What Is Decanting › Sedimentation › Arnica › Melissa › Scoundrel › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. What is Decanting
  2. sedimentation
  3. arnica
  4. melissa
  5. scoundrel

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

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What is Decanting › Definition and Meaning

Process separating a solid from a thick liquid

Decanting is a process that deals with the separation of a dense solid or liquid other fluid that is characterized by less dense and then by this feature will occupy the top of the mixture forming both. It is widely used to separate mixtures of heterogeneous type which are formed by a substance solid and a liquid or two dense liquids.
Although often the terms are used interchangeably, we note that the decantation is not matched by sedimentation, because actually the latter is acting gravity separating the solids from the liquid.

It used to instances of water purification How is the process?

This procedure is recurrent in the processes of purification of water to thus extract the heavier particles before proceeding to the filtration. It allowed to stand and observed a certain time the solid particles suspended in the liquid will be deposited at the bottom of the container.
Once the action mentioned just holds the liquid be transferred to another container and leave the basis of the solid material and can be removed very simply.
Decanting is not viable in mixtures homogeneous type such as water and alcohol, while it is possible in such heterogeneous mixtures is the case of water and oil.
To carry out the process of decanting a separator in which the mixture is placed in question is used. Water is descending to the base oil while its intrinsic characteristics remain on the container surface. When the key of the ampoule is opened the liquid will transfer to a container placed under the blister. Then the key is closed so that the decantation is achieved a success.

colloquial use

As usual result is that the concept is used in the lenguajecoloquial with a symbolic meaning, to refer to those separations that occur for not belonging to integrate everything, being the separation factor different attitudes or opinions they express or represent.
Photo: iStock - Maxiphoto
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sedimentation › Definition and Meaning

The process of formation and deposition of sediments

The concept of sedimentation has a use exclusive in the field of geology since the same is called a process of formation and deposition of sediments.

What are sediments?

Sediments are solids that accumulate on the surface of the earth as a result of various processes and phenomena affecting the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and biosphere, including: wind, rain, climatic variations, drag water, action agents chemicals, among others.
Then, sedimentation is the procedure through which these solid materials are deposited in certain areas of the surface and in some cases are able to make the appearance and appearance of the area.

The most common is generated by entrainment of water from the solid material

One of the most common sedimentations happens with the solid material is mobilized by a stream and deposited by it in the bottom of the river in an artificial canal in a reservoir or in a space that was specially built for the sediment accumulates there.
Water currents and involving high flow velocity entrainment are capable of carrying sediments, are therefore the areas characterized by depressions in which usually occur sedimentation. These depressions in which accumulated sediments appear is popularly known as sedimentary basins. The law of gravity is largely responsible for settling. On the contrary, the raised areas are affected by the erosion process.

Procedure involved in water purification and sewage treatment

We note that sedimentation is a need to process instances of the purification of water and wastewater treatment. Recall that clean drinking water is a fundamental and very important process so that the water is optimized for consumption human and does not involve any risk to health and the treatment of wastewater is a process that involves several actions to to eliminate or reduce to a minimum the pollution of water.
There are some devices that assist in the production of sedimentation in the aforementioned cases such as: sand trap, decanters and filter prey. All retention pursue those large solid parts.
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arnica › Definition and Meaning

The Arnica is one of the most popular natural remedies, is perhaps the most used for its analgesic and anti - inflammatory properties, both in ancient times and in the present.
Arnica montana is a plant that grows wild in the shape of tall stems of more than half a meter tall with long leaves and beautiful flowers yellow very characteristic. It is native to the mountainous areas of Europe, however today is widespread.

In what cases can be used Arnica?

Arnica is indicated in the case of blunt trauma, that is blows, especially if it occurs tissue damage with loss of blood, as is the case of ecchymosis (bruises) or hematomas accompanying falls, sprains, strains and muscle tears. It is also useful when muscle soreness after exercise or pain on training.
In all these cases closed lesions without tearing or breaking of arnica skin is applied directly to the affected area two or three times daily area, for it is available preparations cream, gel or oil essential. It can also be placed flowers and leaves macerated directly on the affected area floor.
In those wounds where there is break in the skin it is advisable to use arnica orally as drops or beads of homeopathy several times a day. This is the route of administration preferred in the case of injuries to internal or deep lesions, and even in the case of surgical and postoperative wounds, where arnica helps reduce pain and inflammation and reabsorb hematomas or bruises to achieve a faster recovery of the patient.

