Obviousness › Sighting › Tapioca › Early Education › Reset › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. obviousness
  2. sighting
  3. tapioca
  4. Early Education
  5. reset

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

obviousness › Definition and Meaning

It is considered that a statement is a no-brainer when you do not need any explanation because it is totally obvious. Something obvious when it is absolutely clear and does not need any clarification.

Examples of obviedades

If someone says that you have to work a job or you win the lottery is a matter of luck, we are faced with two truisms. These statements are somehow unnecessary, as complementary and provide no interesting statement. Before including a partner can not disagree, because they are necessarily true.
In everyday use of language it is said that something is obvious to indicate that it is a platitude, ie without any relevant information. Sometimes they say "this is obvious" to mean being accordingly (in this sense, is to say "of course").
When we communicate can employ a number of synonyms to replace the term obviousness (clear or apparent would be the most common).

What seems obvious is not always

There are claims that are properly obvious; for example the cakes taste sweet. However, other statements are considered obvious, but this assessment is more debatable. Let 's look at this case with two classic examples: the woman is the weaker sex and the earth is the center of the universe. Both statements were understood as evident for centuries.

Developments in the image of women and their struggle for equality with men

It was felt that women were inferior to men and that, therefore, was the weak by definition sex. This assessment has been changing over time and today is considered a false claim, because the woman has demonstrated its strength in many ways. The idea that the Earth was at the center of the universe was understood as something typical of common sense for centuries and valuation change was very slow (over geocentric to heliocentric was quite a revolution ). In conclusion, these simple examples show that it pays to be cautious when assessing certain claims as obvious.
Remember that some platitudes go unnoticed, something that apparently can be contradictory. This idea can be illustrated by a classic example, the story of the Emperor 's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen. In this story, The Emperor's New Clothes was a nonexistent suit and could only appreciate smart people.
Thus, when the emperor went naked to show off his suit no one dared to say he was naked though it was obvious. Obviousness that everyone saw but no one dared to comment only discovered when a child dared to say factly that the emperor was naked.
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[ 2 ]

sighting › Definition and Meaning

Reaching see something with our own eyes

The concept of sighting is used in our language to refer that indeed we are seeing with our eyes something is, through our eyes we fail to see anything.

Unusual or unexpected observation of phenomena

The concept is particularly associated with the observation of a phenomenon unique or unexpected, as is the case of sighting of a UFO (flying object unidentified) or some event including such as the sighting of a marine animal, such as whales, that are seen in some areas at certain times of the year.

UFO sighting, believe or not to believe?

In the case of UFO sightings we could say that sends surprise and that is why the word is linked to this situation. A situation quite out of the ordinary that can be seen in the sky a ship without identification is not considered plane. The sighting of this type is usually surrounded by a halo of mystery and often wake up at the same time fervent beliefs and much disbelief.
But beyond whether this is credible or not we should say that the sighting of UFOs is often recurrent on our planet and this has led to the development of a discipline, Ufology, which deals with the study and collect testimonials those who claim to have seen UFOs.

Watching marine animals, an attraction that brings many followers

Meanwhile the sighting of cetaceans or marine animals is a practice that brings together many supporters and onlookers around the world and involving whale watching and other marine animals in their natural surroundings with all the magic involved.
Even around this practice has developed a fledgling tourism industry that promotes just and offers tours to areas where these animals can be spotted.

geographical discoveries

Also, the word is often used in terms of geographical explorations to indicate that it has discovered a territory. Spanish and Portuguese sailors who arrived recurrently the continent American after the discovery of Cristóbal Colón sighted land that used to cry when they could be seen from the mainland ship.
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[ 3 ]

tapioca › Definition and Meaning

Starch obtained from cassava and is used to prepare food

Tapioca starch is a carbohydrate or a powder obtained from cassava. Cassava is just a shrub very appreciated in the whole world because of its root is possible tapioca mentioned extract, hyper flour used after checking with the food and restaurant industry.

The most valuable food of primitive peoples

We must emphasize that cassava is consumed since ancient times, for example, the Indians living in the Amazon region knew it used to make a cookie format flat round were the protagonists of the great celebrations such as parties and births where the served the guests.

Tapioca soup

Today, it's used as the key ingredient in tapioca soup. The same is added salt and chicken broth. It is easy to prepare since only to be boiled broth will then espolvoreará tapioca.

