Professionalisation › Quotient › Psychological Test › Opening › Ratification › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. professionalisation
  2. quotient
  3. Psychological test
  4. opening
  5. ratification

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

professionalisation › Definition and Meaning

The term of professionalization refers to that procedure, action, through which an individual who until then was working in an activity amateur or amateur way becomes a professional with all the letters, ie, your task assumes all corresponding formal characteristics and also their skills and abilities they are improved from practice to which he is subjected in the process.
Changes in the practice that had so far in order to develop the task at hand and will aim to increase introduced quality in order to catch up certain parameters that are proposed as ideal.
Then, after apprehending all, the worker is put squarely in the relevant market and can compete on equal terms with other colleagues.
It noted that the professionalization can be applied not only a person but also to any business or trade that had been serving under customs and homemade shares. After professionalization could also begin to compete with the big leagues in your field.
When a worker or business professionalized should start respecting certain codes and regulations, by the fact of belonging, and are usually proposed and monitored by professional associations.
Another edge that comes from professionalization is normally usually depararle the newly professionalized better conditions in all respects, economic, personal, social, among others, and the common denominator of this has to do with the professionalization bring salaries more high and attractions that allow the person or business improve their economic and clear walkest, it also affects the social position of the individual and the self - esteem that will rise as a result of perceiving and live in a better condition to which it is held.
Now, I said grounds could not think of anything else other than that professionalization will always be something positive and good, however, there contrary to the professionalization voices often foist, in some contexts in which wants to propose that it will be a step to remove authenticity or spontaneity to a task.
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[ 2 ]

quotient › Definition and Meaning

Use mathematics
concept ratio has widespread use in the field of mathematics because it is used to designate the result achieved after performing one of the mathematical operations excellence is the division, ie the division of an amount other result will give us another number and the same is termed as quotient. Thus 9/3 = 3, which will be the quotient.
A division is considered a mathematical operation whose mission is to discover how many times a number is contained in another number, dividend and divisor, respectively.
The operation counteracts the division is the multiplication consisting of just adding a number the number of times indicates another number. And 3 x 4 is = 12, whereas, if we add the number 3 four times give us precisely as a result 12.
Measurement of intelligence
But besides being very popular in mathematics the term quotient so is at the request of consideration intellectual people since the concept of c ociente intellectual designates the capacity in this regard, cognitive, intellectual have an individual.
However, this figure can be obtained after subjecting a test specific that determines it. That is, this test will evaluate various knowledge and skills of the person who submits to study and then, following the interpretation of the answers, a figure that will tell us if that individual is within the normal range or exceeds be obtained in these cases speak of a gifted.
The quotient or IQ, as it is also known, and abbreviated with follow CI speaks of normality established in 100 but those who are below will have a low capacity in the field measure, while those who exceed 100 comfortably will be considered super intelligent. Always talking in terms of what comes into play in measuring the test.
It should also be noted that the notion of IQ is so widespread in our language that is normally used in the language stream when you want to indicate that someone is not very intelligent, clever, or respond intelligently to questions that he proposed.
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[ 3 ]

Psychological test › Definition and Meaning

The psychologist is competent professional who is health expert to assist patients in seeking the welfare emotional. Psychologist, like any health specialist also has own to carry out their profession with more objective data on a particular case tools. One of the most powerful tools of the psychologist is the psychological test, a test that serves to better understand the psychic structure of a patient.
Conducted by specialists
Data from this type of psychological tests and their implementation, they can only be raised by a specialist. Therefore, although at present, the coaching and the work of the coach plays a big role in personal training, a coach is not trained to interpret psychological tests. This type of testing a standardized answers from the psychologist can make a deeper analysis of the criteria personality of the patient.
One piece rompecadezas
a test psychological can be a tool useful for making a diagnosis more precise about the case of a patient. But it is positive that is not the only litmus test to learn more about the patient. There are patients who are not entirely honest in the answers of psychological tests, therefore, the result is also altered.
Determining the root of the behavior
The behavior human is very complex, so that often a person not known quite right itself and shows little objectivity in his words. In some situations, the psychological tool is necessary to gain insight, clarity, objectivity and a broader view on the cause of a particular behavior test. Determining the cause of a behavior may also be the first step in determining proper treatment.
Application in various areas: school, health...
A psychological test is a medium used for a weekend health. An analysis that data collection mode helps to better understand the mind of another human being to establish a specific therapy from a realistic base of the other. Psychological tests can be used not only psychological therapy but are also often used in schools or businesses. For example, school is possible students a test of intelligence whose data can give self - esteem students.
Through an intelligence test anyone to know herself better and has a more realistic approach itself.
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[ 4 ]

opening › Definition and Meaning

An opening is the crack or cavity occurs in a given area but fails to cause the division in two of the same.
The apertures may affect various materials, more solid, others are the least, and may have been generated on purpose to accomplish a particular goal, or otherwise been generated due to an external factor. The latter situation is very common in building structures when they receive a blow or cimbronazo that just generates a movement or break in walls, ceilings or floor that makes the surface in question without dividing open fully.
With respect to the generated openings with an intention we find that they arise from the need that something was closed longer be. So if for example we have to pass a pipe or cable through a wall will be essential to make an opening therein to pass them. Then he turns to cover to cover them.
Meanwhile, in architecture, it is referred to all those constructions openings proposed leaving an open hole in a wall to thereby pass light or air. The windows and doors are considered openings for excellence in this area. That is, the holes are made prior to placement of doors and windows openings are called.
These types of openings think and propose in designs and will have the mission to give back to the building in question luminosity, in the case of windows, and allow entry and exit of persons, in the case of doors.
Upon completion of the work glasses or any other type of resource will be placed in the openings that make windows and doors happen to own.
And in the phonetics we also find a reference to this word that indicates precisely how the opening of those bodies dealing with phonation, ie the emission of the voice is. The opening may be higher or lower depending on the sounds coming.
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[ 5 ]

ratification › Definition and Meaning

Ratification is an action through which, either by word or any document written, are confirmed or actions, such situations are adopted, among others. Somehow we could say that ratification is consent that is done on something or someone with a mission to confirm its veracity, approval, or continuity somewhere or position, if ratification is about a person.
Basically ratification becomes valid or true an issue.
It should be noted that ratification is very important to clarify issues, to curb rumors, especially when doubts are woven around them, and thus, communicating, manifest ratification there will be no uncertainties or suspicions regarding them.
Usually when a topic of general interest comes to light by the press and still no protagonist of the news came to confirm or dismiss the appeal, it is common that still doubt the correspondence and veracity of the news, even if it comes from a medium communication of impeccable track record.
Ratification of what was published by some of those involved in the information always wait. And once it occurs dissipate doubts and of course is already facing a confirmadísima news.
The coach of the national team confirmed it will no longer lead the team, an absolute ratification of discussing some rumblings in the press during the week.
Moreover and as already mentioned, briefly, people often need ratification in office who work. This is common in the field of politics, especially when rumors about the imminent resignation of a minister or his dismissal arise while for them away, the head of the executive branch who will have the responsibility of naming usually make a public ratification its continuity to continue not circulating versions.
Which it opposes the act is to deny or nullify what has been taken for granted, always clear, after confirming that it was not.
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