Ostensible › Artimaña › Trim › Askance › Ration › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. ostensible
  2. Artimaña
  3. trim
  4. askance
  5. ration

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

ostensible › Definition and Meaning

The ostensible adjective incorporates the suffix ble, indicating capacity or ability. So, something is obvious when you can show or manifest. It is also used to express that something is clear and indisputable. If someone claims to have a conspicuous stain on the shirt is pointing out a fact: it is impossible not to see the stain.

Situations where the term is used

Sometimes the adverbial form is used by adding the mind, ostensibly suffix. So while in its adjectival form serves to qualify a noun, as adverb acts to describe a verb ( "he ostensibly looks at the girl").
The phrase "ostensible do something" when trying to make it known clearly and convincingly, showing undisguised used. Imagine that a student does not agree with the decision of a teacher and decides to communicate openly. In this circumstance we could say that "the student did ostensible disagreement and told the teacher everything he thought about it." Sometimes something ostensible do something is a form of ostentation, ie present something with an attitude arrogant or condescending.

In opposition

The opposite of ostensible would be imperceptible or invisible, that is, what can not be seen clearly.

Bases in communication

In the phenomenon of communication there are two elements: words and aspects of nonverbal communication, such as gestures or voice. The former are ostensible, while the other is not. Something very similar happens in relation to other phenomena, in which there are things that are evident aspects and others that are not.

¿Objetivo ostensible or subjective?

In principle, it is obvious what is obvious and about which there can be no discussion whatsoever. This adjective is apparently an objective sense. However, objectivity is a debatable issue because there is not always a deal when evaluating or qualifying things. Here the objective or subjective this adjective with a simple example. Imagine a person with a fortune (very expensive cars, a mansion and all kinds of luxuries). You could say that their wealth is ostensible. However, wealth is a relative and comparative question. The wealth of that individual will be apparent in a context of middle class and cease to be if you live among rich.
The above example shows that words have meaning within a context of communication and not absolutely.
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[ 2 ]

Artimaña › Definition and Meaning

The end never justifies the means, however, a person can skip this standard ethics that is essential in the proper work to develop a ruse, that is, to draw up an action plan with the desire to achieve a certain goal. A ruse is an idea that is not usually well - meaning, however, the person draws attention to the order you want to achieve and not so much on how you will get.
A person seeks all possible tricks when he wants to achieve a purpose at any price, in such situations, the person seeking alternative plans as many as possible until you find the solution right. This is a plan where there is some kind of manipulation.

Making a hoax

Often, people who make a malicious artimañana have to sharpen their wits to the maximum in order to have an original idea.
A person who is a victim of a ruse may feel cheated even when there was good intent by the executor of that action. It is a type of action that clearly cards are not played, for example, is usually hides some information to the caller (this is one of the reasons why you feel cheated). Arises a scam level emotional in which it is possible to play with the expectations of the other person and their illusions.

Types of Trickery

From a viewpoint colloquial, a ruse may well be a trap of a person who has some kind of enmity. A artimañana is almost never the result of improvisation but requires planning to be able to draw up an action plan to connect to that particular goal.
In the context professional, there are specific situations that may show the weight of a ruse, for example, when people take to end the professional rivalry and turn the competition into a struggle of interests that goes beyond personal ethics. Another possible ruse is the lie that produces confusion in the party as a result of altered reality.
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[ 3 ]

trim › Definition and Meaning

Delete what is left over or remove some of a whole that integrates by means of a cutting element

The concept of cutting has several uses in our language, meanwhile, it is closely linked to another term, the cutting. Cutting may involve deleting the leftovers or removing some of a whole in which it is inserted and through a cutting element as in the case of scissors, which is the most utensil used to cut or trim something.
It should be noted that you can also cut through a tool of big edge as the cutter, although this is much more professional employee cuts in the domestic sphere. And if done via devices such as phones or computers, there is a special tool called precisely cut and used on images to resize or to remove what is considered unnecessary.

Trim with the mission to beautify

Meanwhile, among the general use of the concept trim, stands one who says that is cut or what is left protruding into something. For example, think of our hair, we appreciate that and the tips are in chanfle, protruded, and an ugly aesthetic appearance, no doubt is because they need a cut in hairdressing. The crop, the barber remove unsightly hair tip and then will be the most flourishing and aligned tips.