Huge nutritional value

But besides the culinary use that is given to it since ancient times to make cookies as stated above and also soups and puddings, among others, tapioca, is highly prized by the nutritional value it has and is manifested in a series of health benefits when consuming it.

Rich in starch, a tremendous energy input to the body

As all starch is rich in starch and thereby becomes a food with a tremendous energy input. For this reason it is recommended to consume the high - performance athletes and children and adolescents in the middle stage of growth and development.

Ideal in slimming diets for celiacs and to counter conditions such as heartburn

Another outstanding issue here is its easy digestion with which we will provide satiety and reduce appetite. This makes it an excellent alternative diets.
Also, the digestive property that holds the Tapioca makes it an ideal place to consume in cases heartburn or gastritis are suffering from food
On the other hand we must say that being a gluten - free food its recommended consumption by coeliacs because besides being a tasty food per se will not risk your health.
The cultivation of tapioca occurs primarily in the continent American and is almost exclusive to nations such as Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay.
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[ 4 ]

Early Education › Definition and Meaning

Education is the most important in terms of socialization and learning process

The education is undoubtedly the most important, in terms of process socialization and learning, affecting people. It takes place in specialized institutions and with regard to the basic training of an individual should be mandatory anywhere in the world.
Because education opens doors as the saying goes, but their absence or educational deficiency may pose a crucial problem in access to opportunities for development and progress of a person.
As long as a result of the above it is that education turns out to be a fundamental part of the life of a person and runs from early age to youth, even so decides who can continue it beyond the required times.

educational service provided to the child population between 45 days and five years

Early childhood education is, as its name anticipates, at the beginning of the educational process and then as such has the mission of providing educational services to the population child who is between 45 days old and up to five years.
The initial education corresponds to the pre-training cycle primary education compulsory and usually starts at the age of six years.
Many also call it preschool.

The child develops mental and physical skills that will be critical to its future development

This time of life is very important because the child develops mental and physical abilities that with proper training will be central to its future development.

Mainly based on the game

We must emphasize that early childhood education is mainly based on the playful, ie, put the game in the middle of the scene and as essential for children to commit attractive. Since the game will attempt to train students in all fields of knowledge such as language and literature, science, mathematics, music, physical education and of course provide an approach to writing and reading, two key issues in the educational process.

Affective meet demands and provide social support

But besides the strictly curricular initial education must engage with other areas that also affect students of this age and that is why we must also serve well the demands of knowledge, affective and be an effective social support for young children and growth stage.
It is important to achieve the objectives that the school of this level to work together and in harmony with the parents of students.
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[ 5 ]

reset › Definition and Meaning

Reset action is back to normal with respect to an activity. This way, if something stops working temporarily and subsequently there is a return to the initial activity there is a reset.
It is appreciated, therefore, that this term implies that there is a situation change and transformation. In general, the process is as follows: there is something that happens in a standardized way, then there is an absence of activity for some reason and finally comes the restoration, in which there is a resumption of what has been abandoned. Applying this idea to a specific case, negotiations between employers and unions. After a period of dialogue to reach an agreement, the two sides decided to break the negotiation and dialogue resumes when the situation is restored, indicating that the dialogue is resumed again.
In the mass media and in everyday language we speak of restoring in various contexts: negotiations, personal disputes or even in the field of telephone services (restoration of service means that you can already use after a period with some circumstance prevented its use).

Restoring health

When someone is sick needs a series of care and attention. After the medical treatment the patient is still not one hundred percent recovered, it needs to get back to normal. This transition period between the end of a disease or condition and return to everyday activity is precisely the stage of restoring health. The time spent in the full restoration of health depends on many factors, but in any case it is a concept closely associated with the recovery of the patient. In fact, doctors often specify the approximate time to complete rehabilitation.
Some medical techniques are based on an immediate restoration of the patient (eg, CPR, also known by its acronym CPR and is popularly referred to as first aid )

Restore order

From a perspective social events occur that alter the daily order (strikes, demonstrations or riots). These actions may cause damage to street furniture and a range of negative effects for citizens in general (say for example a strike in the cleaning of a city). When this phenomenon is common ending stock of the damage is done. After analyzing the consequences attempting to restore the situation as soon as possible.
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