Pronouncement › Opposition › Lifecycle › Decomposition › Symmetry › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. pronouncement
  2. opposition
  3. Lifecycle
  4. decomposition
  5. symmetry

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

pronouncement › Definition and Meaning

With the word pronouncement a very common phenomenon in language occurs. A word originally has a general meaning, but its use relates to a particular circumstance. A term is subject to the processes of social change and the evolution of language.
There is a pronouncement when someone says something with a certain solemnity. Usually responsible for an entity calls his subordinates and issued a statement with an important content. This idea applies uniquely in the process of military rebellion, so it resembles a coup, although not exactly the same. In a military coup rebel opponents to power and they assume command of the institutions. In the statement, a senior military commander expressed through a proclamation (the ruling itself) disagreed with policy makers a nation. It is an act of rebellion, after which it is expected that the rest of the army to adhere to and support the proposal. If this is supported the statement is victorious and the military took power. If the statement does not have enough followers, the initiative fails and is suppressed by force.
The pronouncement is a mechanism of military opposition and there were a significant number throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century in Spain and in the Hispanic world. Most it failed and what happened in the pronouncement of General Sanjurgo in Spain in 1932. His act of rebellion received the popular name sanjurjada and ended with the exile of the general. Some statements were successful. It is what happened in 1868 when Serrano and Prim general got his rebellious action that Queen Elizabeth II of Spain renounced the throne, beginning a democratic era. In Spanish - speaking countries there have been many pronouncements and Bolivia the nation with a higher number.
In democratic countries no pronouncements that are meaningless, since there are established mechanisms for alternation in power. Only in totalitarian regimes there is the possibility of a statement. Appear periodically news that rebel military groups. Currently the case in some countries in Africa and Asia, where democracy is not established, nor has a long tradition.
The pronouncement exists as a response to abuses of power. And it is an expression of rebellion, though not the only one. There are riots, revolutions and popular protests. All these actions express a common idea: there is a struggle for power that is exercised each other are subjected to it.
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[ 2 ]

opposition › Definition and Meaning

Opposition is a term expressing rivalry, conflict or confrontation between two parties. If a person faces another in a sporting activity, both are opponents. Opposition is the opposing party and members who oppose something express their disagreements with respect to each other. Discrepancies or differences can be sporting, intellectual or any kind.
However, the idea of opposition is mainly used in the field of politics, especially in democracies. The opposition is the group or groups of minority status disagreeing government that has the most popular support.
The opposition controls the government action and periodically requested explanations on the measures taken from the executive branch. Also, the opposition makes proposals through the House of Representatives of citizens. In this regard, the opposition is presented as an alternative to the elected government.
The idea of opposition politics is applicable also to the sectors or groups of civil society to express their ideas contrary to the representatives of the institutions. Through various activities and initiatives they express their disagreement and communicate their opposition to the rulers. In a similar vein, public opinion also expresses his ideas and thanks to freedom of expression may oppose government action. Social networks also exert a force opposing and citizenship uses to rule in the public debate.
There is opposition only if there is democracy, because in totalitarian systems is not really manifest opposition and if it does it from underground.
In the countries of democratic tradition there are two major parties that, alternatively, are happening in the power of the nation. Consequently, the government becomes opposition and vice versa. This is the general trend, although the traditional model of democracy based on bipartisanship is weakening, appearing social movements without the classic structure of politics.
Regardless of politics, opposition is the word used to refer to the process of recruitment of public administration. Which is preparing to pass an examination and selection process is an opponent who has to compete with others, curiously rivals opponents.
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Lifecycle › Definition and Meaning

