What Is Lol, Omg, Yolo, Btw, Xoxo, Wtf › Unisex › Pivot › Tentenpie (Appetizer) › Red Tea, Green Tea, Black Tea › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. What is LOL, OMG, YOLO, btw, XOXO, WTF
  2. unisex
  3. pivot
  4. Tentenpie (appetizer)
  5. Red Tea, Green Tea, Black Tea

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

What is LOL, OMG, YOLO, btw, XOXO, WTF › Definition and Meaning

The acronym title of this post does not refer to trademarks of a product, but are acronyms in English that are related to the language associated with new technologies and that are part of the communication global.

These abbreviations are used to indicate abbreviated something is fun

Thus, LOL corresponds to "Laughing out loud" an expression equivalent to "I'm dying of laughter." LOL is also used to express love, since it comes from the English expression "Lots of love". A third meaning of the acronym refers to a battle game very popular online version, "League of Legends".

in English is a widely used in everyday language exclamation, "Oh, my god"

It could be translated as "My God!" but really it has nothing to do with God, but she communicates with amazement or surprise at something and can also express complaint or overwhelmed. OMG is a catchphrase that is used in all circumstances.

is the literal translation of a very common expression in English, "You only live once", ie only live once

So if someone wants to communicate you need to enjoy life intensely you can write YOLO.

These abbreviations correspond to the term "by the way", meaning by the way

It is used in various contexts: to make a brief interruption in conversation, to remember something else or to end a conversation is boring. A lesser known partiality BTW refers to return to work or "back to work".

In the Anglo - Saxon world XOXO written at the end of a text on social networks and farewell is a formula or a way to congratulate someone for some reason

Stands for "hugs and kisses". These abbreviations not correspond directly with its true meaning (Kiss and hugs, hugging and kissing) because it is a representation symbolic kiss and X equals O to embrace. When used in plural just becoming XOXO.

The origin of the acronym WTF is in the title of a song by a British DJ Fatboy Slim whose pseudonym is

The title is "What the fuck?" Which in Spanish could be translated as "what the fuck?" or "What a bitch!" or similar colloquial expressions. So, if we see written WTF we know that someone communicates his protest or upset about something.

A reflection on this new language

Languages change and evolve in a natural way. It is a phenomenon that is neither good nor bad, but it is inevitable. However, the misuse of these acronyms can impoverish the language and distort communication. Imagine someone writes a twitter the following: "About what you say, the truth is that LOL and BTW commented that tomorrow you could go together to the party, because he remembers that YOLO XOXO.". This brief message would make sense, but shows that this type of acronyms, like any other word should be used in the right context and with the doses needed.
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[ 2 ]

unisex › Definition and Meaning

Differences in gender between men and women have resulted in many topics that, in many cases, still are prolonged. For example, there is a stereotype that girls wear pink and baby blue. For this reason, and thanks to the struggle for equality gender roles saves the difference between men and women, successful initiatives charge unisex clothing that also dress them and them. That is, they are brands that offer comfortable and practical clothing for men and women use.

unisex fashion

This type of clothing is perfect for creating neutral looks. From this trend emerges greater freedom in dress because each person can freely decide whether to divest of certain stereotypes. For example, this type of fashion is a success for feminism as women can put aside the image of sensuality and femininity traditionally understood in dress from a specific style. Some brands such as Zara and Diesel have chosen to create unisex lines.
The unisex clothing has great potential in the industry textiles. It owes much to the legendary designer Coco Chanel revolutionized the concept of elegance to go beyond the typical women 's clothing to make way for proposals typically male patterns so far.
Currently, the jeans is a very feminine and frequent garment in the wardrobe of them. It is a basic style. However, the cowboy was even some synonymous menswear decades ago. Society evolves at different levels. And fashion is also a reflection of the changing social and gender equality. Similarly, it ties usually associated with look male may also have presence in a look of girl who breaks with convention.

Perfume and footwear

Similarly, the unisex concept can refer to other elements of beauty. For example, a perfume whose aroma is perfect for both. Similarly, some shoe brands present proposals for all of them unisex shoes. In the cosmetic market moisturizers that offer an equally valuable to them and they are also made treatment.
Photo: Fotolia - Graf Vishenka
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[ 3 ]

pivot › Definition and Meaning

The word pivot or pivot has a meaning or another depending on the context in which it is used. There are three areas in which it is possible to use, in relation to mechanics, in certain sports team and world business.

