Professional Practice › Child Exploitation › Imaginario › Waiver › Presenteeism › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. professional practice
  2. child exploitation
  3. Imaginario
  4. waiver
  5. presenteeism

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

professional practice › Definition and Meaning

To perform a work activity people should make some previous studies. Over a period of time, a theory, a body of knowledge and learn procedures that subsequently serve to apply them in the professional field.
Start a job without previous experience accredited involves a stage adaptation. Professional practice refers to the period in which the employee is familiar with the processes in their profession. During the event, there is a responsible company that works as a guide or tutor person. This figure is key in professional practice, and that the better teach the worker more easily and effectively he will join his new professional performance.
In popular parlance it is said that a worker is in practice when the company hired him put into operation a process of training. Through it, the company observes the capabilities of the trainee. : A range of qualities is checked skill technique, attitude, punctuality, behavior, etc. For a brief period normally there is an assessment of all the factors that relate to the worker who is practicing. To be practicing precisely, this means that it is not intended to be still productive, but more familiar with work processes.
The practice has another possible meaning. The particular embodiment of a work. This double meaning may have an explanation: the Spanish of Spain has small differences with the Spanish in Latin America. Take an example. Of Spain in the Spanish speaking of the idea of early school leavers and the Latin world the concept of dropout is used.
Professional practice can also be the ordinary course of a profession, their daily performance. In ancient times they were organized by trades unions. Inexperienced novice was the apprentice. Eventually he acquired experience and went on to become an officer. Over the years he could become a teacher. This scheme is not used with the same terms, but the general idea remains the same.
Today, the practice has some peculiarities. The worker must constantly formed and it offers courses in learning new skills. This is particularly relevant in professional practice, because new technological processes are changing the labor activity in most sectors.
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[ 2 ]

child exploitation › Definition and Meaning

The children are an important part of society. It is often said to be the future. How is the child of a person will be decisive for the rest of your life.
There are agencies international (Unicef is a clear example) trying to take care of children from a global approach. This type of institutions defend the idea that children are a sector of the population vulnerable. It is easy to manipulate, abuse them ultimately exploit them. Thus, child labor is a concept that refers to the various activities through which children are subjected by adults.
The main child labor is labor. There are mafia groups and clans who use children to work. It's an illegal situation and states pursue these practices. However, there are children who work clandestinely. Their working conditions are precarious, low - wage, without guarantees and without any respect or consideration. Formerly it was a reality that children working in the fields or factories. With time and pressure from some social movements, it was possible to eradicate child labor exploitation in most countries. It is a problem that has not been fully solved. In underdeveloped countries or some marginal areas, there remains this kind of abuse.
Child exploitation does not refer exclusively to the world of work. It is applicable in a sexual sense, since children are used as a lure for prostitution. Another face of this problem manifests itself in wars, which also uses smaller (they are called children of war) to intervene in armed conflicts.
In any of its manifestations, child exploitation has the same sense: taking advantage of the weakness of children to carry out any illegal activity. Naturally, the economic interest is the idea that encourages this phenomenon.
To eradicate this problem (which exists worldwide and multifaceted), governments and some humanitarian institutions try to correct it. There are basically two strategies: policed pursue the mafias that engage in this activity and launch public awareness campaigns.
The causes of child labor are very diverse. The main one is poverty, but others are part of their origin: ignorance, lack of values, the power of organized crime, etc.
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[ 3 ]