All living beings are subject to transformation processes. Biology is the science that studies the life of living beings and one of the essential biological aspects for understanding life itself is the study of life cycle.
Every living organism has some stages of development and within the reproduction is the mechanism by which species persist. The period since the appearance of a living being and later playback of this is the life cycle. Applied this idea to humans would say that the life cycle of an individual elapses between birth and the time, and as an adult, playing.
The mechanism of reproduction of humans is the time of onset of the life cycle and finally concludes by closing the circle or cycle with a new human being. The procedure involves the male inserts his penis into the vagina of the female and after sexual intercourse deposited sperm and one of them meets an egg from the female. At this point itself produces the fertilization of the embryo. It develops for nine months, feeding through the placenta from the birth occurs madre.Finalmente. At this time a life cycle ends and another begins. Thus, the set of species (in the above example the human species) are perpetuated. And a species disappears when the life cycle of their individuals have some kind of threat in their natural habitat.
The idea of life cycle belongs to biology. However, it is a concept that applies to many different areas specifically in the economy speak life cycle of a product to refer to the period from its extraction, followed by its production, distribution and consumption, and ultimately to the phase of the waste. It is noted that an explanatory concept of biology helps explain another reality. This mechanism lifecycle functions as a model or system that is valid as a "parable" that explains other processes.
Life cycle is applicable to phenomena where change and transformation idea in the life of an individual belonging to a species or a product that is part of a business gear.
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[ 4 ]

decomposition › Definition and Meaning

Decomposition is a word that is part of the routine use of speakers of our language and to reference various issues through it.
In principle we refer to the most popular uses we give and are, on the one hand, to indicate the state of decay or putrefaction which, for example a food or a corpse.
When foods are not preserved in the manner suggested in their packaging or the way we indicate who the market tend to rot, to miscarry, and consequently undergo a process of decomposition that makes them lose their natural essence.
Meanwhile, when they are in this state it is recommended not to eat them because they can certainly be harmful to health. If for example someone eats something that is broken at times can suffer diarrhea, vomiting, upset stomach, among the most common symptoms.
On the other hand, when a person dies and his body is not properly treated, or spend hours, days, months, or years without being discovered, it will suffer a natural decomposition which among other things features can quote you can reach expeler very bad smell.
Take the very moment a person dies the body begin to decompose in the first instance the body begin emitting gases and then when the fluid matter decomposes be formed.
Meanwhile, the medical examiner, when a body is found, it is precisely the state of decay in which the same is found that will allow them to determine forensic how long that person has died.
Also, if if leave household waste unturned for several days and at the same we have discarded along with stationery and packaging, organic matter, it is common to take the time to rot, decompose, and start to give off unpleasant odors.
In another vein, when a person does not feel good health, either because he ate something he fell ill, he lowered blood pressure or is with a flu - like say that is suffering a breakdown and is decomposed, ie the concept in question also used to indicate when someone is not in good health.
And finally the concept can also be used to indicate the separation of the component parts of a whole divide, with x purpose.
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symmetry › Definition and Meaning

The word symmetry has a common and widespread in our use of language and use it when we want to indicate that it is correct and appropriate the proportion of the component parts of a whole, ie, the ratio will be correct between the parties themselves and between all same, as regards shape, size and positions.
Meanwhile, it is a term that is used in various fields and is used to express a satisfactory ratio between the most diverse things and issues.
Since not all people are equal and have the same conception of life and the things is that there are substantial differences between one person and another time feel the symmetry, ie an individual symmetry it can reveal and can be an issue in your life is very present and that is why everything organized at home, for example, must be in perfect symmetry.
While on the other hand there are people who do not assign such importance that we talked and then they do not care if for example the cloth covering the table falls into perfect proportion in each of its sides.
Also, it is noted that the concept of symmetry is closely related to notions such as that of perfection, harmony and equality and this is that when someone talks about something symmetrical immediately tend to think of something that keeps perfection, equality and harmony in its forms, in their appearance physics.
As a result of newly exposed it is that the beauty of a face is intimately linked to the symmetry it present. That is, a symmetrical face will have the same proportions on one side and the other and when they are confirmed may speak of a beautiful and perfect face.
The popular and talented Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci was able to give us a finished sample of symmetry in the drawing as recognized, Vitruvian Man, made in the late fifteenth century. It consists of a figure of man without clothes representing two positions of the body, so two pairs of arms and legs on appreciate geometric figures square and circle. It is based on a study of the texts made timely architect Vitruvius Pollio Marco about the proportions of the human body.
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