Sagacity › Semester › Reggaeton › Visage › Hostage › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. sagacity
  2. semester
  3. reggaeton
  4. visage
  5. hostage

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

sagacity › Definition and Meaning

Sagacity is a quality of intellectual type. It consists of putting up a reflection in order to clarify an issue or solve a problem. The person who has this ability is someone clever. Our sagacious language is synonymous with sharp, thoughtful, insightful, clever or cunning.
The person who is characterized by his sagacity is usually observant and analytical and able to relate different aspects with some relationship between them.
The type of reasoning which manifests itself in the shrewd person usually combines a number of elements (data and evidence) with the aim of reaching a conclusion final. In this sense, one could say that the sagacious individual is able to compose a messy puzzle in something definite and finished.

On the basis of deductive or inductive methods

Sagacity is a process of reasoning, which must be based on some method. Basically it is possible to establish two methods: the inductive or deductive. The first objective is based on the accumulation of information, its classification and final stage a theory that explains the regularity of what is discussed (in other words, induction of the particular to general conclusions) is proposed.
The deductive part of a hypothesis intended to explain facts and subsequently a number of consequences which are finally counterstained with specific comments or data are deducted. It would not be possible to consider the sagacity without any rational method linked to it. However, it is also necessary that the rational component is accompanied by a certain intuition and a dose of experience.

A classic example of Acumen

In the history of literature and more specifically in the genre of the novel is a kind of character whose main characteristic is the sagacity, the detective, who is the central protagonist of a subgenre, detective fiction (is considered a subgenre of the novel black). There are some famous examples of great researchers in fiction (Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Auguste Dupin or Philip Marlowe). These characters are usually faced with a challenge: solve a mysterious crime.
The approach of the plot of a crime is presented as a puzzle to puzzle mode. Detective sagacity makes the mystery elucidating go slowly. To achieve this, it is tying up loose ends, look insignificant details and all this, according to a methodology deductively or inductively and some aspects not strictly rational (the researcher has a space smell and can interpret some signs that usually go unnoticed).
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[ 2 ]

semester › Definition and Meaning

While space lasts six months

The concept semester is used in our language to indicate that space or time period that lasts six months.

Division of the Gregorian calendar in two semesters

The Gregorian calendar, so called because it was driven by the end of the sixteenth century by Pope Gregorio XIII, is a kind of calendar that was born in Europe at that time and is today used in practically everyone to systematize, organize and split time. Meanwhile, this calendar, consisting of twelve months has one year is usually divided into two semesters, ie two periods made up of six months each. The first semester begins with the new year and January then extends to June, while the second semester runs from July to December.

Used after checking some planning tasks and activities

For some tasks or activities the duration of one year can be very long for both its performance and results analysis, then, it is divided into semesters to it to make it shorter so.
The biannual division is widely used after checking with the planning of tasks and activities, whether on a personal level, as well as other orders, such as employment, educational, management of a company, among others.
There are many institutions educational courses that dictate training about a subject that often organize themselves on a semiannual period, and then will last for a period of six months. Those who wish to register once started must wait until next semester.

Individuals and companies organize activities and evaluate business performances in semesters

Also people organize some personal activities such as diet, exercise routines, among others, in periods of six months, in order to give continuity to them and make profits.
In the plane business, commercial, also very common to find the concept of semester, because normally this time period is used, once completed, to evaluate the result of sales achieved and thus determine if the semester was good or bad sales, if they increased or decreased, respectively.
The corporate balance sheets are also usually conducted in semesters and in this way you can compare how it turned out commercial activity in the first half of the year compared to the second.
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[ 3 ]

reggaeton › Definition and Meaning

The pace of the moment combination of Jamaican reggae, rap and hip hop

Reggaeton is a musical genre that has grown in recent years, reaching levels dissemination acceptance fantastic worldwide. It is a combination of Jamaican reggae, rap and hip hop. Undoubtedly, reggae, it has been one of the genres that best combined with other genres throughout its history and this occurred promptly with hip hop and rap, giving way to reggaeton.
Although its origins date back to the seventies of the last century, recently, in the nineties it begins to become popular and become one of the most popular music worldwide. We could say that soon spread but when it was time exceeded any expectation...

