or 1.
But natural numbers belong to a group that gathers, that of positive integers and this is because they are not decimal or fractional.
Now, with regard to the basic arithmetic operations, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication is important to note that the numbers occupying we are closed for addition and multiplication together, as to operate them, the result that yields will always be another natural number. For example: 3 x 4 = 12/20 + 13 = 33.
Meanwhile, the same situation does not apply to the other two division operations and subtraction, as the result will not be a natural number, for example: 7 - 20 = -13 / 7.4 = 0.57.
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[ 4 ]

Civil Protection › Definition and Meaning

The civil protection is a system that has been installed in each country and whose mission is to provide protection and assistance to citizens residing there, and those who have incidentally, should succeed any natural disaster or accident. He will also be in charge of the protection of property and the environment. Putting it in simpler terms, it will be responsible for managing emergency services there on a nation.
Formally, civil protection was born at the behest of the Geneva Convention, on 12 August 1949, its main mission the protection of victims of international armed conflicts.
The key proposal is to protect society hostilities which can be viewed subject in these contexts, assist, help them recover from the immediate consequences.
Evacuate, organize shelters, implement measures of safety, prevent pollution, organize first aid, identify and isolate dangerous areas, provide housing, articulate emergency measures to restore basic services, are some of the basic tasks that deploy the civil protection.
It mentioned that the agencies that manage civil protection will organize the arm citizen of participation that will act before the succession of disasters to support emergency services who work for wages, such is the case of firefighters.
The emblem adopted for civil protection consists of an equilateral triangle of blue lying on a background of orange and was chosen from birth by the need to assign a symbol that allows its international recognition.
However, none of these elements has been chosen randomly because blue is a color that refers to the protection and tranquility and the side of the triangle, in religions, symbolizes the power supreme and protective and case which adopted it as well. And finally the orange represents alert.
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[ 5 ]

Vandal › Definition and Meaning

The term vandal can be used both as a noun or adjective like. In ordinary language, this is used to refer to a person being violent, producing damage, stealing, that attacks or generating hazardous situations.
The origin of the word vandal has to do with one of the barbarian groups that have threatened the Roman Empire of the West in the fifth century Vandals were a Germanic people who were on the borders of the empire, specifically in Central Europe, from where they began to press for land, benefits and rewards. The idea of violence and aggression was historically associated with this word because, like the rest of the barbarians, vandals used violent and bloody methods to penetrate the Roman Empire, besieging the installed there populations, taking spoils of war and destroying the cities founded. Considered for greater civilization of the West (Roman), the actions of these groups was always understood as acts of savagery and violence.
Today, the word vandal is used to refer to a person or group of persons acting in the same way, an organized or not, to destroy, steal, plunder and violate private property, etc. Vandalism is a common social phenomenon in modern societies where violence is a constant feature. Often the vandalism has to do with deeper causes such as poverty, thepoverty, the inequality and neglect in which a population can be submerged, but many times vandalism has no apparent causes more pleasure than a person or group of people can generate to destroy and break.
It is normal for acts of vandalism carried out when demonstrations, protest marches are made, etc. but vandalism is a common trigger of groups not politically committed such as happens with hooligans or violent football fans who use these means not as a protest but simply as a way to exploit, steal, loot and destroy everything that in its path.
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