Cut to shape

Trim can also be cut something giving certain way. And we can also move the action to the hair. A women like to be fashionable, follow the trends that designers propose regarding haircuts. Meanwhile, almost all courts, except that which is done in a linear fashion, creating forms require a cut in the hair. Cropping is able to create a movement very special and unique hair in which it is applied.

To shorten something

Moreover, the action of cutting the mission may have to shorten something, to decrease it. We consider a skirt is too long and complicated to us when we walk, we cut it and minimize its length.

cut costs

Also this sense is used to instances of the economic context of the economy of a state or a home to indicate the decrease in expenses required effect as a result of overspending there.

painting technique

At the request of the painting, the word cut is a technique that allows profiles indicate a figure.
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[ 4 ]

askance › Definition and Meaning

Suspicion is the mistrust toward someone or something. Thus, to some circumstances or people, you may have a feeling of suspicion in the sense that there is some aspect that is strange and disturbing.
Have misgivings about something or someone indicates that there is some doubt about its supposed authenticity, appropriateness or goodness. In this regard, it is common to receive information apparently positive, nevertheless, is suspicious for some reason (for example, because it is so positive that does not seem credible).

The importance of trust

If an individual tends not to trust others, we are talking about a suspicious person, that is, someone very cautious, wary and distrustful. The opposite would be leery gullible, gullible or confident, concepts that demonstrate an appreciation of ingenuity. Ingenuous and suspicious person would be the two opposite poles.
Feeling suspicious suspiciously or is part of everyday life and our culture. In fact, there are many expressions and sayings that communicate this idea: think wrong and be right, have the fly behind the ear or lightly believe, great clumsiness. These examples reveal a widespread recommendation that we should be cautious and careful, because too much confidence is wrong.

Why do we have suspicions?

Fear is very much in our decisions and we must not forget that the suspicion indicates a certain fear or insecurity. If something has a dangerous potential (think of the installation of a nuclear power plant in the place where we live) it is logical that we have concerns about this.
Man can tell the truth or lie, but it is not easy to make a proper distinction either. For this reason, any credible information can cause some suspicion. It should be borne in mind that the lie is intended to lie seem real. When in doubt about the truth or falsity of something, a wary stance acts as a defense mechanism. It's a way to stay alert and not let our guard down.

pessimistic trends influencing

Sometimes we have misgivings are not caused by fear or doubt about the truth or falsity of something, but an inclination to thinking negative. In fact, the pessimist often suspicious of others and something similar happens with the malpensado, which tends to negatively comment on others.
A skeptical intellectual position or skepticism as current thinking is a deeply rooted trend and indicates that it is not convenient to believe too much on any idea and it is preferable doubt almost everything.
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[ 5 ]

ration › Definition and Meaning

A serving is part of the food that corresponds to a person, that is, their portion. This term comes from the Latin ratio, meaning measure.
Generally this word is used in situations where the food should be distributed among a large number of individuals. For example, in the army is used normally. Thus the set of food intended for troop (ranch) are individually divided into portions.

Main focus on food issues

While it can be used in a figurative sense when speaking colloquially (those hooligans received his share of blows), it is in the context of food where its true meaning. Must take into account the need to organize the distribution of food for many people take calculated corresponding to each relative to the amount and obviously the purchase price and the weight of the food (this task is known as the sounding of a plate).
The idea of food ration is related to many different areas: dieting, food, military, farm animals, etc.

Times of rationing and black market

Rationing verb expresses the action of distributing and has special significance in periods of famine or shortage, where food, water and commodities should be distributed so that they can reach the largest possible number of people.

Control need to maintain balance in situations of disaster

In some countries in situations of emergency it has been necessary to incorporate control measures for the basic livelihood of the entire population and introduced the "ration cards". These primers are managed by the state to ensure sustenance in times of crisis deep, humanitarian disasters, war periods, etc. Through this system each individual has in their primer relationship has legally received food. This circumstance was experienced, for example in Spain when the war ended civil (primers were in force between 1939 and 1952).

The black market to the need

In most cases, when there is shortage of food and ration cards appears, parallel, an imposing trade illegal or black market. Interestingly, in Spain a word used very singular to refer to him, estraperlo. Estraperlo is a term formed with the names of three Grifters (Strauss, Perle and Lowann) who devised a rigged roulette and bribed a number of politicians from the 30s to introduce it in some casinos. When the deception was discovered there was talk of "black market scandal" and this word was installed in our language as a synonym for illegal trade.
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