In the world of mechanics

Some devices or machines operate with fixed joint systems that allow a structure can move or rotate independently. To make this possible a fixed point or axis acting as a support or pivot is used. Thus, the pivot guide is what allows a machine to a place.
This structure has different types (no mechanical and hydraulic pivots and pivot joints are the skeletal system, for example in human knees).

In some team sports

In most team sports each player has a specific function depending on their physical and technical qualities. Figure pivot or pivot plays an important role in basketball and handball.
In basketball, the role of power forward normally exerts a player of great stature. This feature allows you to be useful both in defense and attack and always near the rim. When I defend the power forward can clog launches rivals or block their positions and when attacking its height allows you to collect more easily rebounds.
Pívot handball is also a high physical strength and great player. Its main function is to unlock the defense of the opposing team in order to create space for other players on your team can throw the ball to the opponent 's goal more easily.
In other team sports such as rugby or volleyball, the figure of the pivot there.

Pivot in business strategy

When something swivels pivot action occurs. However, in business terminology it used the word pivot in a very particular sense. It speaks of the ability to pivot of a company to refer to a specific quality: adapting to changes and new trends. Thus, a company pivots when fitted with agility and speed to the processes of change occurring around them.
Therefore, the idea of pivoting means changing and involves a shift in strategy early in order to seek greater profitability (eg swing a company can be based on a radical change in policy pricing or alter the initial model of business).
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[ 4 ]

Tentenpie (appetizer) › Definition and Meaning

Around food tour much of the routine of a human being, not just because food is a matter of survival but, around the table, they also live emotions shared. Tentenpie a snack or a light meal is taken between meals, shortly before one of the main meals, noon or night. In some countries, for example, in Spain, this appetizer is a usual habit, a simple pleasure to avoid excessive reach hungry at mealtime.

A light meal

In other countries, the appetizer also has a festive character, ie, reserved for special occasions. The type of food varies depending on the gastronomic culture of each country. In Spain, when the snack has a festive character, it serves to whet your appetite, ie to whet the appetite. Thus, enjoy this gastronomic pleasure is linked to the continuation of an appetizing menu.
Currently, it is common for many couples when organizing their wedding, before the banquet, pay homage to the guests with a varied appetizer which take fried, cheese and simple to chop dishes. One of the keys is that no appetizer knife and fork to enjoy these dishes is used but in many cases, are made by hand.
In some celebrations, the snack is also a formula saving alternative to a banquet. That is, many baptisms, weddings and celebrations of gold give such prominence to a varied snack. The Tentenpie is the food that is enjoyed a snack, drink also. A snack is not only cheaper but also easier to prepare. For this reason, it is a solution comfortable to celebrate events with several guests, simplifying the preparation and resources required.

Types of Tentenpie

Light recipes, nuts, toast to brighten the palate... There are also more formal snacks in which it is possible to prepare recipes to take with cutlery. Through internet in cooking blogs and books rcetas you find a good source of inspiration to honor your guests with small simple and tasty treats. A combination that is inherent to snack.
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[ 5 ]

Red Tea, Green Tea, Black Tea › Definition and Meaning

We analyze the three variants of tea most valuable and popular that can be encuentrar, its origins, and its health benefits and day. We refer to Green Tea, Red and Black, each with its peculiarities that provide unique personalities.


The green tea is a drink of Asian origin has gained popularity globally in recent times for its great health benefits.
It is derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, distributed mainly in China, Vietnam and Japan. These cultures revolved around you, being common to be the protagonist of important rituals and ceremonies in their honor. Today it is possible to obtain as dry leaves for use as an infusion, in the form of bottled iced tea or even packaging and processing as a nutritional supplement.

Polyphenols, the key benefits of green tea

Green tea is rich in polyphenols, it is related to flavonoids, substances known widely for its molecules antioxidant effects.
One of the most abundant polyphenols in green tea is the Galatae gallate, which has the ability to inhibit some related processes metabolism of fatty acids which helps to reduce body fat, a fact that besides improving the aesthetic appearance of the individual protects the cardiovascular system.
These substances are also able to improve the functioning of the nervous system by several mechanisms. On the one hand, the production of some neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin and dopamine related modulated feeling of well - being, happiness and anxiety, the other has shown that green tea is able to favor the development of new connections between neurons, which relates to the memory capacity and learning. The latter relates to the fact that people who regularly consume this type will have a lower risk of developing degenerative diseases of the nervous system such as Parkinson 's and Alzheimer's.
All these effects get help there is a lower risk of developing major chronic diseases affecting the Western world, such as cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes), metabolic problems such as insulin resistance and diabetes and even cancer, which ultimately explains why green tea is able to increase longevity.