Imaginario › Definition and Meaning

The human mind is rational. Through understanding understands reality and is able to perform actions of an intellectual nature: argue, sort, theorizing, etc. The reason is the fundamental characteristic of mind. The reason is based on an observable part (the information around us) and an unobservable part (ideas or concepts of understanding itself). The reality is the great source of information, but we have the ability to combine elements of reality. It is imagination. Through it we create a different reality, an imaginary world.
Real and imaginary are antagonistic terms. The imaginary is an invention, a product of our imagination. Create imaginary things is the result of combining real things. If we think of a flying ant, it is because we have joined two real ideas: ant and fly. There are other ways to create things, ideas or imaginary situations. For example, deforming and transforming the current reality. It's what fiction writers, especially science fiction. They create nonexistent worlds, characters, rules and situations completely away from an environment standard. It is celebrated the novel Alice in Wonderland. Everything that happens in it is illogical, absurd and unreal, because the protagonist moves in an imaginary world.
In the literature, the cinema and art in general, the creators have deployed their imagination, creating untold stories, beauty and suggestive ideas. In this sense, the imagination brings creativity and enriches the culture as a whole. However, the imaginary can have a very negative and damaging way. In some mental illnesses are no alterations in perception presented as real, and the patient confuses the imaginary with the real. Mental condition in which there is derangement between the concept of imaginary and real is schizophrenia. Some art historians have defended the idea that schizophrenia of certain artists can explain his boundless creativity.
The imaginary manifested especially during childhood. The children surprise us with their strange ideas. In fact, it states that a child has a great imagination when you create a different reality that surrounds him.
There is a concept that is often used to refer to society: the collective imagination. It is a theory that defends the thesis that the whole information society creates a commonly accepted by most ideas.
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[ 4 ]

waiver › Definition and Meaning

Of the resignation is an extremely common action to happen between people, either because they decide to leave something, like a habit, because there is a specific need to be made, or as a sacrifice; and moreover it may be a departure from that which has voluntarily, ie for half a personal decision to do so, no obligations or needs but only decides to do because it generates a result that is sought.
Moreover, the word is also used to refer to the written document that formally turns, he says, the decision to give up something.
Normally, when the resignation affects a job that is performing, or a charge to which he was elected, the formality of capturing that decision on paper, ie it is in writing is demand and to have the signature of renunciante. In this way you are giving the act force of law and no party may claim from the other nothing if the whole process according to what is stipulated by the rules was made.
It should be noted that waivers once written are irrevocable.
The most common waivers then are those that have to do with labor, ie renunciation of work you have. Meanwhile, the causes may be the most diverse, discomfort with the work carried out, dissatisfaction with wages, mistreatment, harassment from a boss, because a better job offer was found, among the most common causes.
When a person decides to leave motus own their work, as noted, after comment, you must formalize the act in a written paper. Employment contracts usually require normally waive who warn of this situation some three days before to enable the authorities of the company to get a replacement for the position.
However, the waiver may reach not only a job but also may have waivers to a right legally acquired such a right, or receive an inheritance, among others.
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presenteeism › Definition and Meaning

The concept of presenteeism has a certainly widespread use today in our language and is closely linked to the notion of presence, that is, the fact that a person is actually in a given place at a given time.
Meanwhile, where the concept in question has achieved a fantastic use is in the workplace where it is used to designate a form of recognition attendance of employees in a business, company. That is, when an employee never missing a month, many companies often give them the recognition of presenteeism which besides the congratulations and consideration per se implies is accompanied by an economic bonus that will add course the usual salary of the employee.
Obviously employee who missed by x causes, for example disease itself, a family member, for performing a procedure, lose the benefit of presenteeism and will not charge the award later this month.
Presenteeism is nothing other than a labor reward whose mission is to reward an employee who always attends work, beyond any impediments that may arise along the way. This also will result in contributing to the productivity of the company in question which presenteeism adds an additional benefit, get employees not missing and also contribute their grain of sand on the profitability of a company.
While it is a valid resource that companies can use without restrictions and their own clear will is, it is important that you also let us note that often can have negative consequences for the health of the employee, for example, who, for fear of losing his prize, still feeling bad, he attends work. This can affect not only wrong in their recovery but can also be the cause of a massive contagion in the company and cause more problems in the future other employees.
On the other hand the concept is widely used at the request of Philosophy to designate that consideration involves the belief railway at the present time and the total denial of the past and the future.
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