Namaste › Serendipity › Hakuna Matata › Celeste › Inhibition › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. namaste
  2. serendipity
  3. Hakuna Matata
  4. Celeste
  5. inhibition

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

namaste › Definition and Meaning

And in our language the Hello and Goodbye are installed by excellence as the words spoken when wanting to say hello or fire someone respectively on Asian soil, more precisely in India, or beliefs such as Buddhism, Hinduism, or practices such as yoga, the term that take us then namaste is imposed.
Basically namaste greeting is a popular use among people, places and contexts mentioned either at the beginning or at the end of a meeting.
It 's not always like or should be but it noted that some people accompany the expression of namaste with a slight tilt of her body toward the person who greet and say goodbye while together both palms of his hands, as if they were praying.
This action body 's mission is to tell the person to whom it is directed that is respected and is considered a lot and there are others that add to these issues one message of peace and harmony among men. Even the Sanskrit word refers the idea of reverence for someone.
When namaste is used in religious contexts is where most power has bodily action of reverence along with the union of the palms because for example with regard to Hinduism left palm has the mission to indicate the head of the faithful while the right foot of god. Moreover, the same gesture in other religious contexts has the meaning of marking the brotherhood with another and leave behind any last division.
In the particular case of the practice of yoga, or between people who share the belief buddhist, namaste is a greeting and reverence that he takes someone who occupies a senior position, as in the case of an instructor or teacher.
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[ 2 ]

serendipity › Definition and Meaning

The word serendipity is not the most used in our Spanish language and even does not belong to it, being that it was adopted and adapted from language English (serendipity), which promptly took from Arabic (Serendib) which called the island Ceylon recognized by an anecdote that tells that it had three princes who had the gift of accidentally discover the answers to problems.
These details about its origin are in final accounts provided him the meaning of their use in our language where it is used just to name that descubrimientorealizado accidentally, that is, who ends up being responsible for finding did not seek any so far but it arrived at the same purely by chance.
Not all, but there are many outstanding discoveries in our history that respond to the situation just mentioned. They are not looking for any perspective, even there was a question about it, but suddenly there was the discovery that allowed progress in one direction or important aspect of life.
In science, for example, often this situation be looking for was given solution to a given and suddenly the scientific world stopped thing because a vaccine or a transcendent cure for a condition or response he found something that was long time was looking for.
Another historical event that was achieved by total and absolute serendipity was the discovery of America by Cristobal Colón navigator. History tells us that in fact Columbus was looking for a new safe and direct route to India to thereby achieve a more direct market to trade the stars of that time: spices, however, the few details that until that moment in geographical matters had led him to Columbus to discover a new continent with many riches neither more nor less.
When we said at the beginning of the review that this word was not the most used in our language to refer the above should indicate that this is because there are others who have more frequent use, as in the case of: by chance, carambola or luck.
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[ 3 ]

Hakuna Matata › Definition and Meaning

An expert expertise in Swahili language which means forget about the problems
We agree that languages such as Arabic, Chinese or any language of African origin such as the Swahili have less influence over other languages like English or Spanish to when installing words or phrases in their languages and this is because they have fewer speakers worldwide.
Now, but this changes when there is as powerful as the average film or TV stations that echoes some of them and then a word of a language that hardly anyone knew, suddenly, thanks to the extent that it has become the seventh art becomes a popular phrase hyper use that even someone can even desbarrancar own...

African phrase Orien

And this is precisely what happened with the phrase Hakuna Matata, which means do not panic and do not get your problem and that is certainly popular in that language Swahili, African Americans and spoken in many countries of this continent, such as Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Somalia, among others.

Popularized by design Lion King

Meanwhile, and from the animated blockbuster from Disney The Lion King, where he repeatedly utters the phrase became hyper known around the world as well as hello, thank you, coffe, among others.
But there is a reason that prompted its use rather than others and she was the protagonist of the story is a native lion jovencísimo the savannah of Africa and that just speaks this language.
As we noted, the film was a success and also what was the phrase that had its own song on the soundtrack of the film was even widely celebrated because another song in the film, played by Elton John, won the Oscar Award the category of Best Original Song.
It is part of one of the salient passages of the title track and certainly expresses very clearly and concretely the leitmotif of the sentence.
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[ 4 ]

Celeste › Definition and Meaning

The concept of celeste has widespread use in our language, being used to refer various issues.
One of the most common uses is to name one of many colors that integrates the vast chromatic universe around us. The sky is a clear blue, the same color presenting our sky and is that since ancient times associated with this color with the sky itself.
Even when you want to give an idea to another in the light blue that shows something, a garment, an object, we say that has the same color of the sky.
As a result of this great blue-sky relationship it is that the concept is also widely used in astronomy to refer to those bodies or objects that can be seen precisely in the sky.
But besides linking this almost exclusive to the set with light blue sky, it noted that it has been used in preference when making both shields and national flags. And in most cases it has been precisely this closeness to the sky color which has determined this situation. Flags and shields as the Argentina Republic and Uruguay have the blue color as one of the most prominent within the respective designs of flags of each country.
For Argentina mixed with white while in the case of Uruguay raw celestial. Even in the jargon of football it has adopted the nickname celeste, clearly alluding to the color of the flag, to refer to the selection of Uruguayan football.
Continuing with this great predilection for the celestial Uruguay must mention that in the department of Salto there is a very small town of that name.
Also, the sky has been used from far away in time as a symbol of masculinity. So when a woman is pregnant with a child will often give away objects and clothing of this color. Meanwhile, the color contrasts because it is associated with femininity is pink.
Moreover, Celeste happens to be a proper name of a woman, quite frequently used in Latin America. And just your reference says Celeste means belonging to heaven.
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inhibition › Definition and Meaning

Through psychology is possible to enhance the knowledge of man. On the psychological level, inhibition is a concept that refers to behaviors that once internalized and assimilated by the subject to the point of being automated at some point are suspended and cease to be a temporary basis.

Based inhibition pulses

Inhibition refers to the impulses that can restrain a person. Such stimuli may be classified into two different areas: the pulses rewarding and noxious impulses.

External factors affecting the person

By nature, as explained by such notable thinkers as Tomás de Aquino, man pursues pleasure naturally, everything that is nice because this pleasure also connects with happiness. In the same vein, in terms of behavior, the human being has to escape the pain and suffering but sometimes can not help it. Impulses can also be conditioned by other factors external as well is evident in the example of education for children.
In this vital stage technique prize it aims to reinforce behavior specifically, on the contrary, the technique of punishment has an educational value to correct an attitude inappropriate. Thus, humans will also internalizing a message moral over their own impulses. That is, there is a factor conditioning the emotional world.

Inhibited in situations of failure

The inhibition refers to a particularly frequent emotional level, ie, a person can reprmir certain attitude from an experience that has conditioned him in a negative way. For example, a person who has suffered a major failure of love, can suppress a feeling in the future in case there are associated messages such as : "I never have luck in love."

When one is limited likewise

The inhibition is linked to a lack of freedom while the human being boycotted his own happiness to conditioned by different thoughts. That is often the inhibition of the thought, interpretation of reality by the subject. The way a person interprets reality, also influences their feelings.
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