The proportion of polyphenols is not the same in all presentations of green tea

It has been seen that there are differences in the concentrations of the components of green tea among its various presentations, especially in bottled form.
Processing of green tea can decrease its amount of antioxidants so it's a good choice to opt for the natural tea prepared at home.
The ideal way to prepare the infusion is to add boiling water to a cup or container in which previously have placed the tea leaves, the ideal ratio is one teaspoon per cup of water, stir and allow to cool slightly if it 's going to take hot, also can be placed in the refrigerator if the cold tea is preferred. If you want to increase your antioxidant power should add a few drops of lemon, because vitamin C helps to better assimilate polyphenols.


The red tea is a type of tea that is obtained from Camellia sinensis leaves of the tree, the same from which green tea, only these are subjected to a processing such that very different causes also vary the properties of this plant.
It is native to southern China, where it is known as Pu-erh since ancient times, and that was the town where it originated some four thousand years ago about being highly appreciated among emperors and nobility for their properties medicinal.

I red, a vintage tea

Initially the leaves of this type of tea is obtained are green. Once grown are compressed and dried in cavernous sites, where they remain for many years, during which they are subjected to a series of traditional processes that can be modified and reach maturation culminating in the fermentation of the leaves, leading to these change their color to a deep red tone. This color change is achieved when the tea reaches about fifty to sixty years in this process.
Once ready for consumption packaged compressed and wrapped in paper into small bricks. So far their use is likely to continue experiencing the fermentation process, as long as it is kept in a cool place with low humidity and away from the sun.
As with other types of tea, water should be placed near the boiling point but that is not boiling yet, after which cover and let stand for a few minutes before being ingested.

Red tea has a variety of qualities

This tea has a composition rich in antioxidants, flavonoid predominantly a type known as catechins, with a low amount of other components present in tea, such as caffeine and tannin.
Its use has been associated with beneficial effects mainly metabolic type. It has a fat - burning effect that lowers body weight and blood cholesterol levels are reduced also decreases insulin resistance so it has a protective effect on the liver. These effects contribute to preventing hypertension and its complications such as heart failure and stroke.
Besides this, red tea has a beneficial effect on the immune system, leading to resistance to develop both infections as various types of tumors increases.
Its effect on the circulatory system is also responsible for improving male sexual function.


The black tea is a variety of tea obtained from the plant Camellia sinensis, the same of green tea and red tea are obtained. In the case of black tea, this is achieved by using leaves and stems aging, which changes its properties and its effects on the body as well as its appearance and flavor.
This kind of is you originated in China, was adopted by the British who included it as an important part of their culture and introduced in Sri Lanka and India, the latter a variety of black tea known as Darjeeling tea is obtained, considered by the expert as the best variety of black tea in the world.

Black tea has a powerful stimulating effect

One of the main effects of black tea is its ability to stimulate mental activity, resulting in increased alertness and intellectual activity, this relates to the fact that black tea contains more caffeine than others varieties of tea.
The reason for this lies in the process suffering the leaves until they are converted into the tea ready for consumption. These besides the traditional processing for wiping and withering the leaves are subjected to an environment with temperature and humidity controlled that allow it to carry out the oxidation of various components present in the sheet, making new compounds originating that They offer different qualities to tea.

Effects of black tea on health

The black tea is part of the pharmacopoeia of traditional Chinese medicine. For years it was used in the prevention of various disorders and to stimulate mental activity and promote alertness.
An important effect is its ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, while helping to increase blood pressure in people who has low blood pressure, improving cerebral circulation in these cases.
Several studies have confirmed the effect of black tea on artery walls, it being evident that reduce the risk of thickening and hardening of the arteries wall characterizes disorders such as arteriosclerosis. It has also been seen in people who have suffered heart attacks, those who had the habit of taking black tea regularly had a lower risk of dying from these events.
They have also been described benefits of black tea on metabolism, characterized by decreased risk of developing disorders such as osteoporosis, as well as the occurrence of kidney stones.
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