Arnica, great ally of homeopathy

The medicine Homeopathic has a lot of remedies that help fight various symptoms, one of the employees is arnica, although there are many detractors of this treatment system can not be denied that the well indicated homeopathy can cure a lot of conditions.
Homeopathy arnica is used to combat the effects of blows, both physically and level described as emotional. It is a remedy that helps treat symptoms that start after an "emotional shock" such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain, infections or any other impairment of health that occurs when confronting a hurtful situation.
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[ 4 ]

melissa › Definition and Meaning

The melissa, called Melissa officinalis, is a plant used to prepare infusions for its sedative and relaxing properties.
It is native to Europe, especially in Mediterranean countries, where it grows wild near sources of water, this shrub can reach one meter in height, has oval leaves distributed oppositely and flowers white small. It can be planted in pots and grown in the home.

Active principles contained in Melissa

Lemon balm leaves contain a number of responsible for their effects on the organism substances, these include terpenes, tannins and known for their antioxidant effects flavonoids.
In the case of terpenes, these molecules are used by plants to produce pigments that give both its flavor and its characteristic color, another important feature is that these substances are used by plants as precursors for the preparation of vitamins type A, E and K, are also involved in its antibacterial effect protective functions as well as repair processes cell.
Lemon balm also contains substances such as linalool, which gives a slight minty flavor, plus citroinella and citronelol, these three components give you the property to be used as a repellent for some insects and small arthropods such as fleas from pets.
Several studies have shown that linalool also has anticonvulsant effect ie it is able to stop seizures.

Main uses melissa

This plant is used to prepare infusions, being used for it leaves should be washed and placed in boiling water for a few minutes. This infusion can be both hot and cold, it has a pleasant aroma and flavor.
This will used by their soothing properties, reduces anxiety and accompanying symptoms such as tachycardia and elevated blood pressure of nervous origin or associated with conditions such as hyperthyroidism. It is also effective to induce sleep and help keep when this occurs uninterruptedly.
Another of its properties its antispasmodic effect, which makes it effective in relieving gastrointestinal discomfort such as cramps and stomach pain, especially when you have a nervous origin.
Lemon balm leaves can also be used to decorate various dishes, desserts and drinks mainly.
From melissa can be obtained essential oil, this is achieved by distillation both the leaves and the flower steam, it is also used for disorders nervous and digestive, as well as for relief of menstrual cramps.
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scoundrel › Definition and Meaning

wretched and miserable person who generates the contempt of society

Cad concept used in our language to refer to that person who shows mean and miserable in their actions and dealings with others. Usually by fact is that society despises such people, ie, one that is considered and rated as rabble will be despised. The word then has an absolute connotation negative.
The villain is so despicable and always associated with negative issues, such as the pettiness and the miserable, and then it is precisely this that makes it totally rejected and condemned by the common people. It is known, because it is proven that nothing good can come from that person or that stands out for being scoundrel. Most likely you deceive us, that makes us lose something valuable or hurt us in some way.
The rabble also generates actions can be categorized in the same way as rogue actions. A concrete example to show the concept would be that person who scam and keeps the donations were intended to be delivered in a foundation that is home to people affected by the floods. Stick with something that does not belong added to the recipients of the goods are in a very vulnerable situation makes him perfectly fit the label of villain.
While the attack or violation of the rights of any individual is to be condemned and considered scoundrel who makes it, we must emphasize that the scoundrel is mostly linked to those actions that attack defenseless people such as children and the elderly, or in defect, which are in a particularly vulnerable as victims of a natural disaster.
There is a myriad of factors internal and external that can make someone a scoundrel, the most recurrent we can cite the lack of restraint and love in childhood, have been maltreated, suspicion generated by the lack of opportunities in life, a psychological problem, among others.

Honest, contracara

The flipside of the scoundrel is honest, decent person acting seriously, respect, moderation, correctness, transparency and consistent with justice.
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