Secondary Sector › Greek Gods › Preordained › Intelecto › Diversification › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. secondary sector
  2. Greek Gods
  3. Preordained
  4. Intelecto
  5. diversification

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

secondary sector › Definition and Meaning

To better understand the economic activity as a whole a used scheme in which different sectors of separate economy. There are three main sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary. This classification is very useful for understanding the complexity of the economy and its many aspects and variables.
The primary sector is one that is dedicated to obtain raw materials from nature. Includes the following activities: agriculture, fishing, hunting and, ultimately, all those who have direct contact with the natural environment.
The secondary sector is one that, with reference to the products obtained in the primary, develops industry. It is also considered that the construction and mining are those of the same activities.
The tertiary sector deals in business and services.
There have always been these three sectors, and in ancient times the economy had three branches or trends. But it was after the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century when the secondary sector began to develop. With the emergence of a new technology (the steam is the symbol of this stage) and new energy sources, humans started large factories where all kinds of products were produced. The machinery replaced labor, which has been declining gradually. Thanks to its ability to transform the industrial sector and its variants have not stopped growing since. Technology has been the engine of the secondary sector.
An example may be valid for understanding the relationship between the three areas. Tree wood, which goes to a lumber industry where furniture that finally ends in a commercial establishment in which the consumer can purchase a good (one piece of furniture for the kitchen, for example) is prepared is extracted.
For the economy of a country to function properly and within a balanced parameters, analysts agree on the importance of the secondary sector. It is key in many ways: for exports, research, employment, etc.
The secondary sector is constantly evolving and today stated that we are in a post - industrial stage, where traditional industry has increasingly less relevant. The industry is no longer the main focus of economic activity, but are the new engine services. This situation is framed within the globalization, the current model of the economy.
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[ 2 ]

Greek Gods › Definition and Meaning

At present there are different religions in the world. Most of them are monotheists (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) and believe in the existence of one God. Prior to the emergence of these religions, other cultures had polytheistic beliefs. The civilization Greek, which began to be developed 2000 years before Christ, believed there were many gods.
Scholars of ancient Greece agree on the idea that the phenomena of nature ( rain, lightning and all kinds of natural manifestations) could only be explained by a deity for each phenomenon, as they had no scientific explanation of reality nor the idea of a creator God.
For the Greeks, the gods are among us, participate in everyday life despite their powers extraordinarios.Las two main sources we have to know the characteristics of the gods are the Odyssey and the Iliad of Homer. They are two great poems, Homer explains the history, culture and the intervention of the gods in society.
The gods lived on monte Olimpo (so it is said they were Olympians) and had apparently human. Each had their strengths and weaknesses. The main god was Zeus, the ruler of the other deities. Apollo is the god of the sun and is the son of Zeus, and the god of agriculture and livestock. Hermes has magical powers. Hera is the goddess of marriage and has a vindictiveness. Each of the gods has a function, some skills and comportamiento.Tradicionalmente, a list of twelve gods used. These are divinities that are part of a genealogy, as if they were related. Its importance was such that the Romans incorporated them into their culture, but with a change in names (for example, the Greek Zeus became Jupiter to the Romans).
The gods have problems, defects and temperament characteristic. Their stories serve as symbols to humanity (eg Nietzsche used to Apollo and Dionysus to explain human behavior trends). Greek gods and their world are studied in Greek mythology, fictitious stories in which there are heroes, men and gods coexist. Men can get the intervention of the gods through sacrifices or going to a place (the oracle) to some god help them.
The Greek gods are part of the history of ancient times, but their stories remain alive in the present. In art, cinema, symbology and, ultimately, in any of the cultural events of today.
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[ 3 ]