Hailing from the region of Central America and the Caribbean

It is native to the region of Central America and the Caribbean and therefore explained that most of the soloists and groups who interpret this rate originate from these areas.

Their Precursors he introduced elements of rap and hip hop that would give their signature sound

Meanwhile, it is located in Panama as the place from which it spread primarily as a result of the large number of Jamaican immigrants who came to this land in times of building the Panama Canal. The peculiarity is that introduced him to reggae elements of rap and hip hop that would give it its characteristic sound.
With running of the years this genre has evolved and so is that today's proposal is characterized by greater influence of hip hop, a fact that is apparent in the lyrics that are recited by their interpreters.

sensual dance and sentimental lyrics, the key to success

But besides the dominance of rap and hip hop in reggaeton today, two elements that make it unique, on the one hand, the lyrics, almost all speak to the woman and distinguish feelings especially, and on the other hand we can not ignore the sensuality with which it has imposed dancing this rate. Not only marked the same with regard to movements of the couple that dances but also in the interaction that has made moves that much closer to those who are deployed in a sexual relationship.
It should be noted that it is also correct to write it as reggaeton.
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[ 4 ]

visage › Definition and Meaning

Face expressing a particular feeling or emotion

The concept of face is in close association with the face or the face of a person because just appoints one face expressing a particular feeling or emotion, among the most common joy, happiness, sadness, fear, hatred, disappointment, anguish, among tantísimos others.

People communicate through our countenances

People usually give much importance to the face of our partners in any form of interaction, personal, professional, etc., because it gives us a complete idea of how that person feels at the time. No doubt people communicate through our countenances.
So if we are talking to a friend and his face denotes sadness we know that you are not having a good time and probably we may inquire happens and try to help him.
Simile thing happens if we see someone with a semblance of happiness, we know a priori that person is happy, content and therefore at this time has no problem that ails.
We should also note that there are persons to whom the countenance change them from one moment to another, either because they receive a pleasant or unpleasant news, or because they see a person who causes them happiness, or conversely, someone who causes him hate.
If you see a person brings happiness, countenance be presented with a smile and her eyes shine, while if you see someone who is not appreciated, that emotion will accompany countenance frowning.

Poor health also influences the face

We should also indicate that health decisive influence on the definition of a face. If someone is ill, suffering from a medical condition, you will have a bad face, denoting that is suffering a bad time health. Think of someone who has the flu, her face is characterized by small, glassy eyes, his nose appear red, their skin color appear more white than usual, among other physical signs.
Also, the concept can be applied to face things, objects, situations, elements, to indicate the appearance positive or negative they have. "The business of my brother does not have a good face."
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[ 5 ]

hostage › Definition and Meaning

Person captured with violence and against his will by a criminal with the intention to be your warranty

In our language the word hostage appoints a person who is taken by force, usually captured with violence and against his will, by a criminal, intending it to be his guarantee for the duration of negotiations with a third party, such as police, a negotiator. That is, the hostage is a kind of hostage, who is deprived of his liberty until the offender has decided to release imprisoned.

The letter to reach agreements or subsequent benefits to the criminal act

In bank robberies or houses it is very common that criminals take hostages to employees and customers, or the inhabitants of the house, respectively, to get out alive and escape from the police and have fences or also to achieve some agreement that benefits them if they surrender and release the hostages unharmed. Because normally the hostages are taken before this circumstance, when forces security corresponding intervened and physically come to the scene and somehow have cornered the wrongdoer.

A traumatic situation for hostage

It should be noted that this situation is always very traumatic for those who fall hostage because they receive usual physical and verbal threats all the time by criminals. There hostage-taking that can lead long hours and of course the hostage is one more tense and fearful is to be in the middle of a shootout between police and criminals or the offender decides to kill it impossible to get out safely and reach according to police.

hostage integrity privileging

If we look at the history of such attacks with hostage-taking, we find that can end well, with the offender giving himself after reaching an agreement and freeing the hostages, or failing that, too bad, hostage killed by criminals or the police if they are used as human shields to escape.
However, we must emphasize that the police always favors the lives of the hostages and that is that unless an act crazy by the offender, police, does not attack the captor if it is the life of the hostage in the middle.
Of course hostage taking is a crime and the author of the fact it fits a penalty for that.
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