Preordained › Definition and Meaning

Predestination is a term belonging to religious or spiritual terrain. The idea is to relate to something with the principle that originates and is God who organizes such a principle. God is almighty and, therefore, knows even what will happen in the future. Know what will be the events of humanity in general and people in particular.
According to this view people are destined to something; Success or failure is already written in the divine mind. Consequently, an individual is predestined in his life. He does not really know, since only God knows the plans He has for each individual. This approach incorporates a problem: if defined how we act and what will happen to us, what is our margin of freedom staff?
Proponents of predestination are basically two religious traditions: Calvinism and Buddhism. According to Calvinists are predestined for good and for bad (to save or condemn). This does not mean that we should not behave correctly. It is rather the opposite: we must be good in order to get closer to understanding staff if you are one of those chosen by God parala salvation. It is a complex, highly debated, with multiple interpretations and implications idea of individual freedom, will, motivation, etc.
Buddhists have their own approach predestination. Every individual has a karma, an internal mechanism that acts on reality. If we think positively, positive things we create. There is a relationship between what we think and the projection of ideas. Each effect is linked to a cause and men have the ability to enhance the thinking kind to spread goodness.
If anyone is predestined to something it is because a higher entity (God or a project intelligent nature) has planned our destiny. If we are fated, this means that we have been chosen. We have a gift, something special. We have been selected with a purpose and, although there is no clear evidence to prove it, some people are convinced to be predestined. If they get success, they believe they have met the great plans he had for them. If they fail, they do not blame it because they had been chosen for a reason for failure. Predestination has, from the psychological point of view, a great utility.
Consider that there is predestination predestined people and there is a widespread idea. They defend those who believe in destiny as a force cosmic that moves the world. Some philosophers and scientists use the concept of determinism as a principle that bears some resemblance to predestination. According to determinism phenomena of nature have its laws and mechanisms and nothing can happen outside of them.
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[ 4 ]

Intelecto › Definition and Meaning

There is general agreement on the idea that human beings are the only living being that has some advanced mental faculties. These capabilities are summarized in the concept of reasoning. Why states that are rational animals. And the reason is based on intellect.
People are surrounded by images, things and events. To order and understand all this, we start our intellect, the ability to comprehensively assimilate the reality around us.
From the psychology and related disciplines, it attempts to measure human intellect. There is evidence (the test of intelligence ) evaluating the various mental abilities (type spatial, verbal, logical, etc.). Thus, it is possible to know what the IQ of someone. It is a procedure that measures a value concrete and intellect.
In recent decades, the intellect no longer valued as highly as the main factor of understanding. He has appeared a new concept: emotional intelligence. Managing our emotions and feelings is important and we can not say that we are intelligent if our affective and emotional life is a mess because we can not address the problems associated with sentimental.
Reflection on the intellect has traditionally done on humans. However, ethology ( the science that studies the behavior of animals) also analyzes the intellect of the different species. It is shown that some animals, especially mammals, are able to process information and therefore have an intellect.
In addition to human and animal intellect, there is artificial intelligence. It is a knowledge that has developed in recent decades and certainly has many applications. The human intellect creates another kind of intellect, artificial, and this may in some respects exceed the possibilities of the human mind.
It is believed that in the Middle Ages when the idea arose intellect. Medieval philosophers distinguish two sources of knowledge: faith and reason. Through faith man understands some ideas (God, eternity, etc). Through reason, the human being is able to understand the complexity of the world. And the reason is expressed through the intellect. There is ample discussion on concerning the intellect. Some current state that is based on the observation of the senses (empiricism). Other current consider the information from the senses does not explain all mental processes as there are ideas that do not require any experience based on observation (rationalism).
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diversification › Definition and Meaning

Something different is something that has variety. And diversification refers to the procedures and various actions regarding something. The idea is simple: to transform one thing into another.
It is in the business arena where this concept is used. Diversification is a strategy business. Some entities are engaged in the sale of a product or service. Your marketing can be profitable, but there is a risk that competitors achieve significant market share. Faced with this threat diversification: a new entrepreneurial approach is activated. It is dividing the effort. A product or service ceases to be the central element and others appear.
The main purpose of diversification is to reduce risk. It's easier than a product fails in the market that are five that do not work. In addition to minimizing risk, diversification aims to exploit the prestige and brand image for the additional benefit. Another aspect of business diversification is finding new markets. It's a trend own business, investment and business activity as a whole.
An individual may also have a strategy of diversification in its investments. Instead of putting your money into an investment fund, you decide to invest in several entities. The loss of part of the investment does not involve all of it.
In popular language there are expressions referring to diversification. There is a saying that reads: Do not put all your eggs in one basket. It is advice applicable to many circumstances.
The development of educational systems or models, diversification approaches are used to organize the teaching of certain groups with special characteristics. There are students with difficulties learning or have some kind of disability. So that they can be integrated into the school curriculum diversification plans, ie projects tailored to their personal circumstances are made. For the school to be inclusive and not any kind of marginalization, it is necessary to apply different learning methods, since a system is not useful for everyone. Therein lies the educational diversification.
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